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The Dark Dragoon: Tactics of a Drg/Drk

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  • The Dark Dragoon: Tactics of a Drg/Drk

    Ok, this here is just some information to shed some light on the Drg/Drk combo, (or The Dark Dragoon, as I like to refer to myself). This is just ment as information from what i've learned to anyone who might be wanting to try out this combo. And please, no flames, I know and acknowledge that Drg/War is the best combo, this is just a bit of information from someone who took Drg/Drk 56 levels. (Drg/Drk Soul Eater info gained from using a friends 61 Drg/Drk when I was at his house.)

    First we'll look at the abilities. Subbed, Drk will give us the following Job Abilities...

    ~Arcane Circle (5)
    ~Last Resort (15)
    ~Weapon Bash (20)
    ~Souleater (30)

    ...and the Job Traits of

    ~Resist Paralyze (20)
    ~Arcana Killer (25)
    ~Attack Bonus (30)

    Since the level cap is currently at 75, you will not get the Resist Paralyze and Attack Bonus from levels 40 and 50 when Drk is subbed.

    The Multi-Purpose Wyvern
    The Dragoon's Wyvern will also be the multi-wyvern, meaning it will use it's Elemental Attack Breath during Weapon Skills, and will use Cure Breath (I, II, II) when you cast a spell but only when your life is at 25% (1/4, usually in the red). After you get the AF Helm, it will heal you when your life is apporiximatly 33% (1/3, Yellow just before red).

    The Loss of Provoke
    Drg/War is the most common sub (and best) so we're gonna use most comparisons vs that combo. The main thing lost with the Drk sub is Provoke. I'm sure I don't have to go into the reason why Provoke are usefull, so I wont. Ok, so the lack of provoke could mean life or death for one of your party members, and thats a big risk to take for using this combo. One thing that works though, but is not a huge hate builder, is Last Resort. If hate is weak around the tank and the mobs running (Assuming it's not going after a benedicting mage or any huge hate building ability), Last Resort will usually generate just enough hate to bring the mob to you, it's not a lot of hate, and sometimes a simple cure or hit by another party member can take the mob right off of you, but it's enough to usually make the mob change it's mind and come for you. This will give your tank the few extra seconds to regain hate, but again, this is not a 100% guarentee to work, but about 75% of the time it does.

    Accuracy and Damage Output
    Now for reason I'm still unsure of, having Drk subbed does seem to make you a bit more accurate. This has been noted by myself, people i've partied with, and posters in this forum as well as a few other forums. How or why I don't know, but the improved accuracy of a Drg/Drk over a Drg/War is there. Damage output is debatable. I have out damaged Drg/War of the same level with close to and similar equipment, even with them using Berserk at times. And at other tiems Berserk has out damaged me. But the Drg/Drk still has the same output no matter what when the Drg/War's Berserk run out, so in the end it's not as big a difference as it might seem. Add in the Last Resort (all 30 seconds of it... lol.) and I'd say (without mathematical proof, just observasional) that the two are pretty close with Drg/Drk being more consistent damage over the long run and Drg/War making higher damage/lower damage at times. Just a note, Double Attack might give Drg/War the higher damage output depending on how much it goes off. Sometimes I've seen Double Attack go off a lot, sometimes bearly ever. Another thing to take into account is that Soul Eater, and the ability to get rid of any hate you might get, could put Drg/Drk very close to the Drg/War damage output.

    Drg/Drk take damage like little school girls. They have no way to change that like a Drg/War would. Being two of the classes with terrible defense, combining the two make you extremely shitty in the defense department. Not saying one hit will wipe you out, but you'll be taking more damage then a Drg/War. This has to be taken into account as well when PTing. You do have the ability to get rid of hate if you get it so it's not that big of a deal if you just pay attention and adjust to whats going on in the battle.

    Drg/Drk don't have a lot of MP. The most usefull spells Drg/Drk get is...

    ~Poison: Since it has a fast casting time, it can be used to activate the cure breath if you're low on life.
    ~Drain: Doesn't drain a lot of HP but it's something to help you if you're really low on life.
    ~Aspire: Same as Drain, doesn't give back a lot of MP but it can be used to replenish MP for Poison and stuff.

