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does DRG have must to be MELEE?

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  • does DRG have must to be MELEE?

    like the topic said does Dragoon have to be melee? its hard being a dragoon compare to all other melee, Mnk, Drk, War, Sam,

    will SE fix DRG more to the BST side. can fight decent and have unquie skill.

    by looking at the job, DRG is the only class that can be affect by the different subjob. instead of using the subjob ability it will the wyvern's function depend on the subjob, I think that is very interesting. I hope SE will start working from this point.

  • #2
    And it is.....

    Drg/whm is good, and while many see drg/war and the streotypical drg it is flawed.

    The honest answer is drg/blm

    provided int for a drg is a little lower than i'd like it to be the truth of the matter is that int isn't as essential as it one might think it should be. There are a lot of great stuff about drg/blm the three most noticeble bieng these

    #3: warping is fun
    #2: spike spells work really well
    #1: about the same time oe starts getting their AF you get Aspir

    Aspir is the key to an elvaan drg/blm i saw someone else post this info a long time ago but i can't find the post. but the great thing about drg/blm is the soloing potential it obtains in the mid-50's becuase with aspir you can pull much needed mp outof most enemies. Aspir while your wyvern has enhanced breath restores you mp and hp (provied you need it enough)

    before you hit the mid-50's exp will be ok to get i make it to 38 before people looked twice at it.
    Dex boost
    with Spike spells you can attack defensivly
    wyvern can take hate if you want it to.

    sorry i'm kinda sleepy but i hope you get the just

    p.s. DRG >IS< A MELEE CLASS, just a really weird one
    Dance Puppets Dance!


    • #3
      Or simply:

      DRG = g1mP


      • #4
        IS there anyone willing to do a lot to try change people's mind about so call gimped class..

        i think the only reason there are gimp class is becuz most ppl's play style only have one way.. i believe there are more way to play this game.. but people just don't willing to try.. or willing to try but got reject by most...

        if we go on this way... FFXI will die soon like all other MMO

        I wish SE will think of some way to tweek the game play style so players have choice of different play style instead of play what everyone play. example some more solo option, or a lot of other different class to build pt with instead of normal , tank/whm/melee..


        • #5
          This game's been out over two years guy. Damn I'm sick and tired of god-damn noobs talking about some half assed job combo like it's the next big thing. DRG-Anything but Warrior sucks. Period. Hell Dragoon sucks. Don't waste your time.
          Just do it.

          There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics


          • #6
            that is why i ask in the first post, can we treat or use dragoon as something else beside saying its a melee class.

            I never said drg/something is the next big thing... jsut want to give the drg play a chance.


            • #7
              I put 6 months of time into dragoon before I realized it's weaknesses. That's about the only reason I play dragoon, and I'm close to 75 so I might as well go for it. There's no other purpose we can play. Even if we did, we'd be weaker at it than we currently are as a melee class.

              People should play another class if they don't like the idea of DRG being melee, and most do.
              My stuff~


              • #8
                does DRG have must to be MELEE?



                • #9
                  The best Mage sub of choice IMO is RDM. It gives your wyvern more strength in its damage breath and healing breath.
                  I ain't no flapjack!
                  60 SAM, 44 MNK, 30 WAR, 15 THF, 10 NIN, 8 WHM, 7 BLM, 6 BRD, 6 RNG, 6 DRK, 3 DRG


                  • #10
                    only combo's i personally accept for dragoon..

                    DRG/SAM (no longer but it used to be)

                    if your going solo (laughs)... play whatever the damned please.
                    3 Star General of the GHLA
                    Ground Hog Liberation Army

                    Free Ipods, just cancel your offer as soon as it accepted!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Griddlecake
                      The best Mage sub of choice IMO is RDM. It gives your wyvern more strength in its damage breath and healing breath.
                      Don't forget the en- spells.
                      SAM 74


                      • #12
                        The best Mage sub of choice IMO is RDM. It gives your wyvern more strength in its damage breath and healing breath.
                        The strenght of the wyverns breath attack is not determined by the sub job. It's determined by the DRGs HP and the wyvern's current HP when you use a weapon skill... Only thing sub job determines is what type of wyvern you'll be having around and what breath attack it will use.


                        • #13
                          I personally am more leniant towards /WHM or /RDM, but thats just me. :sweat:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Griddlecake
                            The best Mage sub of choice IMO is RDM. It gives your wyvern more strength in its damage breath and healing breath.
                            too bad that you dont get a damage breath with rdm sub =(



                            • #15
                              I too find it flawed and i dont see how drg/war is going to be the best combo (i have plenty of drg/? friends who also run into this issue) and i dont think drg is going to be as strong damage dealer as most melee classes even tho people may cry and complain and quote about this. All jobs post 60 start to show their true potential so if you notice your attack lacking and Job Abilities starting to show things like oh say... HATE MANAGEMENT. Then you should spend more time trying to figure out how its done. All im going to say is take a look at your job abilities and see if your playing with them or against them.
                              My job combos:

                              THF:15 SMN:20 BST:7 BLM:15 RNG:10 WAR:21 NIN:39 rest i forget or 20+


