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dragoon arent weak

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  • dragoon arent weak

    We were fighting HNM Roc and Dragoon in my LS was hitting 250 damage per hit and over 1000 with Impulse Drive. =O

    pld:75 nin:75 war:37
    bonecraft: 81+2 leathercraft: 50

  • #2
    They arn't, just retarded people who think they can do damage wearing level 10 rings.

    I was unloading 100-200 damage hits + 600-800 penta during exp pt O_O
    NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


    • #3
      Wheeling Thrust sucks

      thats the big DRG problem at higher levels a WAR/NIN, SAM/WAR, RNG/NIN works better as a WS chain buddy for a THF or DRK (unless your fighting bone, then gimme a mnk or 2 and kill every other pull in about 15 seconds).
      Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
      BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
      RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

      Currently Playing: WOW Beta
      Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


      • #4
        I agree also, Although im only a lv 50 elvaan dragoon, with good gear at this lv when I get invited im dealing great Damage,
        the dark knight in my pt was impressed, I actually get sent
        tells by friends to join pts when im farming because they know
        im a good player who farms his ass for gear. I also make a dam
        good fuidoma partner with thieves.

        I can see why DRGs getting a bad rep thou, People dont
        see our wyverns dmg for instance

        Dark Knight hits for 110dm Delay:520

        Dragoon hits for 80dmg Delay:480
        Wyvern hits for 15dmg Delay:250

        our wyverns delay 250 that would be 2hits per dark knight hit
        for a total of 30dmg it would then become:

        Dark Knight hits for 110dmg
        Dragoon hits for 110dmg

        Also there are a lot of bad dragoons that are ruining our reps.
        All it takes is one crappy eqp DRG to ruin a rep for all drg to a pt.

        For instance last night I was pting with 2 drgs(slow night almost no dds were lfg) It was a joke he was a mithra drg who was
        hitting for crap, we were both same lv but i was constinatly
        dealing 30-40 more dmg then him, WS were doing well over 100 more dmg then him. Go figure.

        I still think with good equipment we make Respectable Damge dealers at this lv. Its just with all the bed rep going around people
        are very hessitant to invite one.


        • #5
          We were fighting HNM Roc and Dragoon in my LS was hitting 250 damage per hit and over 1000 with Impulse Drive.
          Does Roc really count as a HNM when you can kill it with 3 people? I mean as HNM go, thats pretty bottom of the barrel. Besides that, DRG gets a bonus vs flying monsters, so go figure, they do better damage to Roc.

          Try a real HNM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Weezingpipes

            Does Roc really count as a HNM when you can kill it with 3 people? I mean as HNM go, thats pretty bottom of the barrel. Besides that, DRG gets a bonus vs flying monsters, so go figure, they do better damage to Roc.

            Try a real HNM.
            NIN can solo serket.. and adamntoise?

            But roc is seriously easy.. without NIN you need around 6-10 people for serket.. PLD get raped O_O I saw 4 PLDs go down to it :sweat:
            NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


            • #7
              Originally posted by Stanislav

              without NIN you need around 6-10 people for serket.. PLD get raped O_O I saw 4 PLDs go down to it :sweat:
              Nah ... I've seen a party of pld, brd, and 2 mages (Don't really know which, mages in errant gear all look alike, I think rdm and whm) take down serket. Took a long time, and it did look like they would lose, but they won ...


              • #8
                Er ok..anyway..

                Most of the old world HNM are fairly weak. You *need* maximum 6 people that are 70+ for Serket, don't even need NIN. Serket is actually harder with a NIN tank, if you have a NIN tank, might as well watch them solo it instead. By 70+ its a fairly low output monster, along with basically all the other old world HNM's.

                While most melee are gimped on any HNM that isn't one of the old world ones, saying such and such owns on Roc/Serket blah blah blah is like saying such and such can own Ordelle's Caves. I've yet to see any melee job do poor damage vs any of the old world HNM. Of course, king/beast god/Tu'lia HNM is a whole other story, where most of them melee are there to loot items, not really to fight, and thats a seperate but somewhat related problem altogether.


                • #9
                  The thing about nobody seeing our Wyvern's damage does contribute to the assumption that DRG sucks and that's the end.
                  I mean my Wyvern will deal out well over 100 damage per breath attack but nobody is able to witness that and as the DRK will do more damage than me when comparing our 2 WS everyone immediately thinks that we are weaker.


                  • #10
                    I mean my Wyvern will deal out well over 100 damage per breath attack but nobody is able to witness that and as the DRK will do more damage than me when comparing our 2 WS everyone immediately thinks that we are weaker.
                    You havent hit the mid 60's when DRK .. REALLY picks up the damage output (check out the pict in FattMusiek sig for an example).

                    DRG are fine as a "damage dealer".. but unfortunately after level 3 skillchains are possible, being a fine damage dealer doesnt cut it. You are either a tank (pld / nin), the skillchain closer (THF, DRK/THF, MNK/THF), or the trick buddy.. and Wheeling thrust sucks..

