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Pure Ownage. This makes me Want to take DRG to 75 even faster
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DRG just earned more respect from me
Little by little people will realize DRG are the pwn ^^
Anyone ever considered DRG/NIN? ._.'
I mean, my friend who's a DRG was doing 400 dmg with penta thrust on some beetles and he got lots of hate cus he could build up tp pretty fast, he pratically was at the mercy of the PLD's cover sometimes... isnt RNG/NIN viable because they get lotsa hate and blink is there for the save? DRG _are_ up to par in RNG when it comes to dmg. (well atleast from my experience..)signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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i have to 2nd what grizzlebeard said.
on xp mobs, drg lacks hard hitting ws.
everytime i have a drg in pt with me, they have a hard time turning the mob for fuidama with wheeling thrust. dot is decent imho.Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
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LMAO.. is it just me or did that RNG suck ass?
Lets count how many times he used Utsusemi... hmm, none. Only at the start, once it was gone he didnt recast at all.
Also, I may have missed it, but i didnt see the RNG do a WS at all.
That DRG may have beaten that RNG, but most times RNG will own DRG easily.FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
FFXI: Shiva Server
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Rangers don't pwn 60 cap balista. It's actually quite easy to kill them at 60 cap fights, no matter what they sub. I'm a lot more afraid of sam/rng at 60 cap with fast tp gain, heavy armor, decent melee and ranged power--very few weaknesses.
Utsusemi:ichi is so slow to cast it's easy to interrupt, and the recast delay is long. Rangers have virtually no defense when you hit them too. :D By the time I get tp with my drk, they get one-shotted with a WS.
He stopped using utsusemi because he got psyched out from all the insta-hit jump cast interuptions, and rushed to catch up in damage, which was a mistake. Not to mention falling for a 3rd eye tactic.
He also cheated by starting the duel with a pre-charged barrage, and some tp so the drg wasn't able to use 3rd eye like the other fights. The rng did use sidewinder everytime he could--it still didn't save him.
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I didnt realize it was capped, my apologies. Still, Shadowbind should give plenty of time to recast utsusemi. He didnt make use of it properly.FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
FFXI: Shiva Server
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Originally posted by Gman
LMAO.. is it just me or did that RNG suck ass?
Also, I may have missed it, but i didnt see the RNG do a WS at all.
Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK
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Originally posted by Mikeb
The DRG dodged 2 sidewinders with Third Eye.FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
FFXI: Shiva Server
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Yea yea, it's never the Dargoon that might be skilled, the person that gets beat had to suck ass. Wow I've heard that so many times, it's just a cliche now. You know nothing about these people, and by judging a Ballista video you think you know their life stories.
It's time to hop off the Ranger bandwagon.
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Yeah I watched the video a while back and the DRG almost timed third eye right when the RNG used WS, so it's not a lack of skill on the RNG's part. I love how the RNG complains that his using Third Eye is cheap when the RNG himself is using Utsusemi (although one could argue it was because of the DRG using Third Eye, but most RNG I see use blinks).SAM 74
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aye, I do think that rng could've been a bit better but there's no denying it: just watch that second WS that gets anticipated. Very nicely done on the 'goon's part."And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"
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