Hey, this post is mainly a rant about my experience as Taru DRG.
I've seen some posts here and there on various forums about other Taru's wanting to be DRG asking questions like "What's the best sub-job" and "How gimped are we" etc...
Well let me tell you about my experiences as Taru DRG. I'm a level
65 Taru DRG on Pandemonium server(LS: Meiyo/Kupo), so I know what works and what does not for our race. This is mainly for EXP Parties.
Leveling/EXP PTs:::::::
---Before Level 50---
Sub job you should choose before level 50 DRG? I suggest Warrior
sub job, but THF sub job before level 50 is ok in my opinion. It's
the warrior's double attack at level 25 that sets it apart from THF
sub. But dude.. for you Taru's subbing Samurai before level 60..
wtf are you thinking.. you are one gimped Taru DRG. Believe me, there are a lot of Taru DRG's out there who think samurai sub is good only because they don't want to level warrior or theif sub. DON'T DO IT!! THF is ok because of sneak attack, it does pretty good damage with double thrust... and allows you to get in maybe 1 or 2 more hits you would have missed if you had warrior sub... but Berserk for warrior sub really increases your DMG a lot... and since you're a Taru.. you need to make up for less damage.
Provoke as Warrior offers many more options for your PT as well. Youare more valuable to PTs because not only can you set up Sneak/Trick attacks for THFs in your PT, but you can save mages or dying teammates if anything were to go wrong. And believe me, DRG/WAR gets more invites than a DRG/THF... and you need all the favorable things considering you are a Taru to get into PTs.
Suggestion: Warrior sub job. Theif is maybe ok.
---After Level 50---
The other thing is sub job. You MUST go Warrior sub with Taru after level 50 for leveling PTs. Remember, you are Taru, your STR is TERRIBLE. Please don't go SAM or THF sub for the love of God.
Don't even try to tell me Samurai will do more dmg than a warrior sub, I've tried it, it SUCKS. The DRG WS is not strong first of all, what difference will it make to meditate like once every 3 battles for an extra shitty damage WS. Trust me, war sub with Berserk and Double attack is THE WAY TO GO!!! THF sub... let me remind you, YOU ARE A TARU. You have to make up for your weaknesses!! You might think sneak attack and trick attack is awesome... but it's not as good as you think it is. Your regular attack is not that strong, your sneak and trick will not be as strong as well. And let me tell you this, only WS sneak/trick i've seen do OK damage with is Double Thrust... When you get to 60+ you'll usually be using Skewer for skillchain purposes and better average damage. I have both THF and SAM sub leveled... they are nothing compared to a Warrior sub.
Suggestion: Warrior sub job.
Even after level 60, samurai sub sucks ass in my opinion.. meditate is not all that it is cracked up to be for a DRG.. ESPECIALLY after the TP nerf. Just don't do it. Go warrior, suck it up. Yes... IT SUCKS to level warrior as a Taru, but if you're going to be a DRG, you better level it. Let me remind you, Taru's STR SUCKS!!! The only ability you get with samurai is meditate... and what's the point of an extra WS if you deal CRAP damage...
---The Jumps---
Jump, Super Jump, and High JUmp will save your life at higher levels.
Jump is great for TP gaining. Don't use JUMP if you are at like 70%
TP, it's not worth it. JUMP is used as a TP gainer, not a DMG dealer. Use JUMP after weapon skills or if your TP is below 50%.
High Jump usage depends on your PT setup. If you are constantly being Tricked on, save this for when you get tricked. Once again, the jumps are not for damage, that is the common faults I see in many DRGs, they use the jumps at inapproriate times just for more damage. If you aren't getting tricked on, use high jump whenever you need more TP. Something I like to do is WS -> Jump -> High Jump for quick TP gain.
Super Jump is pretty straight forward, very good when getting tricked and need to shed some hate.
---Taru vs. Other Races---
First off, we are not as gimped as everyone makes us out to be. The fact is, with the right equipment to make up for defficiencies(sp?) we can deal about the same damage as the other races. How do I know? Well I've compared my damage numerous times to other races such as Elvaan/Mithra/Hume in the same leveling spots as I have been and the difference is not a lot. But the KEY is having good equipment!!! Never ever go leveling your Taru DRG with shitty equipment, your STR stats suck already, with shitty equipment, you're just helping other people's arguments that Taru's suck as melee. Also, always have a leveled sub job, don't be lazy... leveled sub jobs makes a difference.