                    Maybe impulse drive -> ashuran fists vs. Manticores would work well, but then DRG still have a problem of holding the post WS hate long enough for the mnk to get their sata + ws in (the mob crits you and turns back to the tank =/ happens ALOT with drg). Having the WS close on you and then sheding the hate with super jump is an option... but then you have one pissed off BLM left tanking the monster if his MB doesnt kill it.
                    Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
                    BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
                    RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

                    Currently Playing: WOW Beta
                    Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by evilution

                      You havent hit the mid 60's when DRK .. REALLY picks up the damage output (check out the pict in FattMusiek sig for an example).

                      DRG are fine as a "damage dealer".. but unfortunately after level 3 skillchains are possible, being a fine damage dealer doesnt cut it. You are either a tank (pld / nin), the skillchain closer (THF, DRK/THF, MNK/THF), or the trick buddy.. and Wheeling thrust sucks..

                      Maybe impulse drive -> ashuran fists vs. Manticores would work well, but then DRG still have a problem of holding the post WS hate long enough for the mnk to get their sata + ws in (the mob crits you and turns back to the tank =/ happens ALOT with drg). Having the WS close on you and then sheding the hate with super jump is an option... but then you have one pissed off BLM left tanking the monster if his MB doesnt kill it.
                      And if you don't think late game matters that much...

                      well, the amount of exp needed to get a character from 1-62 is the same amount of exp needed to get a character from 63-75.

                      So the inability to produce good renkei 3 damage is really the dragoon's biggest problem....

                      Along with this inability to deal damage during renkei, the dragoon has a problem with pulling hate off the tank; making the thief fuidama onto the dragoon...

                      when you get to LV70, it's just not happening; you need all the hate you can get on the tank in order to hold it from firaga 3 and latter BLM spells. With a dragoon; he doesn't have as much hate as the paladin before WS, gets the thf's trick, but that's still not enough to cover from massive magic bursts.

                      Combined with the weak renkeis, unless you start the renkei at halfway into the mobs health, it won't kill the mob... hate goes all over the place... really quite messy.


                      • #12
                        Along with this inability to deal damage during renkei, the dragoon has a problem with pulling hate off the tank; making the thief fuidama onto the dragoon...
                        A well equipped DRG/WAR can turn the mob after a Wheeling Crap most of the time. Problem is the completely LACK the ability to hold the mob on them for the 2-3 seconds required by the THF | /THF to close the skillchain.

                        Low defence combined with no ability that forces the mob to miss them (third eye, blink.. remember they have to sub WAR for provoke.. they are no RNG whos DPS alone will turn the mob quite a bit, let alone their WS damage) leads to them losing hate back to the tank after 1 hit from the mob.

                        Maybe if jump and high jump caused the mob to miss its next attack.... then SE would be going a long ways to making the DRG class a viable grouping melee character post 66.
                        Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
                        BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
                        RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

                        Currently Playing: WOW Beta
                        Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


                        • #13
                          DRG will own any sort of bird/bat/bee/bomb/flying enemy. Hell, I can even melee Suzaku for 60-80 damage per hit, while all other melees barely top 20. RNG is the exception, since Arrow type weapons get the same bonus. I thought my 2000+ Penta on Dark Spark was impressive, until I saw a RNG do 3000+. Even at what DRG is the best at, it's outclassed. I've done 1500 on Roc with a 3 hit Penta. Roc isn't hard ><
                          Aside from the well blinged exceptions, while I wouldn't call it a weak job, I wouldn't exactly invite one to my parties these days. The WS suck, Wyvern output really is only good on weaker enemies (1~2 damage vs. higher up HNM, etc).
                          I've done and tried everything with it. Overloaded attack, overloaded accuracy, even overloaded MP to try and cure tank. It "can" be great at all the above, but usually isn't. The fact that every WS after Penta isn't really all that good (Skewer is decent~pretty good, but it isn't a Cross Raper, Spin Slash type good) is just the deathblow.
                          FFXI Journal


                          • #14
                            Ayako you rule man, I love reading your posts.

                            Well I have decided to scrap DRG and go for PLD... but not just yet.
                            I want to get DRG to 60 with full AF before comitting to PLD as a permanent job.

                            DRG are good, but I have no patience and will soon lose interest so it's better to pick a popular job like PLD.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dark Aphalite
                              Ayako you rule man, I love reading your posts.

                              Well I have decided to scrap DRG and go for PLD... but not just yet.
                              I want to get DRG to 60 with full AF before comitting to PLD as a permanent job.

                              DRG are good, but I have no patience and will soon lose interest so it's better to pick a popular job like PLD.
                              Well at the very least, if it's any consolation, halfway mark in terms of total exp earnt is LV62 (it takes as much exp to get from 1-62 as it does to get from 63-75)... and LV60 is just about when Dragoon starts turning into a steaming pile of crap.