    I usually carry a few juices on me just incase for some reason I need my MP. With what little MP you have, you won't be casting too many spells, mostly I use it as a way to get my life back when things go wrong. That seems to be the most effective way to use it in my opinion. Everything else is just too weak to make a big difference in battle. Sometiems Bind and such can help but thats only if you can get them to stick.

    Soul Eater
    Even nerfed, Soul Eater gives Drg/Drk a lot more damage output. Soul Eater is also on the same timer as Super Jump so if things go bad you can get rid of the hate. The ability to get rid of the hate helps when you compare the damage between Drg/War and Drg/Drk. Also, Soul Eater will only take about 5% life with each swing instead of the normal 10% (15% with helm) that a Drk would take. I've done SE and never gained hate even for all the damage i've done, and I've also done SE and gotten a lot of hate with it. If you have a good tank, and you wait for the right time to use SE (usually halfway through the battle when the tank has gained enough hate) then you should have no worries about stealing hate. People will tell you even with a good tank you'll draw hate and they're wrong. I have people in my linkshell who by the time the mob is at half life, nothing will get it off of them, not vokes, not benedicting cure's, nothing. So it does depend on what kind of tank you have. So that always needs to be taken into account when you decide when to use SE.

    In conclusion, overall damage during a fight will have to go to Drg/War, it's still the best sub for the job. But Drg/Drk gives you a few other options when in battle, as well as a pretty close damage ratio to Drg/War. It just takes a different playing style then Drg/War.
    "The Dark Dragoon"

  • #2
    I'd never invite a DRG/DRK
    Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

    "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

    "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

    "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hisdon
      I'd never invite a DRG/DRK

      it makes me sad that this guy is higher level than me


      • #4
        I'd never invite a DRG/DRK
        Good for you.

        it makes me sad that this guy is higher level than me
        Probably cause i'm a better player then you.

        (See that... I can be an ass too. Now please, no more stupid replys. This was just intended to be a bit of info to anyone who wanted it, not for asses to make stupid comments on it or me.)
        "The Dark Dragoon"


        • #5
          If, by your own admission, war is a superior job combination, the only reason to play drg/drk is an aesthetic one. While that is entirely your prerogative and a valid reason to play what you want to play, you can't really make a claim that you're better (damage-wise) than anyone. If you want to convince anyone otherwise, show us a parser.


          • #6
            I told a guy who asked me about DRG/DRK the same reasons why he shouldn't do it, WAR sub is obviously superior in almost every aspect of what DRG does. Provoke for trick buddy (loss of this makes you next to futile at this job...), Berserk, Double Attack, passive bonuses for damage dealing...DRK sub gives you VERY, VERY gimp MP, and magic skills so low you'd almost never get a spell sticking to a mob (like absorbs), passive attack bonuses (but Berserk owns these hard), Last Resort and Souleater (really, these arn't even worth it, sure souleater is nice but it almost gets me killed most the time...and a souleater>super jump every 6 minutes is hardly worth it...)

            like the above poster said, you admit WAR sub is superior yet you continue to play DRG/DRK. Why I have no clue, but it does not give me a good impression of you by your sub job choice as to how you play (one of the most mocked people on my server is a BLM/SMN 60+ who REFUSES to sub RDM or WHM even though he knows SMN sub sucks compared to them...)
            Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

            "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

            "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

            "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Crisis

              Probably cause i'm a better player then you.
              Highly doubt it.

              Maybe because your equip is gimped and you have 60 more days of play time than I do?


              • #8
                You are gimp enough with DRG/WAR why even further gimp yourself compared to all the other melee?


                • #9
                  Heh... I love how all the "FFXI Gods" and who nobody else can touch come on and flame me. Like I said, it's just some info I gathered. I play this to have fun. Drg/War is not as fun as Drg/Drk. Maybe for you, using the cookie cutter job combo is fun, but for me, in this situation, it's not. I find War very boring to level. I do have it leveled to 32, and I do sub it sometimes when asked. But for the most part I go Drg/Drk cause it's more my playing style.

