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Dragoons and Abjurations

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  • Dragoons and Abjurations

    I've been looking at Abjurations able to be used by DRG.
    Our only choices are the crimson and hetacome set. I recieved the N. Abjuration: Hands off Byakko last night and was wondering if they were even worth uncursing. Cost is about ~1.4 mil to craft. This set has alot of +slow to it and since DRG use polearm would it make me too slow to be useful? The crimson set appears to only be worth getting the boots for.

    I'll jump so high my spear shall pierce the heavens!

  • #2
    probably not since hecatomb is meant to be macroed for sneak attack and trick attack. keeping it on would just gimp you because of the slow.
    observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


    • #3
      Actually it's good for any WS, not just SATA. I'd uncurse it and macro it in for WS, and macro in ACC gear for TP gain.


      • #4
        DRG in our LS wears Crimson Boots, Hecatomb Body, and has the Abj. for either hands or feet (I can't recall which)

        Anyways, he's currently fishing for the Angel Skin since the LS won't drop 1m+ to get something crafted for him to only use on WS

        A DRK in our LS also has the Hecatomb Feet he uses for WS only. So you might want to get it made to use for WS, dunno if I'd buy it if I were in your shoes, if you're only gonna use for WS... might wanna invest some time and money in a fishin pole
        ~ Paradise Oblivion ~


        • #5
          Heh.. I already have Lu Shangs and 64 fishing. Money is not a problem for me. What do you meen by fishing for it? Only known source that I've seen is Seriyu for Angel Skin. If you know another source please inform me.

          I'll jump so high my spear shall pierce the heavens!

