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How to fix Dragoon. 1 New Feature Required!

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  • #16
    I found out a secret way to make a Dragoon useful.

    Step 1: Go to any kingdom
    Step 2: Talk to your Moogle
    Step 3: Select job change
    Step 4: Become a Tank, Mage, Bard, or Ranger

    FFXI Journal


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ayako2
      I found out a secret way to make a Dragoon useful.

      Step 1: Go to any kingdom
      Step 2: Talk to your Moogle
      Step 3: Select job change
      Step 4: Become a Tank, Mage, Bard, or Ranger

      Thank you.
      I am going Paladin.

      Damn you Square-Enix... they had such a good idea but raped it in the end.
      My love for Dragoons is still strong but enough is enough.

      How is Ranger coming along now Ayako?


      • #18
        I was in Sea Serpent Grotto not too long ago fighting those DRG Sahagins. Man they had this Jumping Thrust WS that did like 500+ damage. Why couldn't DRGs have one like that =P
        BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
        DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
        WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)



        • #19
          Perhaps what DRG need is a set of pet commands like what bst and smn have. They all have differing timers, but stuff like, attack, heel, stay, sic, as well as the leave I guess.

          They need to sort out the ws issues, and then introduce something new and funky for the wyvern be that what it may. Some interesting specials or something.


          • #20
            I have very little experience with Dragoons but I think their main problem is their inability to gain hate.

            DRG have these nice little Jump JA that remove hate.

            But what's the point in removing hate when you don't have the ability to gain it?

            I think DRG needs some stronger WS so that they can use a big-damage attack, and then shed hate with jumps. As of now jumps are used by DRG mainly just to get TP, instead of using them to shed hate (since they don't get hate anyway)



            • #21
              I think their main problem is that low level polearm WS all have the same skillchain property so they lack versatility; high level ones have some different properties but do weak damage compared to other high level WS. The wyvern's breath doesn't make up the difference at high levels because the breath doesn't contribute to skillchain damage.

              So strengthen the high level polearm WS or introduce more powerful polearms, and DRG will be stronger.
              Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
              RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
              All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


              • #22
                I don't know... I really love DRG and I want to take it to 75 but once it hits 75 what am I going to do? Nothing.
                What is the point of leveling something which won't be needed by anyone?


                • #23
                  I think it'd be nice if the wyvern could deal better breath damage. That way they'd make pretty competent level 3 renkei starters, say 250-300 damage wheeling thrust + 200-250 damage would be 500 or so. They wouldn't end renkeis well because the breath damage doesn't get converted into extra damage, but they'd make nice starters since they partner with thieves, monk and drk. Plus if they wanna sneak/trick behind the dragoon for added damage bonus and it'd all be good. Also wheeling thrust would make the 2nd ws more damaging due to defense reduction . . right >< I'm sprouting this outta my arse coz i don't really know much about them.

                  Oh yea, let them wear something like the thick set.
                  Black Mage 73


                  • #24
                    I'm fairly sure Wheeling "Ignores defense", not "weakens".

                    i think


                    • #25
                      do you guys think S-E reads these boards ?


                      • #26
                        I would think so

                        I'm willing to bet the S-E does read these boards to ensure any additions they make are not something on a board. How many times have you read a list of ideas to find out what is implemented isn't any of them, or, sometimes, a little tiny bit of many of them twisted into its own unique thing?

                        Here's my new idea for S-E to blatantly ignore. How about a passive ability called something along the lines of "Aerial Attack." Just an ability, much like double attack, that turns some attacks into jumplike attacks. The DRG uses its spear like a polevault to sommersault through the air and come down on the enemy spear first. Damage would be equivalent to maybe 1.5 times a normal attack and would be supplimented with a special attack from the wyvern.

                        Another idea that would make the wyvern more useful, but at the same time require the DRG to work toward it and be more limited by it, would be wyvern equipment slots. Since DRG are somewhat limited in equipment choice, this could help even things out but would still require more slots of inventory be used. It wouldn't progress in levels like normal equipment, although there may be DRG lvl requirements for some; it would just modify a wyvern's performance. There would be four slots: Head, Wings, Claws, Body/Tail. Any defense bonus would be minimal, but would provide things such as attack, evasion, breath, or element bonuses, or they could even enable new breath skills or add special effects to normal attacks.

