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DRG whining

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  • #16
    There is the logs, for some reason my wyverns attacks didnt log

    DRK1 is a good drk with 2 sniper and some other things dont really remember everything he had.

    DRK2 doesnt have as good equip as DRK1 but its still ok.
    Colossal lance, Optical hat, Mermans gorget, Assault earring, Coral earring, Assault jerkin, Drachen fng. gnt., Ruby ring x2, Forager's mantle, Life belt, Barone cosciales, Barone Gambieras
    +Full JSE, Wyrm Brais, Forest rope
    Leathercraft: 90+1
    San d'Oria Rank 10
    Windurst Rank 9
    Sky, Moon & Lufaise Meadows O


    • #17
      Although Sabastion is right about dragoon having some actual issues that deserve improvement, it'd be nice if he didn't make his arguements like a tantrum-throwing five year-old.

      The main problem i see is pretty simple: Wheeling Thrust is just kindof a cruel joke. There's no reason that a lvl 3 renkei skill from a weapon that is primarily used by damage-dealers should be so weak. But guess what? It's going to be "enhanced". Depending on what that means, maybe we'll have less to whine about. If it ends up doing similar damage to Dragon Kick or Tachi: Gekko, fine by me. At least it would have a shot of producing a decent light effect. So it's not going to be the same as SATA + Cross Reaper?
      So what -- let's all sub thief so we can have our egos stroked by doing a 1000 point hit every once in awhile.

      Good post Darkani - even though i don't agree that there is nothing to be improved. Your parsing shows pretty much what mine has ever since i downloaded it back in the 50's. Dragoon has and will continue to compare favorably with Darkknights, Samurai, Monks, and Thieves. Now Rangers are another story... If you ever want to feel useless, party with a rich Rng/Nin with optical hat, peacock charm, and all that other good stuff - it's just unfair -- but that's a subject for another whine


      • #18
        One reason I can't party with DRG much? Skillchains
        Bear in mind I haven't played in a few months now, but I seem to recall your level range being the suck for SAM in general. At that level you can basically make Darkness with PLD or NIN, and thats it, and since Cross Reaper is still stronger Distortion based ws, it diminishes the SAM value in a party compared to other jobs. If I am wrong feel free to correct me.

        I think the *few* times I grouped with a SAM at that level (which may have been 1 time or so) we get stuck with level 2 skillchains anyway, usually just doing Distortion. Not necessarily a bad thing as I recall Distortion seemed the fail safe lvl 2 skillchain for a long ass time.

        Seems not much has changed at all.


        • #19
          Yippy... An extra 50-100 damage on Wheeling Thrust...? Is this it...? My god! Very disappointed but I'm glad SE has acknowledged that there is a problem and is working on correcting this...


          • #20
            That's all you're getting?

            Hmm. Something wrong there, then. I'm getting damage as if double attack fired. 400ish, consistant.

            If you were honestly expecting any more than what DA would have given you, you're expectations were far too high.

            Highest in my party tonight on IT weapons was 532, when DA fired. Highest single hit was 450ish. Seems pretty damn good to me, considering I used to hit 150-200 on IT.


            • #21
              compared to the old wheeling thrust it's good yes, but try to look at the other jobs ws.

              tested this out on Fafnir after server up and all ws was with sneak attack on, wheel thrust did around 450 dmg... warrior can do 1500 dmg with steel cyclone, dark knight ca do 1000 dmg with spinnin slash (even more with soul eater) ranger can do 400 with heavy shot (weak ws imo) and 900 with slug shot


              • #22
                hey guys i just got a 50 drg, really disapointed i mean i good melee dmg but when it comes to ws... ive been skillchaining with double thrust up untill now sometimes i do 180dmg other times its lik 60 -_- while monk is busting out his raging thrust for 290 nearly every time its kinda disapointed. ppl keept telling wait till you get penta thrust youll own blah blah so i got penta i have 2 snipers life belt emp pin leaping boots i bust out penta most of time i delt 90 dmg 150dmg??? one time i done 21 dmg... this is all to IT mobs by the way. after reading this thread i dont know if i wanna continue drg i mean the job is great i like having a lance and doing jump attacks but if at higher lvls a war does 1500 ws and i unleash my 200dmg wheeling thrust... now that is just embarrising as a DD. might look at lvling monk for a dd.....

                anyway very disapointed in drg right now
                ::Bringing The Pain!!:: <call1>