I don't know if this is the same with other Jobs, but a Dragoon's
damage is very sporatic... sometimes can be very little and sometimes a lot. Maybe it is more evident with Taru's since STR and ATK aren't as high, but I've seen this trend with the other races as well. I think it is this trait of DRG that makes the race not as a huge factor.
---Equipment for Taru---
I really suggest getting STR equipment rather than DEX equipment for Taru's. From my experience against Torama's at level 62-64, using STR equipment made a HUGE difference in the average damage I was dealing.
As Taru, I was dealing around 50-110 DMG to the Torama per hit. This is with this equipment: emp. hairpin, merman gorget, g.k lance, 2 +3 dex rings, assault earring, life belt, spike earring, amemit mantle, carapace body, leaping boots, AF feet(for jump), and A.F gloves.
So I pretty much had a DEX setup. Why no sniper rings? They are overrated in my opinion. I'd rather have equipment that helps out criticals than 10 more accuracy... which is hardly noticeable considering i had +22 ACC already. Maybe 2-3 more hits in a battle for like 60 DMG each... yay.
DEX equipment: 50-110 dmg, with criticals for like 164ish DMG.
With STR equipment, I put on that +9 STR bracelet from a Gigas.. forgot it's name, 2 +3 STR rings, and Spike Necklace. So it's +18 STR... not including the meat mithkabob. My average DMG went WAY UP... let me tell you, with BERSERK/MITHKABOB, I was averaging 85-130ish, with criticals of about 185-195 i think against Torama.
It was a huge difference. My numbers are off, as I'm going from memory, but the STR equipment DEFINITELY made a huge difference in my DMG as a Taru. I was dealing good DMG compared to my Elvaan and Hume counterparts. Just about the same if not more at times. It certainly closed the gap between Taru dmg vs other
So my suggestion really is STR equipment all the way through level 65.. I won't say what after level 65 since I haven't gotten above that yet.
Sniper Rings are good.. against high evasion things.. like Perytons at level 60ish and Torama if you're like level 61 fighting them... but if you have a BRD... it doesn't matter, sniper rings would be useless with a BRD in your PT.
---Make all your PTs---
God... leveling DRG is such a damn nuisance after level 55. Even before level 55, I made most of my PTs. My suggestion is if there is ANY WAY POSSIBLE, make a static PT.. I was not able to find a static PT as DRGs aren't exactly the best choice, you
should push for one.. or at least until they ditch you lol. Make friends... you'll need them... especially as Taru. If it weren't for my LS mates(Meiyo now Kupo)... i prolly would have never made it from 61->65. Just remember, you are like the last job someone wants to PT with. All the other jobs after level 60 are better than you, except for Samurai(flame me!!!) and BST lol.
If you are not used to waiting hours for a PT, this is not the job for you. Believe me when I tell you, waiting 2-3 hours for a PT is commonplace, or maybe no PT at all. Maybe the other races as DRG will get a PT before you because other people *THINK* the other race is better than Taru. So if you're planning on becoming Taru DRG...just know that it's definitely a long journey ahead.
Oh yea, suck up to any NA Bard and stick with him. Try to ride the glory with the Bard as much as you can, that's what I did hahahah. DRG are pretty good with a BRD... it lessens the gap between the other Jobs damage wise. And parties go much faster.
IF you ever get a JP invite... you should laugh your ass off and know this: They are only inviting you because there are no other good melee online at the moment. Feel proud. :D
Also, If you want EXP in your 55's and maybe early 60's, help people with their coffer keys :D. I got so much exp getting coffer keys in my 55's since it took FOREVER to get one usually. Some exp is better than no exp.. that is my motto as DRG lol.
Taru Dragoon compared to the other race dragoons is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, equipment makes up for weaknesses. Always level your sub job, make sure you
have a up to date leveled WAR sub, as it is the single most important sub job for a Taru DRG. Don't sub samurai. Make as many leveling up friends as possible. Make up for DRG's
weaknesses by proving to your PT that you are a skilled PT member ... like using the jumps at approriate times.
I commend you if you are a Taru DRG over level 60, it takes determination. ^_^
I've seen some posts here and there on various forums about other Taru's wanting to be DRG asking questions like "What's the best sub-job" and "How gimped are we" etc...
Well let me tell you about my experiences as Taru DRG. I'm a level
65 Taru DRG on Pandemonium server(LS: Meiyo/Kupo), so I know what works and what does not for our race. This is mainly for EXP Parties.
Leveling/EXP PTs:::::::
---Before Level 50---
Sub job you should choose before level 50 DRG? I suggest Warrior
sub job, but THF sub job before level 50 is ok in my opinion. It's
the warrior's double attack at level 25 that sets it apart from THF
sub. But dude.. for you Taru's subbing Samurai before level 60..
wtf are you thinking.. you are one gimped Taru DRG. Believe me, there are a lot of Taru DRG's out there who think samurai sub is good only because they don't want to level warrior or theif sub. DON'T DO IT!! THF is ok because of sneak attack, it does pretty good damage with double thrust... and allows you to get in maybe 1 or 2 more hits you would have missed if you had warrior sub... but Berserk for warrior sub really increases your DMG a lot... and since you're a Taru.. you need to make up for less damage.
Provoke as Warrior offers many more options for your PT as well. Youare more valuable to PTs because not only can you set up Sneak/Trick attacks for THFs in your PT, but you can save mages or dying teammates if anything were to go wrong. And believe me, DRG/WAR gets more invites than a DRG/THF... and you need all the favorable things considering you are a Taru to get into PTs.
Suggestion: Warrior sub job. Theif is maybe ok.
---After Level 50---
The other thing is sub job. You MUST go Warrior sub with Taru after level 50 for leveling PTs. Remember, you are Taru, your STR is TERRIBLE. Please don't go SAM or THF sub for the love of God.
Don't even try to tell me Samurai will do more dmg than a warrior sub, I've tried it, it SUCKS. The DRG WS is not strong first of all, what difference will it make to meditate like once every 3 battles for an extra shitty damage WS. Trust me, war sub with Berserk and Double attack is THE WAY TO GO!!! THF sub... let me remind you, YOU ARE A TARU. You have to make up for your weaknesses!! You might think sneak attack and trick attack is awesome... but it's not as good as you think it is. Your regular attack is not that strong, your sneak and trick will not be as strong as well. And let me tell you this, only WS sneak/trick i've seen do OK damage with is Double Thrust... When you get to 60+ you'll usually be using Skewer for skillchain purposes and better average damage. I have both THF and SAM sub leveled... they are nothing compared to a Warrior sub.
Suggestion: Warrior sub job.
Even after level 60, samurai sub sucks ass in my opinion.. meditate is not all that it is cracked up to be for a DRG.. ESPECIALLY after the TP nerf. Just don't do it. Go warrior, suck it up. Yes... IT SUCKS to level warrior as a Taru, but if you're going to be a DRG, you better level it. Let me remind you, Taru's STR SUCKS!!! The only ability you get with samurai is meditate... and what's the point of an extra WS if you deal CRAP damage...
---The Jumps---
Jump, Super Jump, and High JUmp will save your life at higher levels.
Jump is great for TP gaining. Don't use JUMP if you are at like 70%
TP, it's not worth it. JUMP is used as a TP gainer, not a DMG dealer. Use JUMP after weapon skills or if your TP is below 50%.
High Jump usage depends on your PT setup. If you are constantly being Tricked on, save this for when you get tricked. Once again, the jumps are not for damage, that is the common faults I see in many DRGs, they use the jumps at inapproriate times just for more damage. If you aren't getting tricked on, use high jump whenever you need more TP. Something I like to do is WS -> Jump -> High Jump for quick TP gain.
Super Jump is pretty straight forward, very good when getting tricked and need to shed some hate.
---Taru vs. Other Races---
First off, we are not as gimped as everyone makes us out to be. The fact is, with the right equipment to make up for defficiencies(sp?) we can deal about the same damage as the other races. How do I know? Well I've compared my damage numerous times to other races such as Elvaan/Mithra/Hume in the same leveling spots as I have been and the difference is not a lot. But the KEY is having good equipment!!! Never ever go leveling your Taru DRG with shitty equipment, your STR stats suck already, with shitty equipment, you're just helping other people's arguments that Taru's suck as melee. Also, always have a leveled sub job, don't be lazy... leveled sub jobs makes a difference.
