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DRG/WHM = good and unique

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  • DRG/WHM = good and unique

    Personally I think DRG/WHM is a good combine.

    In the above post there are a few fault statment.

    "Your wyvern will only use a heal breath on you if you cast a spell and stay under 1/4th health, it will only heal your party members when they drop under 1/8th.. In an emergency it might be useful, but in the time it takes for you to cast, the wyvern to ready, then heal, that 1/8th hp will be gone and your party member will be dead."

    Here is the Fact:
    The wyvern will cast a Heal beath to the entire pt if any of the pt member's HP (inculde yourself)drop below 1/3 of their full HP, when u which higher level and get your AF helmet with "improve bealth" the wyvern will heal when any pt member's HP drop down to 1/2. And not to mention while you level get higher your wyvern will learn more power heal beath ( HB1,HB2,HB3... ).

    Although being a DRG/WHM has very little MP, but all you need to do is to cast a "Dia" and you can heal the entire pt. what other class can do that? In a way DRG/WHM can act as a backup healer.

    Since DRG is not really function too well against other melee class. Why don't we open up out mind and make DRG into a unigue class.

    Have a class that can fight decent, heal decent, and debuff decent in a pt not only can help out in the emergency, also will speed up the exp process.

    at least that is what i think.

  • #2
    Yea what I had said I actually tested out last night and it dident work, but I mean, by subbing whm, you lose berserk, double attack, provoke to set up trick tanks. But thats always been the problem with drg, if you want a healer, you get a whm. I can see what you mean though, I have seen some drg in JP pts post 60 with drg/whm in it, but it probablly works much better with a galka tank, since their HP won't be "low" when the heal breath can kick in.


    • #3
      New pt idea

      i understand what you mean.. for normal pt drg/whm is not that effective.

      so check this out:

      A normal party will look like this:

      Tank-healer-BLM-Melee-Melee-Melee(or suport brd/rdm)

      Here is the Ideas:


      Personally I Think with a party set up like this, it will maximum the damage output and also minimum the risk factor.

      Due to all pt member can do damage (include the tank).
      basically you have 10 members doing damage at the same time if you including the Wyverns.

      And you might ask where is the healer.. as for the healer part. everyone in the pt share the duty. since everyone can heal too. specially for the 3 drg/whm can use heal beath to heal whole pt when any pt member drop to 1/3 of HP (1/2 if have AF helmet).

      I will say this is a safe pt and fast killing too.


      • #4
        I would like to state a couple of things about this, since I actually have quite a bit of experience testing out DRG/WHM. For exp parties, I go WAR sub, no question about it. For one thing, exp parties with a THF require the other melee to take WAR sub, so they can take the first voke and let the THF fuidama onto the PLD or NIN. For exp parties with another melee instead of THF, I still prefer WAR sub, simply because of the incredible attack boost from Berserk. And Double Attack fires a LOT, making WAR sub very invaluable in my mind.

        Here's a couple points about DRG/WHM:

        * Healing Breath activates at orange HP with AF3 hat on, red HP without, for anyone in the party.
        * As a 63 DRG/31 WHM mithra, I only have ~120 MP.
        * Healing Breath III heals anywhere between 190-240 HP that I've seen... that's enough to maybe get the person out of orange if they didn't take too much of a beating.
        * This also means that the people in your group are going to be hovering near orange most of the time if you're main healer. And there are some monsters that can wipe someone out with one attack at that point (goblin bomb toss, bomb self-destruct, doll self-destruct, bee final sting, etc. etc.)
        * DRG has some of the lowest damage weaponskills at that level as it is (Skewer vs. Guillotine or Dancing Edge? No contest...). We kind of depend on the breath attacks for that extra bit of damage. Go WHM sub, and you don't get those anymore.

        DRG/WHM does have its strong points, but those lie solely in non-exp settings. I have a 63 RDM friend, and the two of us are constantly exploring/farming/goofing around. He goes RDM/WAR and I go DRG/WHM, and it's a very powerful combination. We can easily take even matches, and some tough's depending on what kind of monster it is. What makes this so powerful is that the RDM can Phalanx/Stoneskin/voke tank and I do status heals, regen, and activate healing breath if he starts taking a beating, while he can keep refresh on me to boost my gimpy MP. I can't honestly see a RDM in an exp party being thrilled at refreshing the DRG.

        "Tank - DRG/WHM - DRG/WHM - DRG/WHM - DRG/WAR - BLM/WHM"

        Well, couple of problems with this party setup.... first of all, not much choice for a skillchain, is there? About all you can do is Penta Thrust <-> Skewer, for either Transfixion or Compression skillchain. Doesn't give the BLM much option for a magic burst, and the skillchain / magic burst is where the monster takes the biggest hit to HP the fastest. Plus, I can see a lot of downtime in that party, since there's no BRD or RDM, and they're basically essential for exp chaining later on. Also, who would be pulling in this party? The tank? The DRG/WAR? If you've got a PLD tank, he's not going to want to pull since there's no RDM/BRD and he'll NEED to rest for MP. Another thing you have to remember is DRG is not suited for pulling, considering our lack of ranged attacks, so if the DRG/WAR was puller, he'd prolly do a jump pull and get half eaten on the way back to camp...

