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Charisma Overlooked?

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  • Charisma Overlooked?

    While I was reading the Monk forums(I play monk aswell) I read
    A post that discussed the issues of Charisma. They talked
    on how a square dev said Charisma can significantly
    increasse certain Weaponskills.
    A monk did a test run on this and with some CHR gear his
    Dragon kick increased by 50-150dmg and the Light chain
    dmg was also greately Increased.

    Now aside from Monk I was thinking, " hey DRG Have the
    3rd Highest Charisma in the game!." there has
    to be a chain with the chr boosting WS and DRG having an absurd
    amount of chr. Maybe instead of the devs just balacing us out
    by directly pumping our WS they simply added a huge CHR modifier to certain spear WS? Just a Thought.

    We all know for sure Charisma Effects the strenght of provoke
    (as so a drg's provoke is most likely stronger then most other melees) It also increases the chances of certain job traits such as double attack and kick to trigger( which from What I seen we double attack fairly offen, even with out chr gear).

    So im at work atm but when I get home I will be doing test runs and maybe all of us should to. Charisma is assoiciated with Light
    so im hoping Penta Thrust and Wheeling Thrust may get a
    huge boost on it. I know penta thrust deals absurd amount of DMG to enemeys that are weak to light. which coudl be a hint that chr may effect it. I hope to god Wheeling thrust can get some
    CHR boost bc it is just a sad sad WS.

    DRG Are known as holy divine fighters who fight with grace
    and have kindread relationship with dragons. This could be
    squares way of giving CHR to us. My only bad thoughts about this that may not be true is that no spears have chr nor do any drg eqp. only on staves.. maybe chr wil only effect a drg with a stave... that would suck. also thers not much a drg can do to eqp charisma. from what I can see is buying +chr Gear. althought i currently have Grace Ring (+4dex)x2 on . so might be touph.. lol.

  • #2
    thats interesting...I'll have to check it out, that is laster of course cuz I'm still 7 levels from even getting penta, well thanks, I hope that this is true and I'll give it a shot
    [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


    • #3
      I tried, fighting cockatrice outside jeuno, i put on some chr rings, and got the chr+ song off a bard, and it actually did a few points less then it did before the chr stuff was added (wheeling)


      • #4
        I'm not sure if Wheeling Thrust would benefit from CHR, maybe not even Impulse Drive. The message that supposedly came from the developer, which I had read doesn't state which developer or even gives much credit as to who stated it.

        The fact though that it did work pointed out one truth. A stat that was least likely to effect an attack did. Following that idea it then questions is it possible that the +VIT on spears that seems useless, actually have a use that has yet to of been realized?

        That's the biggest out cry you'll see DRGs complain about and don't understand. There are tons of Forums were DRGs are posting stuff like "Why on earth would a DRG need VIT?" or "Good Job SE! Gave us a useless stat to boost with our spears :mad: " and other similar posts.

        It seems to me that VIT may actually have more use to a DRG then the DRGs currently realize.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5

          Its a sad state of thing if these "hidden" aspects are not found out already for this game... I mean how long has this game been out and played? 2 years? How long does it take to find these thigns out?

          SE has a bad habit if you ask me in this FFXI. I mean, they put items and weapons into the game and say NOTHING about the attributes they posses... Boots that improve kick, latent items, etc come to mind... why?

          Other stuff comes to mind like "2 dex = 1 acc", and stuff like that... they don't tell you ALL the stuff DEX effects... why?

          I wish SE would spill the beans already and SAY EVERYTHING. How long is this secrecy going to last?

          43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

          55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


          • #6
            Isn't VIT supposed to have multiple effects?

            Like determine your Def
            Determines how the mob's def rates to yours
            Maybe it enhances those "ignore def" ws?


            • #7
              Penta Thrust is associated with dark not light.


              • #8
                if you read a bit further into that monk thread it says that every monk ws except shoulder tackle is affected by charisma. reason being (in the mind of the poster) was because of the color of the box next to the ws. maybe the different colors correspond to different stats?


                • #9
                  maybe the different colors correspond to different stats
                  There is a thread on this somewhere that discusses abilities, but it would apply here as well. It attempts to link elements to stats (red = fire = STR for example). If this is true, then you should be able to boost a weapon skill by determining what element it is, finding the corresponding stat, and boosting it. Dunno.
                  My Profile - Click, you like.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rubik
                    There is a thread on this somewhere that discusses abilities, but it would apply here as well. It attempts to link elements to stats (red = fire = STR for example). If this is true, then you should be able to boost a weapon skill by determining what element it is, finding the corresponding stat, and boosting it. Dunno.
                    Yes that is something I've been testing in recently, that relation doesn't seem to only effect WSs but also traits and abilities.

