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Spirit Link

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  • Spirit Link

    Hello there,

    I have read a couple of threads and have a question regarding
    Spirit Link? I have read that you give up some of hp to heal your wyvern but from all of the information that I have, I can not find wether or not us Dragoon's can do this!

    * First of all, Can a Dragoon do this?

    * And If so how?

    I appreciate all of your help!


  • #2
    It is a level 25 (if I remember correctly) Dragoon-only Job Ability.
    My Profile - Click, you like.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rubik
      It is a level 25 (if I remember correctly) Dragoon-only Job Ability.
      Just like Rubik said. Not a great deal of testing has been done with it yet, most of the DRGs seem to go 1 or the other direction with that skill. They either say it's good or that it's just terrible.

      Considering that a lot of DRGs polearms give them +VIT I'm lead to believe that VIT has might have some relation to your Dragon's defense ability as well as possibly how well Spirit Link works. Unfortunatly no one seems to see a reason to test that so it remains a theory till someone decides to or till I finaly decide to raise DRG to 25 and test it.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        Thank you very much for all of your help. Why is it not listen on the Official Strategy Guide of ffxi?

        spring 2004 version


        • #5
          Originally posted by rikan
          Thank you very much for all of your help. Why is it not listen on the Official Strategy Guide of ffxi?

          spring 2004 version
          Because Spirit Link is a fairly new skill and those "Official" strategy guides are littered with tons of inaccuracies and errors. Since it's published by Bradley Games and not from Square-Enix I myself can't really call it an Official Guide, like a best guess guide really.


          Something that would do you very well to learn, is that Strategy Guides in MMORPGs are almost worthless. By the time they are published a good amount of the data is no longer any good or has changed.

          EDIT AGAIN:

          Also buy a Guide right now is probably the worst time, it's going to be missing tons of data on 9/21/04 when the expansion comes out. So that Guide as bad as it is now is going to get worse in about 2 months.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Spirit Link is percentage based when it absorbs your HP, and seems like the conversion rate is based almost on a percentage as well.

            The numbers almost seem random at first (since you can't actually see the digits on your Wyvern's HP), but you'll notice the pattern after awhile.

            Also, if Spirit Link causes your HP to drop into red (50% or below), your HP conversion will be cut to 1/3 max. For example, when you are sitting at 600/1200, you'll never lose more than 200 HP when using spirit link.

            So if you were wondering if a DRG could kill themself with Spirit Link, the answer is no.