I don't know if this is the same with other Jobs, but a Dragoon's
damage is very sporatic... sometimes can be very little and sometimes a lot. Maybe it is more evident with Taru's since STR and ATK aren't as high, but I've seen this trend with the other races as well. I think it is this trait of DRG that makes the race not as a huge factor.
---Equipment for Taru---
I really suggest getting STR equipment rather than DEX equipment for Taru's. From my experience against Torama's at level 62-64, using STR equipment made a HUGE difference in the average damage I was dealing.
As Taru, I was dealing around 50-110 DMG to the Torama per hit. This is with this equipment: emp. hairpin, merman gorget, g.k lance, 2 +3 dex rings, assault earring, life belt, spike earring, amemit mantle, carapace body, leaping boots, AF feet(for jump), and A.F gloves.
So I pretty much had a DEX setup. Why no sniper rings? They are overrated in my opinion. I'd rather have equipment that helps out criticals than 10 more accuracy... which is hardly noticeable considering i had +22 ACC already. Maybe 2-3 more hits in a battle for like 60 DMG each... yay.
DEX equipment: 50-110 dmg, with criticals for like 164ish DMG.
With STR equipment, I put on that +9 STR bracelet from a Gigas.. forgot it's name, 2 +3 STR rings, and Spike Necklace. So it's +18 STR... not including the meat mithkabob. My average DMG went WAY UP... let me tell you, with BERSERK/MITHKABOB, I was averaging 85-130ish, with criticals of about 185-195 i think against Torama.
It was a huge difference. My numbers are off, as I'm going from memory, but the STR equipment DEFINITELY made a huge difference in my DMG as a Taru. I was dealing good DMG compared to my Elvaan and Hume counterparts. Just about the same if not more at times. It certainly closed the gap between Taru dmg vs other
So my suggestion really is STR equipment all the way through level 65.. I won't say what after level 65 since I haven't gotten above that yet.
Sniper Rings are good.. against high evasion things.. like Perytons at level 60ish and Torama if you're like level 61 fighting them... but if you have a BRD... it doesn't matter, sniper rings would be useless with a BRD in your PT.
---Make all your PTs---
God... leveling DRG is such a damn nuisance after level 55. Even before level 55, I made most of my PTs. My suggestion is if there is ANY WAY POSSIBLE, make a static PT.. I was not able to find a static PT as DRGs aren't exactly the best choice, you
should push for one.. or at least until they ditch you lol. Make friends... you'll need them... especially as Taru. If it weren't for my LS mates(Meiyo now Kupo)... i prolly would have never made it from 61->65. Just remember, you are like the last job someone wants to PT with. All the other jobs after level 60 are better than you, except for Samurai(flame me!!!) and BST lol.
If you are not used to waiting hours for a PT, this is not the job for you. Believe me when I tell you, waiting 2-3 hours for a PT is commonplace, or maybe no PT at all. Maybe the other races as DRG will get a PT before you because other people *THINK* the other race is better than Taru. So if you're planning on becoming Taru DRG...just know that it's definitely a long journey ahead.
Oh yea, suck up to any NA Bard and stick with him. Try to ride the glory with the Bard as much as you can, that's what I did hahahah. DRG are pretty good with a BRD... it lessens the gap between the other Jobs damage wise. And parties go much faster.
IF you ever get a JP invite... you should laugh your ass off and know this: They are only inviting you because there are no other good melee online at the moment. Feel proud. :D
Also, If you want EXP in your 55's and maybe early 60's, help people with their coffer keys :D. I got so much exp getting coffer keys in my 55's since it took FOREVER to get one usually. Some exp is better than no exp.. that is my motto as DRG lol.
Taru Dragoon compared to the other race dragoons is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, equipment makes up for weaknesses. Always level your sub job, make sure you
have a up to date leveled WAR sub, as it is the single most important sub job for a Taru DRG. Don't sub samurai. Make as many leveling up friends as possible. Make up for DRG's
weaknesses by proving to your PT that you are a skilled PT member ... like using the jumps at approriate times.
I commend you if you are a Taru DRG over level 60, it takes determination. ^_^