I've been looking at Abjurations able to be used by DRG.
Our only choices are the crimson and hetacome set. I recieved the N. Abjuration: Hands off Byakko last night and was wondering if they were even worth uncursing. Cost is about ~1.4 mil to craft. This set has alot of +slow to it and since DRG use polearm would it make me too slow to be useful? The crimson set appears to only be worth getting the boots for.
Our only choices are the crimson and hetacome set. I recieved the N. Abjuration: Hands off Byakko last night and was wondering if they were even worth uncursing. Cost is about ~1.4 mil to craft. This set has alot of +slow to it and since DRG use polearm would it make me too slow to be useful? The crimson set appears to only be worth getting the boots for.