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My opinion on DRG's...hope this cheers some of you up

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  • My opinion on DRG's...hope this cheers some of you up

    this, comming from a DRK with lots of experience playing with DRGs, is my opinion on your job...and why I think you really arn't as bad as many of you think you are...

    First, I believe there are 3 types of meles, tanks (we know what they do, NIN, PLD, WAR), heavy dealers (they finish chains usually and deal heavy dmg via skill chain, per hit, or both...DRK, MNK, RNG, THF. WAR)and then, there are the suport melee (they can close chains but it's usually-key word, usually, set up skillchains for the heavy hitters, DRG, SAM, and WAR). Damage Dealers and Suport Melee are very similar and can trade roles out depending on the situation. (WAR for example seems to fit into everything XD)

    Now, DRG's SAM's and WAR's can also finish off chains quiet powerfully with the right skillchains (for WAR, Raging Rush or Rampage, SAM have several skills that are good closers and finishers, and DRG...I'm sorry I blanked out >.< Penta Thrust in the early 50's can go well though...) so I'm not saying they can't, just not as much as often (no-I didn't say not as effective, you can all close some nasty skillchains)

    Now, DRG's have two things about them I really like. First, they have a huge amount of skills that can start distortion, and end fragmentation. Raiden Thrust was a very handy skill for me as I exped 20-40, for most my PT's featured a goon, Shadow of Death>Raiden Thrust was a very powerful chain in this period (it rocks worker crawlers and other bugs XD) Also with Distortion if you can't find a DRK with a GS, SAM and DRG are always available to do it with some pretty nice skills (Double Thrust is a good starter and Skewer is just plain awesome.) Their skills are just handy in the main stream pt that does Distortion or Fragmentation.

    Secoundly, I love Super Jump. I love the idea that DRGs can clear all hate instantly with a 1 minute cooldown. The THF's afraid a 1k Dancing Edge will get their fuidama partner killed? No prob, they just jump and the day is saved. The DRK fears he's gonna get the starter crushed with a 2k dmg Spinning Slash? (1k from the hit, 1k from the burst, person who does the finishing skill gets the hate for it, but tirck attack does transfer that too) No prob, up, up and away! (even though the mob is pretty much dead at this point, but more on that later.) It's such a god awful handy skill and perfect for a suport melee!

    One final thing I've noticed is that DRG's dmg per hit is very underrated...Usually I see them do 20-30 points lower per hit than me (when using my GS, well...kinda 50/50...) but, no one can see wyvern dmg but you (or so I've heard.) Combined, I believe you and your wyvern's dmg puts your dps into a comparible position with MNK's and DRK's (let's face it, it's kinda like being a MNK with a lance and a cute little wyvern instead of fist XD)! However I've seen no one who's done this so far...

    The thing I hear DRG's depressed about the most is late game skillchain dmg with Spinning Thrust and Impulse Drive....My opinion on it? Don't worry about it, it's thanks to your skill that the mob will die. Even if your skills did a few 100 points more, the mob will still probably be dead after the skillchain is complete, MB and all...your extra 300 or so points of dmg would be overkill in my eyes. Your abilities to be the perfect trick buddy's are just too perfect for this role!

    About the bones pt thing...Also don't sweat it, RNG's are in the same boat as you and they get by, you just won't be pting with MNK's in the late game lol There's other exp spots, such as the sky, which are also nice...miss out on the chance to do bones =( (personally I hate undead up to this point, I envy you guys )

    I've also noticed that DRGs get a lot of weapon upgrades, I really like the looks of that I love equipting a new weapon when I lvl up, and you guys get one every few lvls, very apealing to me. I'm considering going DRG nowadays (btw, could someone please give me an outline of what would be "ideal" DRG equipt for lvls in increments of 10? Ending in 75 I used to dislike DRG's because a former friend of mine told me how much they'd "trash me" and I swore to never be outdmged by a DRG to prove him wrong XD I was foolish back then lol...I didn't relize how much of a good job it was!

