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New DRG armor and weps....

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  • New DRG armor and weps....

    Barone Cosciales DEF:32 STR+2 Attack+6 Enmity+1 "Jump" TP Bonus
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG
    Conte Cosciales DEF:33 STR+3 Attack+7 Enmity+2 "Jump" TP Bonus
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG
    Falconer's Hose DEF:27 Wyvern: HP+30
    Lv.50 DRG

    Barone Corazza DEF:45 Attack+13 Adds "Regen" effect Enmity+2 "Jump" TP Bonus
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG
    Conte Corazza DEF:46 Attack+14 Adds "Regen" effect Enmity+3 "Jump" TP Bonus
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG

    Barone Manopolas DEF:15 Attack+4 Parrying skill +4 Enmity+1
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG
    Conte Manopolas DEF:16 Attack+5 Parrying skill +5 Enmity+2
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG

    Barone Zucchetto DEF:24 Attack+5 Parrying skill +10 Enmity+1
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG
    Conte Zucchetto DEF:25 Attack+6 Parrying skill +12 Enmity+2
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG

    Barone Gambieras DEF:19 STR+2 Attack+5 Parrying skill +3 Enmity+2
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG
    Conte Gambieras DEF:20 STR+3 Attack+6 Parrying skill +4 Enmity+3
    Lv.70 WAR/DRG

    Dispel Couse DMG:72 Delay:480
    Enchantment: Dispel
    Lv.60 WAR/SAM/DRG
    Heavy Lance DMG:80 Delay:492
    Additional effect: Weight
    Lv.62 DRG

    pretty badass i think

  • #2
    Wow, people can't whine about "not getting enough hate to be trick buddy" with all those +enmity. Awesome additions to Drg~


    • #3
      i just hope barone set doesnt cost 1mio+ ; ;



      • #4
        Hopefully the full set isn't too extreme or too expensive.

        Hauberk seems to be the upperend of standard equips for a class... so I figure the total set wouldn't be too out of place for a total of 2 mil... but then they're better items in alternate slots, like the tarasque mitts...


        • #5
          Falconer's Hose DEF:27 Wyvern: HP+30
          Has anyone seen these? I checked the AH and didn't see them. Do they have to be crafted first to start appearing in the AH?

          Job Levels:
          [Red Mage 29] [Dragoon 50] [Black Mage 37] [Thief 25] [White Mage 18] [Warrior 10] [Ranger 10]
          Dragoon AF-1: Completed!
          Bastok: Rank 5
          Server: Ifrit
          Linkshell: Ascension


          • #6
            I havent seen any of these in AH, but I'm hoping desperately that the set doesnt cost too much
            [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


            • #7
              Originally posted by MontyXI
              Has anyone seen these? I checked the AH and didn't see them. Do they have to be crafted first to start appearing in the AH?
              In order for anything to show up in AH someone has to of put it up for auction in that speicific AH. If you don't see it there then no one has even made an attempt to sell it there yet or the item might be EX.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                it's not rare or ex. the falconer's hose is from a NM somewhere in CoP. as for the Barone set, it is probably smithing craft. that doesn't seem to be a popular craft. not real money to be made there
                MJ DRG: 75 WAR: 73 SMN: 75
                SJ WHM: 39 DRK: 37 BLM: 20 THF: 37
                SAM: 23 MNK: 25 NIN: 46
                DRG AF2: 5/5
                SMN AF2: 3/5


                • #9
                  what about the Conte set? anyone know anything on that?
                  [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


                  • #10
                    Conte is the name for HQ syth of Barone.


                    • #11
                      Barone, according to, is leather.

                      The legs were sold on my server by a high level woodcrafter, which made me confused. However, it also sold for I have no idea what exactly was going on. :p

                      Hopefully more info on this gear will become known soon.


                      • #12
                        ask him for the receipe °_°



                        • #13

                          Yeah, this looks real leathery to me too :spin:.

                          My bets are on Goldsmithing/Smithing.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ElJoyo
                            ask him for the receipe °_°
                            I did, cuz I really want the pants and body....but he's Japanese, and whenever I send him tells he's anon in probably AFK and plays when I can't.

                            Curse those racists Japanese, playing in their primetime instead of ours.


                            • #15
                              and you're on my server I hope it gets released soon
                              [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria

