I have all the adv. jobs now ^^ and I really have taken a liking to DRG! I was wondering since the Penta nerf should I be one anyways? Or should I stick with another job?
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Should I...
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Should I...
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43 WHM | 21 BLM | 8 MNK | 17 WAR | 25 THF | 71 SMN | 72 BRD | 20 NIN | 9 RNG | 12 DRG | SAM 31
All advanced job quests completed. // Carbuncle Mitts: O // Evoker's Ring: O // Opo-Opo Crown: O
CoP Mission: Three Paths [5-3]
Avatars: Shiva Titan Garuda Ifrit Ramuh Carbuncle Leviathan Fenrir
Title: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper/Kirin Captivator
:: Bard AFv2 ::
Bard's Roundlet: O
Bard's Justaucorps: O
:: Bard AF ::
Paper Knife: O
Choral Roundlet: O
Choral Justacorps: O
Choral Cuffs: O
Choral Cannions: O
Choral Slippers: O
:: Summoner AF ::
Kukulcan's Staff: O
Evoker's Horn: x
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TP nerf wasn't a big deal except for farming and some extra WS during battle~ still a crappy workaround they implemented rather than fixing the problem. It was like that for how long?
Anywho, if you want to be one, be one. I'm a DRG atm because I spent so much time as one, but I do wish I had gone DRK. Mostly because playing DRG feels incomplete or uncared for by devs, seeing the new stuff that comes out for it. Only patches I've liked so far was when they fixed Jumps so that you don't land backwards and Spirit Link. Iono what kinda problems they had before PC release though~
Guess that wasn't a very good answer :sweat:
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