I Just hit lvl 60 and finished my Artifact armor. I, as many of you according to the other thread, have been curious about drk sub since everyone just says it sucks, yet do not offer any real evidence, or at least, no empirical evidence. So, being 60 now, I decided I would try drk sub out now that souleater is available and let you all know since nobody has actually tried this yet it seems.
First off, my equipment is as follows:
Full AF
2 X sniper's rings
Merman's gorget
Assult Earring
Spike Earring/Killer Earring (+5 attk if drk sub)
Grand Knight's Lance
OK, first off, switching to drk sub added +12 attack over war sub, so I assume the attk bonus drk gets at 60 adds that much attk. I was pleased with this because that is 12 attack that will always be there, no timers yada yada.
Souleater is a very nice/cool thing for drg. My pentas were hitting for 1k+ on tough enemies, and doing 500-800 on exp class mobs when all hits landed. Skewer was doing 350-600. The drawback? Your hp is pretty much gone down to yellow after ws, then further down as you continue to attack (duh). Luckily, it is on the same timer as super jump, so if aggro were to be stuck on you, that would save you. Soul Eater has a 1 minute duration, so normal attacks and jumps benefit after ws is done as well. It should be noted that Last Resort was used everytime I used souleater as well, since it only last 30seconds and is on a similar timer. Test were done on raptors, so obviously results may vary. I'll post more in time.
Normal attks were higher than normal by about 10, but not higher than when I use berserk. Berserk is just pure greatness when active.
Healing breath is a disapointment to me. I was under the impression I could trigger it by casting a spell when ANY party member was at the appropriet health requirment. I found this not to be true, and the healing breath only triggers when my health is at 1/3, not a party members. This makes it almost useless for exp party since I almost never have that low of health.
Spell casting is lame; only semi-useful spell would be drain, which is too random to be useful (anywhere from 4 - 104hp)
From my experience, I think drg/drk is a ton more fun to play than drg war becuse its nice to impress people with a big number, or change things up a bit after playing /war for so long. You get a lot of attention using souleater in jeuno while wearing full AF rofl.
The absense of double attack is aparent, and God do I miss berserk. Since I'm in a static, I will continue as drg/drk because I find it more fun and the party doesn't mind. As far as to which is more damaging, from my perspective they seem about equal. WS seem a lot more powerful, but SE is on a long timer. You do get that permanent +12 attk though, and using the killer earring gets rid of that nasty -5 evasion on the spike earring. I am considering using the damage parser to see which one truely does more damage in the end, but I'm thinking the huge attk bonus of berserk and the occasional double attk will slightly put /war ahead. Don't know if this has helped anyone, I'd be happy to answer some question or maybe run some more potential test on a wider array of enemies. No flames please, i'm just here to help.
I Just hit lvl 60 and finished my Artifact armor. I, as many of you according to the other thread, have been curious about drk sub since everyone just says it sucks, yet do not offer any real evidence, or at least, no empirical evidence. So, being 60 now, I decided I would try drk sub out now that souleater is available and let you all know since nobody has actually tried this yet it seems.
First off, my equipment is as follows:
Full AF
2 X sniper's rings
Merman's gorget
Assult Earring
Spike Earring/Killer Earring (+5 attk if drk sub)
Grand Knight's Lance
OK, first off, switching to drk sub added +12 attack over war sub, so I assume the attk bonus drk gets at 60 adds that much attk. I was pleased with this because that is 12 attack that will always be there, no timers yada yada.
Souleater is a very nice/cool thing for drg. My pentas were hitting for 1k+ on tough enemies, and doing 500-800 on exp class mobs when all hits landed. Skewer was doing 350-600. The drawback? Your hp is pretty much gone down to yellow after ws, then further down as you continue to attack (duh). Luckily, it is on the same timer as super jump, so if aggro were to be stuck on you, that would save you. Soul Eater has a 1 minute duration, so normal attacks and jumps benefit after ws is done as well. It should be noted that Last Resort was used everytime I used souleater as well, since it only last 30seconds and is on a similar timer. Test were done on raptors, so obviously results may vary. I'll post more in time.
Normal attks were higher than normal by about 10, but not higher than when I use berserk. Berserk is just pure greatness when active.
Healing breath is a disapointment to me. I was under the impression I could trigger it by casting a spell when ANY party member was at the appropriet health requirment. I found this not to be true, and the healing breath only triggers when my health is at 1/3, not a party members. This makes it almost useless for exp party since I almost never have that low of health.
Spell casting is lame; only semi-useful spell would be drain, which is too random to be useful (anywhere from 4 - 104hp)
From my experience, I think drg/drk is a ton more fun to play than drg war becuse its nice to impress people with a big number, or change things up a bit after playing /war for so long. You get a lot of attention using souleater in jeuno while wearing full AF rofl.
The absense of double attack is aparent, and God do I miss berserk. Since I'm in a static, I will continue as drg/drk because I find it more fun and the party doesn't mind. As far as to which is more damaging, from my perspective they seem about equal. WS seem a lot more powerful, but SE is on a long timer. You do get that permanent +12 attk though, and using the killer earring gets rid of that nasty -5 evasion on the spike earring. I am considering using the damage parser to see which one truely does more damage in the end, but I'm thinking the huge attk bonus of berserk and the occasional double attk will slightly put /war ahead. Don't know if this has helped anyone, I'd be happy to answer some question or maybe run some more potential test on a wider array of enemies. No flames please, i'm just here to help.