Well, i actually got around to testing this as 65DRG/32BRD soloing Tough robber crabs in cape teriggan. Let us just say, I went non stop killing these, I did come close to death sometimes tho considering I am a taru and it can do a special move for 200+ dmg. My equip was pretty much all out +STR gear. Considering I don't miss as much against toughs, accuracy gear wasn't a huge issue.
I think this combo is potentially if not better than the DRG/WHM combo. Let us face it, SURE, whm sub gives you stoneskin and blink.... but that is a lot of MP wasted, and more time resting, and less exp per hour. Invisible and sneak... just buy the powders, you're a DRG, money should come easy to you with easy farming and NM soloing. So the only edge this has over the BRD that I can see is hmmm maybe casting a Cure III when you're in trouble deep trouble.
BRD is the better sub job for Dynamis or HNM cause you can do more to help the PT. The songs, even though only half effective, are still effective. You can sing ballad and paeons, and these help a lot, even at half effectiveness.
BRD is better for soloing. Why? You use no MP, and you ALWAYS keep hate. You pretty much just keep singing Threnodies at the crab. You build so much hate singing threnodies that the crab will be stuck on you. You also do not get interrupted when singing, another plus, you don't have to worry about being interrupted like whm sub.
I found DRG/BRD a better combo for soloing and big LS events because it was just more useful. Also, with no MP use, I can keep healing people just by singing threnody.
Here are the points restated:
-No MP Use, can constantly heal
-Cause a lot of hate with threnody after threnody, don't have to worry about losing hate to the Wyvern
-Can sing songs to PT, hey, It's better than throwing in 3 Cure III's and resting like a minute to do it over.
-Can sing yourself a paeon song before battle, even better.
I would like to hear my fellow dragoon's thoughts. I've tested this DRG/BRD combo and it is quite viable.
I think this combo is potentially if not better than the DRG/WHM combo. Let us face it, SURE, whm sub gives you stoneskin and blink.... but that is a lot of MP wasted, and more time resting, and less exp per hour. Invisible and sneak... just buy the powders, you're a DRG, money should come easy to you with easy farming and NM soloing. So the only edge this has over the BRD that I can see is hmmm maybe casting a Cure III when you're in trouble deep trouble.
BRD is the better sub job for Dynamis or HNM cause you can do more to help the PT. The songs, even though only half effective, are still effective. You can sing ballad and paeons, and these help a lot, even at half effectiveness.
BRD is better for soloing. Why? You use no MP, and you ALWAYS keep hate. You pretty much just keep singing Threnodies at the crab. You build so much hate singing threnodies that the crab will be stuck on you. You also do not get interrupted when singing, another plus, you don't have to worry about being interrupted like whm sub.
I found DRG/BRD a better combo for soloing and big LS events because it was just more useful. Also, with no MP use, I can keep healing people just by singing threnody.
Here are the points restated:
-No MP Use, can constantly heal
-Cause a lot of hate with threnody after threnody, don't have to worry about losing hate to the Wyvern
-Can sing songs to PT, hey, It's better than throwing in 3 Cure III's and resting like a minute to do it over.
-Can sing yourself a paeon song before battle, even better.
I would like to hear my fellow dragoon's thoughts. I've tested this DRG/BRD combo and it is quite viable.