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  • 50-60?

    how long did it take to level 50-60 including AFs and all?
    i have about a month without school or work, do you think i can pull this off in a month without a static?

  • #2
    Took me two months to go from late 40s to 60 without a static, mainly because I had to get my AFs and do Limit breaks, and farm occasionally with buying new gear.

    Linkshell(s) : BritishGeezers, SoulPirates, ThreadsOfFate - Roleplaying LS of Ragnarok, and Anzana HNMls.


    • #3
      Probably not. But if you're lucky you might find a party or two.

      People are still very narrow minded when it comes to dragoons.


      • #4
        for me the 50-60 range for pts was slow. everyone af hunting at different times, an so many who havent done the geneki II. plus there was always like 15+ pld within a 3 lvl range of me.

        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


        • #5
          I believe this will be 100th time I've said this: MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN PARTIES!!!!!!! if you do that you can make it fast if you can get ppl for AF and genkai's.
          DRG:75 WAR:37 NIN:65 THF:37 WHM:37
          Next Project: Ninja to 75.
          Genkai 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 completed
          Ose: 0/10 fuck assault jerkin I got a Scorpion Harness.
          (sky), Impulse Drive: O
          Gods killed: Genbu, Seiryu, Suzaku, Byakko and KIRIN!!
          Other NMs/HNMs killed: Behemoth, Adamantoise, Aspidoschlone, Fafnir and Nidhogg
          New Dragons: Tiamat, Vrtra now!
          CoP: Mission 3-5
          My stuff:
          Hectacomb Harness: O
          2 Angel skins lost -_-;


          • #6
            I believe this will be 100th time I've said this: MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN PARTIES!!!!!!! if you do that you can make it fast if you can get ppl for AF and genkai's.
            Your a very angry little man..

            Took my dragoon to get to 60 from 50 was about 2-3 months. Mainly because I was lazy at leveling and I needed to farm items for my monk.


            • #7
              people who say " make your own pts" should be lead out to the wood shed, then be given 1 pop right between the eyes.

              i mean seriously you have no experience with such a situation over all of S.E servers. so while yes maybe it was great for you on you server most other servers maybe given certain situations. may just be to difficult.

              af at 54, af at 56. geneki II at 55. these are some of the busiest times in the game. add in the number of tanks, dd, an mages. seeking/on verse server's populations current addresses. an depending on what time you pop in at. can make pts easy of impossible to form..

              Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


              • #8
                Well I've been on and off in FFXI so it's been over 3 months in the 50s. However I have noticed a lot more pt's are sending me invites than usual, I've beaten out my thief friend a few times. Whenever I start a party no one questions my role in the pt and is happy in the orginazation I bring. If you are properly equiped and have a good comment things can work for you. Good luck.