    As a DRK I also face many sterotypes and I feel the pain you guys do with it (specially invites, I know how all that feels) and I just wish to brighten some of you up in this time when all seems lost for some of you
    Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

    "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

    "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

    "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)

  • #2
    In my opinion Dragoons are very well concieved, the Wyvern (even though he gets into trouble often) is not useless as many say, and is actually the Bread and Butter of the Dragoon. Without the Wyvern then the Dragoon is merely a downgraded Polearm weilder. Somethings I have considered for Dragoons is to (with Warriors) recieve a Defense bonus that makes them suitable Tanks in the average party.

    There are 4 'main' damage dealer roles and most times only 2 are in any given party, since there is only room for 1 Tank and since it is party defining as is healer, pickings get slim and in some cases it would be nice for a Warrior, Samurai or Dragoon to be well considered alternatives when there is no Ninja or Paladin.

    Signature by me, Copyright 2004


    • #3
      I don't know what people have against DRGs. Witht the right equipment, I've seen them lay waste to things with ease.

      Only problem I have is the tin foil armor. ><*


      • #4
        tin foil LOL thats funny rofl^^


        • #5
          The only problem i have with DRGs is that any other DD can outdo them. I was in a 3 days ago with a DRG and just felt sorry for when he busted out penta with brd accuracy for 75 while my sidewinder did 1k on the Torama. Hell axe is a 1 hand wep yet outdamages polearm? Polearms just plain suck IMO.


          • #6
            Super Jump have a 5 min cooldown not 1 min, other than that it's not very usfull, and i will get to why in a sec.


            this is just about the best PT setup you can find for a DRG cause DRG takes the biggest buff from BRD due to second rate gear acces and the songs just push them over the hill with room to spare


            Skewer (300-450 dmg) > SATA Dancing Edge (900-1000 dmg) > Distortion (400-500 dmg) > Ice magic burst (???-??? dmg)

            you have 2 choices here
            #1 - Provoke > Skewer > SATA Dancing Edge behind tank
            Pro: THF can fix agro on tank for good
            Con: 10% of the time DRG wont catch agro even with provoke and you get a 100 dmg Dancing Edge

            #2 - Skewer > SATA Dancing Edge behind dragoon > High jump or Super jump
            Pro: 99% succesrate since PLD is not likely to lose agro to a puny Skewer
            Con: BLM highly likely to catch agro if MB does not kill mob


            This is allmost the same just you change WS to fix lvl 3 chain

            Wheeling Thrust (160-250 dmg) > SATA Shark Bite (1000 dmg) > Light (1000 dmg) > magic burst (1000-1400 dmg)

            your choices are exactly the same but with a twist. Wheeling Thrust does less dmg and PLD have gotten better at making agro so higher fail rate with option #1, on the other hand option #2 comes with a now 99% chance of BLM getting agro (and dies in 4 hits) if MB dont kill the mob. This brings us to option #3... the dragoon tanks the mob untill PLD can regain agro.

            option #1 or #3 will be used in most XP pt's depending on your succesrate of option #1 so Super Jump will stay unused and high jump will be used at the start of battle to do dmg when there is no hate to be shed cause you want to keep all the hate you can get for the skillchain to be succesfull.


            • #7
              Responding to the most recent post, I find as a thief it's best to stand on the side of the mob when the secondary "tank" provokes and initiates their WS. This gives you a one second window of opportunity to rotate behind the person without aggro and SATA+WS for full damage. I find it to be effective, myself...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Zihn
                Super Jump have a 5 min cooldown not 1 min, other than that it's not very usfull, and i will get to why in a sec.


                this is just about the best PT setup you can find for a DRG cause DRG takes the biggest buff from BRD due to second rate gear acces and the songs just push them over the hill with room to spare


                Skewer (300-450 dmg) > SATA Dancing Edge (900-1000 dmg) > Distortion (400-500 dmg) > Ice magic burst (???-??? dmg)

                you have 2 choices here
                #1 - Provoke > Skewer > SATA Dancing Edge behind tank
                Pro: THF can fix agro on tank for good
                Con: 10% of the time DRG wont catch agro even with provoke and you get a 100 dmg Dancing Edge

                #2 - Skewer > SATA Dancing Edge behind dragoon > High jump or Super jump
                Pro: 99% succesrate since PLD is not likely to lose agro to a puny Skewer
                Con: BLM highly likely to catch agro if MB does not kill mob


                This is allmost the same just you change WS to fix lvl 3 chain

                Wheeling Thrust (160-250 dmg) > SATA Shark Bite (1000 dmg) > Light (1000 dmg) > magic burst (1000-1400 dmg)

                your choices are exactly the same but with a twist. Wheeling Thrust does less dmg and PLD have gotten better at making agro so higher fail rate with option #1, on the other hand option #2 comes with a now 99% chance of BLM getting agro (and dies in 4 hits) if MB dont kill the mob. This brings us to option #3... the dragoon tanks the mob untill PLD can regain agro.

                option #1 or #3 will be used in most XP pt's depending on your succesrate of option #1 so Super Jump will stay unused and high jump will be used at the start of battle to do dmg when there is no hate to be shed cause you want to keep all the hate you can get for the skillchain to be succesfull.

                I have an option 4, which has been working wonderfuly for my static party.

                The THF precharges SATA before they pull. Meaning, they use it before the fight so the 1 minute timer will be up mid fight. As the enemy arrives, I enguage, provoke and jump. There's 2 possible hits. Just as I provoke the PLD flashes, which usually saves my butt, many times taking no damage at all. If I miss my hits, the PLD won't enguage and will just stand behind the mob. The THF then enguages landing a SATA, because it was precharged. Much quicker not having to wait for them to use SATA and the delay right after using it. This limits the possible hits I have to take. So the PLD is tanking now. Somewhere in mid battle, the THF's SATA timer is up and ready again. If we don't have TP, they just use a regular SATA, which won't turn the mob because the PLD has had time to build up plenty of hate. If we both have TP, we do double thrust >> viper. There's no way I can turn the mob half way through the fight off the PLD, so the THF uses SATA + viper on me. This will turn the mob on me, but I just use high jump, or super jump if high jump isn't up. It then goes back to the PLD. The 750 dmg BLM MB doesn't draw them hate. Along with the 350 RDM MB and the SC, it's just about dead anyways. Precharging SATA is the key. I tried doing it with my THF and it's hard to time right. But the THF I party with does it really well and this strategy has been working out great for us so far. Once we hit 60 and do skewer >> dancing, I would assume it would still work just as good. Not too sure about Lv3 SC's and those huge BLM MB's in later levels though.

                IMO, provoking and using a WS at the begining of the fight is just too risky. Us DRG's have crappy defence. In our last EXP cession, we tried to chain 5 one of those big nasty birds, because we all had TP and plenty of MP. We were going to do the SC at the begining of the fight. I waited for just 1 more hit so I could have 300% tp. Just 1 hit. Well, by time I used double thrust, I had died. The rest of that fight was a disaster. Precharging SATA and geting that hit off ASAP really save MP and the amount of damage I take.
                Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


                • #9
                  The main problem is that Support Damage Dealers aren't always needed (For instance, RNG + DRK, RNG + WAR (pre-66), WAR + DRK (pre-66), ect).

                  Post-66, support damage dealers are more important for level 3 skillchains. When it comes to SAM, DRG, and WAR, DRG brings the less to the table.

                  SAM brings an extra skillchain with the tank (Which adds a lot more damage from MB and such).

                  WAR/NIN bring the best DoT, Utsusemi, and fast TP gain (Aggressor, DW2, Access to multi-hit weapons (If only Ridill was 100% drop like Joyeuse ; .

                  DRG can shed hate. But (as someone else already pointed out) if the mob doesn't die, the BLM dies. And, though I don't know what it's like for a DRG, level 3 skillchains kill the mob. So what's the point of shedding the hate when the mob is dead?

                  DRG gets in Gravitation spot though, which is a big plus for them.