                    The list as I see it so far goes:

                    Red = Fire = STR
                    Purple = Lightning = DEX
                    Brown = Earth = VIT
                    Green = Wind = AGI
                    Light Blue = Ice = INT
                    Dark Blue = Water = MND
                    White/Black = Light/Dark = CHR

                    The last one seems a bit odd because CHR seems to effect you in some odd way. The thing I'm kind of noticing with CHR is that for each job it effects them differently, some jobs thrive and do extreemly well pushing CHR up and oddly enough some have negative effect with high CHR and actually do better when forced down.

                    That was kind of intresting to me because it seems to explain the oddities of were some combination that seem like they would do good actually do worse then expected. It might be that a job that needs more CHR if combo with a job needing less CHR end up canceling eachothers strengths.

                    As far as I've been able to see with CHR is it basically an odd alignment reading going something like High CHR = Light and Low CHR = Dark.

                    If this is true then jobs like BLM, SMN, NIN, DRK, DRG, RDM, THF could possibly become stronger with Lower CHR and jobs like BRD, SAM, RNG, MNK, WHM, WAR, BST, PLD become stronger with Higher CHR.


                    The other thing that seems to get my intrest now from this and a reminder run-in with an NPC in San d'Oria about the element effects (Assumed to be raise resistance against an element) might actually also bring about some more effects like cause traits to activate more frequently or further strengthen an ability.

                    That is something I have not yet really tested much but did get a curiosity of it during an event of getting baraero cast on me on top of the 12 wind element I already had. Could of just been a fluke but that was the first time I've ever noticed Rapid Shot to execute 4 times in a row.

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                    • #11
                      Re: Charisma Overlooked?

                      Originally posted by totti591

                      We all know for sure Charisma Effects the strenght of provoke
                      (as so a drg's provoke is most likely stronger then most other melees) It also increases the chances of certain job traits such as double attack and kick to trigger( which from What I seen we double attack fairly offen, even with out chr gear).
                      Never been proven, dont make assumtion.

                      Not to mention that CHR may effect SOME WS's doesnt mean that any DRG weapons skills are effected by CHR.
                      BST have 2nd highest CHR (if not the highest depending on player) and every WS they do sucks compared to others at the same level except for Rampage (which is 50/50) and Minstrel Axe. Which a WAR will outdamage using those WS and -CHR gear on.
                      **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
                      +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

                      If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.


                      • #12
                        Re: Re: Charisma Overlooked?

                        Originally posted by xarddrax
                        Never been proven, dont make assumtion.

                        Not to mention that CHR may effect SOME WS's doesnt mean that any DRG weapons skills are effected by CHR.
                        BST have 2nd highest CHR (if not the highest depending on player) and every WS they do sucks compared to others at the same level except for Rampage (which is 50/50) and Minstrel Axe. Which a WAR will outdamage using those WS and -CHR gear on.

                        Just a Troll best to ignore and go on your merry way.

                        Also an FYI there is a link on this website posted in a thread to a Japanese site were they have been testing the stats relation to WSs and even coming up with percentages of which stat effects them the most. A good portion of them have CHR at 50%, and if I recall one was 75%.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Re: Charisma Overlooked?

                          Originally posted by xarddrax
                          Never been proven, dont make assumtion.

                          Not to mention that CHR may effect SOME WS's doesnt mean that any DRG weapons skills are effected by CHR.
                          BST have 2nd highest CHR (if not the highest depending on player) and every WS they do sucks compared to others at the same level except for Rampage (which is 50/50) and Minstrel Axe. Which a WAR will outdamage using those WS and -CHR gear on.

                          it hasn't been proven directly, but extensive testing points to yes that charisma effects provoke. too bad you didn't read farther into this thread before responding, this may turn into a very interesting discussion.

                          i'm going to have to test these out with my friend later on tonight, but i'm unsure of how much extra stat gear i should have him equip. if he loses his strength gear his average damage will fall off and our testing will be for nothing. i'll look for some gears with bonuses tonight that go into slots where you wouldn't normally have a strength or attack bonus piece of equipment.


                          • #14
                            test naked first
                            "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                            • #15
                              CHR increases the DMG of white WS. MNK have proven it before by equipping a lot of CHR+ gear before doing a WS. You can test it out yourself, too!

                              However, it doesn't help increase power of regular blows, so if you want to take advantage of this, you should include an equipment change in your macro to put on CHR+ gear just before your WS and take it off just after.

                              Also, I wouldn't replace accuracy+ gear with CHR+ gear on a DRG. It doesn't matter how much more damage you would do with CHR+ if you miss your WS.
                              There will be cake.

