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DRG fortunately being improved in the next update.

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  • #46
    Macht, you're referring to the AF2 body part for DRG. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I think your wyvern uses the abilities of your randomly. I _really_ want it ;_; It'd be so cute to have your wyvern Berserk+Provoke+Warcry in an exp party and draw hate from the tank :D They'd die instantly from the resulting hate but still <.<;


    • #47

      I saw a discussion on that equipment, and I think the consensus was that one passive ability from the job was given to the wyvern. For instance, Double Attack would be the ability the wyvern would get form /WAR.

      It's too bad really that the wyvern doesn't reflect the subjob more already. There's only three versions: attack, magic, and mixed. I'd like to see special abilities per subjob. /NIN could make the wyvern debuff the monster while /BRD would buff the party. /PLD could cover a near death player while /DRK would get a vampiric attack to regain health. /BLM could burst a skillchain while /WHM would poison. /SAM would generate TP to increase breath effectiveness while /THF would get a high-damage hit transferring hate to someone else. That could really make DRG a much richer job. People would love it because it would be a great advanced job no matter what job they got to level 30 with.
      4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .

