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Dragoon, Soloing as /whm or /rdm.

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  • Dragoon, Soloing as /whm or /rdm.

    First of all, thank for taking your time in order to read / reply to this message. Since I'm new to this job, I did some research over the forum and found out that the Wyvern can heal yourself when you've a mage subjob. However, I do not mean to take this combo in parties before level 60, but I would like to know if it is possible to solo for a decent exp rate trough the game ? I've bad experience with parties but I do not really like the BST style, so I took a look upon drg/whm or drg/rdm (I would take the better one for soloing or for the breath it gives) as an alternative. Maybe I'm just plain wrong and I can't solo far in the game with this combo, but I would like to hear opinions about this subject.

    Best regards and wishes,


    P.S. By the way, I'm a tarutaru.

  • #2
    Pre 60 you really can't solo anything higher then EP, as your HP needs to be 1/4 for the wyvern to heal you. Especially as a tarutaru, with 1/4 HP a critical, double attack, or skill will easily kill you.


    • #3
      I spent about 95% of my time to level 30 soloing Even Match and Tough as DRG/WHM. I was able to get chain 2 consistently until my early 20's, then I had to start settling for chain 1. This was about 2400-2600 exp/hr, better than most parties at those levels.

      I don't think this will work for a Taru though. You don't have the HP to survive an EM or T without curing several times during the battle, and the downtime from healing back all that MP will keep you from chaining. Your low STR will also make it difficult to end fights quickly, which you also need to do to chain. I would think you could solo decently to somewhere between 15-20; just keep track of your exp/hr and if it dips below 2000, consider changing tactics or biting the bullet and getting a party.