                  My job combo, in no way, reflects how I am as a player. I have the best equip, I know what my jobs are supposed to do. I still get parties whether i'm Drg/War or Drg/Drk. Why people need to come on here like they're the best thing to happen to FFXI and talk shit is beyond me.

                  Take this post for what it is... just some information, and keep the assinine comments to yourself.
                  "The Dark Dragoon"


                  • #10
                    I really don't understand the reason for the flames. The guy acknowledged that DRG/WAR is the optimum choice and then layed out some advantages of DRG/DRK.

                    If he said "DRG/DRK is uber l33t and DRG/WAR is teh suxzor!!!" I would be standing here with a lighter in one hand and a gasoline-filled bottle with a rag sticking out of it in the other.

                    As it is, the post made me consider DRG/DRK as a possible special-situation combo. I think I will stick with DRG/RDM for farming and other times when healing breath is beneficial but DRG/DRK is an interesting option.
                    My Profile - Click, you like.


                    • #11
                      See... soemone who gets it. Every now and then I see the "How is Drg/Drk?" question... So I answered it by actually testing the combo instead of just saying, "Drk is a bad sub, War rules!"

                      a possible special-situation combo.
                      Exactly. For anyone interested in something different. Maybe in a skill up party or in a static where you can experiment. If you're gonna hardcore level, of course you're gonna sub War, never said I didn't. But when I can, I play /Drk cause think it's a bit more fun.
                      "The Dark Dragoon"


                      • #12
                        Come on crisis, you've posted this shit before and gotten the same response. What do you expect? Everyone to abandon practical subjobs and use drg/smns because smn looks cooler next to the drg in search menu?

                        Now see, you play /drk because it "suits your playstyle" and has some magical element of fun that /war fails to capture. Most people here think you're wrong about that, wrong for thinking that, and will argue it to you till the sun comes down. I'm no exception, but it's probably a subjective truth so you can get away with saying it rhetorically.
                        Still, the fact is that I cannot identify the reason why /drk is "funner" somehow. What, Last Resort is "funner" than Berserk? I don't think you're stupid enough to cast buffs that will never stick, so I doubt you're casting much of that. I also highly doubt you use healing breath more than once in a blue moon. You can say that you do, but I don't believe you, sorry. The bullshit alarm is ringing too loudly. It's just not practical. How do you derive "fun" from features that you will never use in an exp party?
                        Point is, I don't think /drk is funner for you. I honestly don't. I think the devil's advocate in you can't shut up, and you want to disagree. Be "unique". Someone probably told you that /drk wouldn't work and you got affronted. I think you're just compulsively disagreeing with /war's for the sake of disagreeing.

                        Heh... I love how all the "FFXI Gods" and who nobody else can touch come on and flame me. Like I said, it's just some info I gathered. I play this to have fun. Drg/War is not as fun as Drg/Drk. Maybe for you, using the cookie cutter job combo is fun, but for me, in this situation, it's not.
                        I love how you imply that there's something wrong with playing an effective and superior job combination because it's "cookiecuter". Hypocrite. For sensible people who know their head from their ass being a good drg and impressing pt members is fun.


                        • #13
                          Never said anything's wrong with Drg/War or that there's something wrong with an effective and superior job combination. I said In this situation as in plying a Drg, I prefer Drg/Drk. Never said anyone should abandon Drg/War either.

                          Point is, I don't think /drk is funner for you. I honestly don't. I think the devil's advocate in you can't shut up, and you want to disagree. Be "unique". Someone probably told you that /drk wouldn't work and you got affronted. I think you're just compulsively disagreeing with /war's for the sake of disagreeing.
                          How would you know whats fun for me and what isn't? Devil's advocate...? I AM NOT DISAGREEING how hard is that to understand? I'm giving some info, thats it. Jesus Christ you flamers are fucking dense.

                          Yes I posted a bit of this here and there in various posts in another topic when someone asked about Drg/Drk. I just compiled all that I had and put it into one post. People gotta stop twisting everything around and just take it for what it is...
                          "The Dark Dragoon"


                          • #14
                            Re: The Dark Dragoon: Tactics of a Drg/Drk

                            Originally posted by Crisis
                            Ok, this here is just some information to shed some light on the Drg/Drk combo, (or The Dark Dragoon, as I like to refer to myself). This is just ment as information from what i've learned to anyone who might be wanting to try out this combo. And please, no flames, I know and acknowledge that Drg/War is the best combo, this is just a bit of information from someone who took Drg/Drk 56 levels. (Drg/Drk Soul Eater info gained from using a friends 61 Drg/Drk when I was at his house.)
                            Wow, how the flamers missed that point....

                            Heh... I love how all the "FFXI Gods" and who nobody else can touch come on and flame me. Like I said, it's just some info I gathered. I play this to have fun. Drg/War is not as fun as Drg/Drk. Maybe for you, using the cookie cutter job combo is fun, but for me, in this situation, it's not.
                            Originally posted by SelfdestButton
                            I love how you imply that there's something wrong with playing an effective and superior job combination because it's "cookiecuter". Hypocrite. For sensible people who know their head from their ass being a good drg and impressing pt members is fun.
                            Wha? He never implied that there's "something wrong" with the combo, he said "is not as fun as"....he even goes on to say that he has /WAR level to 32 and he subs it as requested by the PT...seems you missed those two points before you flamed him...then again, you flame him by telling the guy what his "fun" is and what's not...but hey, don't listen to me, it's my /DRK talking. :spin: (BTW, I find /WAR to be a boring sub as well, therefore I won't be lvling it soon...rather /THF and /RNG)


                            • #15
                              I think he implied it indirectly and my assumption that he did is simply drawing from some of crisis' previous posts. Besides, referring to /war as "cookie cutter" is usually used in a derogatory context (especially by crisis). That word is practically taboo on most discussion threads. I stand by my affirmation that he implied what I said he implied.
                              I'm still of the opinion that refusing to play a combo because it is "cookie cutter" is still a special brand of foolishness, but hey it's just an opinion and I'm not about to sway anyone from theirs by preaching it. I have said so here:

                              I'm no exception, but it's probably a subjective truth so you can get away with saying it rhetorically.
                              Anyways, my point is that I don't believe anyone could possibly draw fun from a different (worse) kind of berserk, which has a similar effect and looks slightly different. I don't believe anyone could draw amusement from spells they almost never use and a healing breath that their hp never gets low enough to use. I don't think that is the reason why anyone would play drg/drk. That may sound presumptuous, but saying that last resort is "funner" than berserk is about ten times more ridiculous. Say it, out loud. "Last resort, on the whole, makes drg/drk a superior game play experience that is more gratifying and amusing than drg/war, for no particular reason; it suits my play-style more". See my point?
                              Once you get Soul Eater, you might have room to talk since it is an ability whose nature is totally unlike anything war has to offer, and you can make an argument that it is “funner� while being slightly more believable. But as you can see, Crisis is not level 60 yet.

                              My point, ultimately, is this:

                              I think the devil's advocate in you can't shut up, and you want to disagree. Be "unique". Someone probably told you that /drk wouldn't work and you got affronted. I think you're just compulsively disagreeing with /war's for the sake of disagreeing.
                              As for the disagreeing part, crisis does make a point that he was not disagreeing. I misspoke, sorry. I meant that you're trying to be different for the sake of being different. While someone denouncing this does sound much like the slave master cracking a whip and yelling "back in line!", it's also a valid point that if the only amusement you derive is that you've managed to be original, and that originality has come at the cost of efficacy, the other five members in your pt are still gonna think you're an ass. That's basically what the game is about, isn't it?

                              Edit: I would hate to sound like I'm specifically harping on crisis (I've got nothing against him honestly), so I'd like to clarify that this pretty much applies to all advocates of unorthodox job combos. Including Shokotanknight (I think he means shotokan, which is a martial arts discipline developed in japan about 200 years ago), who is pretty much in the same boat, being a 54 samurai with an underleveled drk sub.

