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WTH is Jump good for?

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  • WTH is Jump good for?

    After reading Zaptruder's post I had a question.

    I don't have High Jump yet, but i'm wondering if Jump (or any of the jumping skills) serves any practical purpose.:confused: So far it seems to me to do about the same damage as a regular hit, if it even lands at all. I think one time I landed one for about 3x my normal damage.

    So does High Jump or Super Jump do better damage? If not, is there any real point to jumping at all?

    Also, I have a question on how Super Jump works. Ok, I understand by effectively leaving the battle for a few moments the hate is shed. But then once you land doesn't the mob aggro again? If anyone could answer there questions it would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Jump, as you may have noticed, is a straight extra attack you get every 1 and a half minutes. It's damage seems to be quite sporadic, but generally it tries hard to do a bit more damage than your normal attack.

    High Jump is an attack that does damage, has a slightly longer cool-down, and also seems to usually do a bit less damage than the normal Jump. Neat thing about it is that it gets rid of some hate. Sort of useful if a thief pulls a perticularly devastating trick attack off you and you don't need the aggro.

    Super Jump has a 5:00 cool-down, and gets rid of all hate. Once again, useful for the tricking, but not much else under normal circumstances. Jumping in general is nice for a bit of extra TP, and the occasional situation where you may be drawing more aggro than is strictly healthy.


    • #3
      Super Jump saved me last night, had less than half HP and was fighting shadows for my whm friend. Thought I could take one more before healing but got link.

      So I attacked each of them and let my wyvern attack both o them once then super jumped so they started attacking my wyvern instead and I instant warped ^^

      Super Jump is useful for bad situations when soloing.
      Wyvern+Super Jump = a normal 2 hr
      Colossal lance, Optical hat, Mermans gorget, Assault earring, Coral earring, Assault jerkin, Drachen fng. gnt., Ruby ring x2, Forager's mantle, Life belt, Barone cosciales, Barone Gambieras
      +Full JSE, Wyrm Brais, Forest rope
      Leathercraft: 90+1
      San d'Oria Rank 10
      Windurst Rank 9
      Sky, Moon & Lufaise Meadows O


      • #4
        Yep, i've done that many times... used my Wyvern to take the hate while I Super Jumped and ran or warped.
        "The Dark Dragoon"


        • #5
          just dont do it when the pt is using escape. You wont be able to escape when you're up in the air...


          • #6
            Lol, out of curiosity, was that found from experience by you or someone else?

            Either way, it's good for future dragoons to know.
            Carbuncle Server:
            Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
            Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)


            • #7
              Ive done it in Boyda.. Sickle slash kills our pld and an add on shows up, i provoked the spiders to keep them off the blm and as i was left with 8hp, i jumped. The pt escapes and i land back with my poor wyvern going against all of them.. I didnt disengage, just ran away with my weapon out. When he died i was in the zone already with 8hp! /hurray


              • #8
                superjump also avoids any AE attacks so nice for nasty AE you dont want to take


                • #9
                  So nobody's answered my question yet.

                  Question 1: Do any of the jumps do damage greater than normal attacks? So far with Jump, I hit about the same as a normal attack.

                  Question 2: How does super jump work? You jump and leave the battle, avoiding AoE's, losing hate. But then you still land on the mob to hit it. So then doesn't the mob re-aggro you?


                  • #10
                    Jump dose a wide range of damage. I've had it do damage weaker then my normal attack. And damage twice as strong as my normal attack. Both were done on the same types of Orc's in Davoi.

                    Super Jump takes you out of battle for 3 seconds. Nothing can affect you in those 3 seconds. When you come down, the animation is the same as the other jumps. As your character is shown landing on the enemy with his spear pointed at the ground. But you do no damage.

                    Super Jump has saved my quite abit since I got it.


                    • #11
                      Superjump is no doubt useful :p

                      but it could stand to be more useful, outside of escape situations.


                      • #12
                        If that question was directed at me Ichnob, Then yeah, it's from personal experience.

                        From personal experience, I know that a normal jump usually does more damage than a High Jump, and from personal experience, I know that High Jump is useful after a the thf does a distortion renkei with a Viper Bite from behind you.

                        To answer 1080's question, Jump tends to do a bit more damage than your normal attack. Like I said in my first post, it's *"sporadic", which means that it may not count for much. High Jump damage jumps all over the place even more than jump, so I don't know if it does more or less than a normal attack.

                        * Merriam-Webster is so useful sometimes.
                        Main Entry: spo·rad·ic
                        Pronunciation: sp&-'ra-dik
                        Function: adjective
                        Etymology: Medieval Latin sporadicus, from Greek sporadikos, from sporadEn here and there, from sporad-, sporas scattered; akin to Greek speirein to sow -- more at SPERM
                        : occurring occasionally, singly, or in scattered instances
                        synonym see INFREQUENT


                        • #13
                          Uh, thanks selfdest for not answering my question and trying to give me a lesson i dont' need. I know what sporadic means.

                          Super Jump takes you out of battle for 3 seconds. Nothing can affect you in those 3 seconds. When you come down, the animation is the same as the other jumps. As your character is shown landing on the enemy with his spear pointed at the ground. But you do no damage.
                          Thank you SamuiFuyu for being the only person here to answer my question.


                          • #14
                            /sarcasm off