                        A wyvern helm may add five attack and Haste Breath. The wing armor may add ten to evasion and three to defense. The body/tail armor (I think Scorpion Tail or Spike Tail could be awesome wyvern armors) may add three to each element, four to attack, and increase breath effectiveness. The claws would add six to attack and have an additional effect of stun. Then there are effects like regen, bonuses to anything character equipment does, latent effects, adding pet commands to the DRG's list, and the list goes on. And don't forget the point that this allows people to somewhat personalize the appearance of their wyvern. I would expect perhaps 8-12 different pieces of equipment for each slot, not a big change, but certainly noticeable.
                        4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


                        • #27
                          Re: I'll play - You read

                          Originally posted by Balodoth
                          Actually, you'll notice in the quote that I specifically mentioned my ideal changes wouldn't come into effect until later in the game. Therefore, whenever DRK, or any other job for that matter, is able to take DRG's spot, this would be something to counteract it. I like the "damage over time" approach. Many times it's a lot smarter approach too, especially when you take into account accuracy.

                          I'm also very much aware that the difference between DRG & DRK is a growing delta that takes most of the game to become fully pronounced; however, have you considered its effects on the metagame? I know full well that at level 23 with my THF (my current focus job), that I can kill a mob just as fast with a DRK as with a DRG, as with a WAR, as with a PLD. There's really very little difference between the classes at this point. I even get away with playing THF/RDM at this point. Now, when I go into seek party status, a DRK will drop in and disappear nearly as fast as a WHM or BRD--that is if they aren't invited before they seek a party. Meanwhile, I'll watch the poor DRG sit around and wait. "Why?" I ask myself, "is this person waiting so long for a group. Don't people know DRG kills stuff dead?" When you consider the ability to change jobs without changing characters, it all makes sense. Many of these people have had a chance to play to the point where the difference between two melee jobs becomes more obvious. Many of these people go online or to other resources to see what each job has to offer or get people's opinions. When someone goes to make a party in Valkurm, they think that since DRG will eventually suck, DRG must be starting the sucking process now. DRG have a very real problem getting groups at low levels, something I don't have to play through to observe.

                          The reason that I suggested making DRG WS closers is that it would allow them to make truly devastating attacks while requiring the player to work for that benefit. At lower levels it would work, but what do you think would happen if a wyvern attack did a MB? Not nearly as good as a real one. And not nearly as powerful as it could be since it would usually be level one chains in the first place. Also, I state to make the WS not do as much damage for the simple reason that the wyvern is going to MB off it.

                          No, I have not played DRG yet. I fully intend on doing so. My comments are based on personal experience playing with and talking to DRG's of many different levels. Now I know the DRK board have their rants as well, but I can honestly say that taking an impartial view of the matters, I've come to the conclusion that DRG really does need something to increase its potency and viability. I also feel this way about THF and SMN. Until the problem is corrected I am more than happy to throw out ideas in the hope that S-E will see mine or someone else's and begin to think of some way for DRG to be more competitive.

                          Oh, and I feel sorry for the DRK's you know if they need 65+ to be noticeably better than DRG. Tell them to farm or something and get some good armor.
                          I've never seen a post with so many valid points in this section...
                          imo there are enough damage dealers so below par damage with more WS options is an even deal for DRG or more HATE management tools since there are only err... 2 other hate management classes out there (thf/? and i would consider drk/thf)
                          so if they can get some sort of instant hate ability that grabs all hate for 5secs (your tank might have solid hate) then high or super jump it, that would save alot of parties or set up SATA. The options available with that idea are worthwhile.

                          btw, this nerf wasnt aimed directly at DRG, but to anyone hitting alotta times. MNK in relic and assuran fists is or 'was' an infinite Assuran fist 'tank' so they had to nerf it incase some other job got something like that going on. With that patch people have learned to work around it instead of "Penta! Penta! Penta!" and put some MORE teamwork back in there. Someone posted something about a stun attack, a pet command where you can keep your pets TP and use it at your command would be good like a stun bash where he has this speed animation and charges the mob. Or help them pull things with a wyvern ranged attack command :spin:
                          My job combos:

                          THF:15 SMN:20 BST:7 BLM:15 RNG:10 WAR:21 NIN:39 rest i forget or 20+


