While I was reading the Monk forums(I play monk aswell) I read
A post that discussed the issues of Charisma. They talked
on how a square dev said Charisma can significantly
increasse certain Weaponskills.
A monk did a test run on this and with some CHR gear his
Dragon kick increased by 50-150dmg and the Light chain
dmg was also greately Increased.
Now aside from Monk I was thinking, " hey DRG Have the
3rd Highest Charisma in the game!." there has
to be a chain with the chr boosting WS and DRG having an absurd
amount of chr. Maybe instead of the devs just balacing us out
by directly pumping our WS they simply added a huge CHR modifier to certain spear WS? Just a Thought.
We all know for sure Charisma Effects the strenght of provoke
(as so a drg's provoke is most likely stronger then most other melees) It also increases the chances of certain job traits such as double attack and kick to trigger( which from What I seen we double attack fairly offen, even with out chr gear).
So im at work atm but when I get home I will be doing test runs and maybe all of us should to. Charisma is assoiciated with Light
so im hoping Penta Thrust and Wheeling Thrust may get a
huge boost on it. I know penta thrust deals absurd amount of DMG to enemeys that are weak to light. which coudl be a hint that chr may effect it. I hope to god Wheeling thrust can get some
CHR boost bc it is just a sad sad WS.
DRG Are known as holy divine fighters who fight with grace
and have kindread relationship with dragons. This could be
squares way of giving CHR to us. My only bad thoughts about this that may not be true is that no spears have chr nor do any drg eqp. only on staves.. maybe chr wil only effect a drg with a stave... that would suck. also thers not much a drg can do to eqp charisma. from what I can see is buying +chr Gear. althought i currently have Grace Ring (+4dex)x2 on . so might be touph.. lol.
A post that discussed the issues of Charisma. They talked
on how a square dev said Charisma can significantly
increasse certain Weaponskills.
A monk did a test run on this and with some CHR gear his
Dragon kick increased by 50-150dmg and the Light chain
dmg was also greately Increased.
Now aside from Monk I was thinking, " hey DRG Have the
3rd Highest Charisma in the game!." there has
to be a chain with the chr boosting WS and DRG having an absurd
amount of chr. Maybe instead of the devs just balacing us out
by directly pumping our WS they simply added a huge CHR modifier to certain spear WS? Just a Thought.
We all know for sure Charisma Effects the strenght of provoke
(as so a drg's provoke is most likely stronger then most other melees) It also increases the chances of certain job traits such as double attack and kick to trigger( which from What I seen we double attack fairly offen, even with out chr gear).
So im at work atm but when I get home I will be doing test runs and maybe all of us should to. Charisma is assoiciated with Light
so im hoping Penta Thrust and Wheeling Thrust may get a
huge boost on it. I know penta thrust deals absurd amount of DMG to enemeys that are weak to light. which coudl be a hint that chr may effect it. I hope to god Wheeling thrust can get some
CHR boost bc it is just a sad sad WS.
DRG Are known as holy divine fighters who fight with grace
and have kindread relationship with dragons. This could be
squares way of giving CHR to us. My only bad thoughts about this that may not be true is that no spears have chr nor do any drg eqp. only on staves.. maybe chr wil only effect a drg with a stave... that would suck. also thers not much a drg can do to eqp charisma. from what I can see is buying +chr Gear. althought i currently have Grace Ring (+4dex)x2 on . so might be touph.. lol.