        Just my two cents... I personally have no problems with the combination of DRG/WHM, but it has a time and a place, and that's not in exp parties. I also don't see the suggested party combination being too effective... yeah, you could probably kill the monsters, but exp would be very slow, and I can't think of too many tanks that like hovering that close to death constantly.
        Ali's Livejournal:


        • #5
          Thank, Alipes for the freedback, I guess i will get back to the drawing board and tweek this idea a little.
          but the whole purpose of this idea is to create a chance for the dragoons to be in a pt.

          for some stange reason i have a feeling that SE will fix dragoon to be unquie.


          • #6
            DRG/WHM is simply for solo use. Maybe vs. HNM too so you can aid in Cure aswell as protect yourself with Stoneskin and Blink.

            For exp party? No.


            • #7
              I dont know about you all... but DRG is looking more like a hate controller sorta like THF more than DMG dealer from what i've been seeing lately. Plus i hear high jump reduces hate and super high jump erases it.
              My job combos:

              THF:15 SMN:20 BST:7 BLM:15 RNG:10 WAR:21 NIN:39 rest i forget or 20+



              • #8
                Originally posted by Alipes
                Also, who would be pulling in this party? The tank? The DRG/WAR? If you've got a PLD tank, he's not going to want to pull since there's no RDM/BRD and he'll NEED to rest for MP. Another thing you have to remember is DRG is not suited for pulling, considering our lack of ranged attacks, so if the DRG/WAR was puller, he'd prolly do a jump pull and get half eaten on the way back to camp...

                Drg/Whm with Dia :spin:
                My job combos:

                THF:15 SMN:20 BST:7 BLM:15 RNG:10 WAR:21 NIN:39 rest i forget or 20+



                • #9
                  I dunno, as my DRG is only level 6...

                  Seems to me that a Drg/Whm would play very much like red mages do for the first half of their careers -- run up, hit things, cast spells between swings. The difference is: no enfeebles. Just the backup heal role. You'll be resting your wyvern's Hp from AoE anyway, so why not some mp? Well, I suppose Spirit Link took the weight out of that logic.
                  I'll be off thinking in a corner somewhere.
                  "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                  • #10
                    I said elsewhere that if you weren't going DRG/WAR (or DRG/THF, DRG/SAM) you were making a mistake. Now I am not so sure. I have solo'd DRG/RDM a lot in the past few days and there are definite advantages. Healing Breath 3 hits for ~160 and some of the other things a wyvern will do are nice (like remove paralysis).

                    I still think this (DRG/mage) is more of a soloing combo - and it is great for that (I use silence and blind/paralyze depending on the monster and regen mainly) - but you can work it in a party. At least at 45 the loss of attack is minimal and you can still do a good job as a melee. I would resist the temptation to boost MP though. I still think DRG should focus on DEX/ACC as much as possible. Treat your MP like an emergency reserve and also as something to use for self-only spells. By the way, as a Mithra 45DRG/22RDM I have 72MP. A DRG/WHM should have a bit more.

                    Personally I would still tend to go with DRG/WAR for an optimal job combo, but if you are in a situation with a solid tank and there is a good backup tank available, this can work. I am thinking of doing it from time to time in my static, but would never join a random party as anything other than DRG/WAR.
                    My Profile - Click, you like.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Alipes
                      I can't honestly see a RDM in an exp party being thrilled at refreshing the DRG.

                      I really don't understand what's so difficult for a Rdm to do. I mean, you refresh yourself, the whm, blm, tank and the Drg. Enfeeble, magic burst if you still have some mp, convert, have WHM heal you while you do it all over again.

                      If your RDM has a problem refreshing a drg it's just as stupid as a WHM having a problem healing a drg cuz he used Spirit Link. It's their F***IN' JOB! If they have a problem wit it, they're incompetent. period.:mad:


                      • #12

                        Red mages usually aren't happy with having to constantly refresh Dark Knights, I don't see how this would be much different. Most Rdms have developed their little 'refresh cycles' and most refresh Drks every 3-5 cycles. I'd imagine it'd work the same way here.

                        On the flipside, a dark knight that uses all his mp in the first fight of the chain is likely an idiot, a drg/whm or drg/rdm would be a back up healer -- the mp's either not getting touched or it's gone, simple. If that's not refreshed right away or rested back, you've lost one back up healer til you get fitted into the refresh cycle.
                        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"

