For those of you who are like me, oblivious to the outside world, I thought Stratic's interview with the FFXI team was very interesting. For one, they're looking to better Dragoon:
Not only that but they look for suggestions on FFXI communities:
If we can come up with some well thought up and viable ideas SE may take them and turn them into something real. In the case of Dragoons it seems the subject is a little touchy; they know we want a change but they aren't sure how to change it to satisfy us. If we take Bungie as a recent example they changed several Halo 2 match types to include the battle rifle as the starting weapon. Bungie was bombarded with requests from the community so they implemented it, just to be bombarded with emails from the people who liked the SMG and didn't voice their opinion about the BR.
The point is that if they view our ideas on message boards they should be fully thought out and explored before posted.
FFXI Team:
Of course we plan to adjust things, just like for example the beastmaster which was originally very hard to use and so we added different abilities. Like before there was no release ability, so nobody was playing Beastmaster because they would just end up losing experience so now there is the release ability and so hopefully we will keep looking at what the Dragoon needs and add them like we did spirit link which heals your wyvern when before that wasn't possible. We constantly look for new things and feedback from people for example the Dragoon needs this or is no good because of this. We do realize that the Dragoon is much more popular with American players and want to better it because we know you like it.
Of course we plan to adjust things, just like for example the beastmaster which was originally very hard to use and so we added different abilities. Like before there was no release ability, so nobody was playing Beastmaster because they would just end up losing experience so now there is the release ability and so hopefully we will keep looking at what the Dragoon needs and add them like we did spirit link which heals your wyvern when before that wasn't possible. We constantly look for new things and feedback from people for example the Dragoon needs this or is no good because of this. We do realize that the Dragoon is much more popular with American players and want to better it because we know you like it.
FFXI Team:
For example we go to websites such as yours and look at threads. That would be our first priority for feedback is honest mediums such as yours.
For example we go to websites such as yours and look at threads. That would be our first priority for feedback is honest mediums such as yours.
The point is that if they view our ideas on message boards they should be fully thought out and explored before posted.