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wyvern intimidated...

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  • wyvern intimidated...

    For some strange reason, my wyvern was intimidated in castle zvhal when i was helping out some people get their af. This happened when fighting Ahirimans and Demon Commanders.. Why is that?

  • #2
    What happened after it was? Or is that all that happened. If hats all that happened the it was most likely a bug.
    NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


    • #3
      it happened more than once. "name of wyvern" was intimidated by Ahriman.. Pretty odd.. Demon commanders too. Whats going on? It doesnt seem to be a bug, maybe BSTs would have the same problem with their pets against demons and Eyes?

      of course some clown who i helped getting his af there ragged on me for having that problem.. no shortage of ungrateful dumbasses these days...


      • #4
        If a BST PET does that then it does Berserk or some boost effect
        NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


        • #5
          Re: wyvern intimidated...

          Originally posted by raidenn
          For some strange reason, my wyvern was intimidated in castle zvhal when i was helping out some people get their af. This happened when fighting Ahirimans and Demon Commanders.. Why is that?
          Well all I can think is they are Demon types. The Food chains if you ever saw them shows the Dragon's opposite being Demons. Don't know though need to research that more.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Maybe that Demon is a Dragoon type. If it was, it would also have that... Dragon Circle (?) ability which would make it intimidate dragons.
            SAM 44, WAR 36, PLD 16, MNK 10, RNG 4

            Cooking 39, Goldsmithing 38, Fishing 28

            Valkurm Emperor 1/3, Leaping Lizzy 1/3, Mee Deggi the Punisher 0/2


            • #7
              The demons carry either a staff or a scythe. The ahriman is a flying eye.


              • #8
                same thing happens to me whenever I'm in Zvahl and use my wyvern.


                • #9
                  Re: wyvern intimidated...

                  Originally posted by raidenn
                  For some strange reason, my wyvern was intimidated in castle zvhal when i was helping out some people get their af. This happened when fighting Ahirimans and Demon Commanders.. Why is that?
                  This is because Demons and Dragons/Wyverns are opposite each other on the chart of animal/beastmen types. Your little Wyvern will become intimidated to Demons almost all the time in Baileys. Just the nature of the beast there. Happened all the time our LS DRG. They thought the Demon was a DRG type, but as far as I know, there are no DRG type Demons (I only know of Orc DRGs personally).

                  It's a simple animal relationship thing.

                  Demon <---> Dragon
                  Undead <----> Arcana
                  Click here to view my equipment/progress!


                  • #10
                    That doesnt happen with DRKs vs Undead does it?


                    • #11
                      Its the food chain list in action.

                      dont know what it means other than they are agenst each other on the Food chain chart which is located in all major cities somewhere.

                      Players dont get it, only Pets.

                      Might get the same message if a summoner sent a Dark Elemental at a Light elemental. OR a Fire at a Water.
                      3 Star General of the GHLA
                      Ground Hog Liberation Army

                      Free Ipods, just cancel your offer as soon as it accepted!!!


                      • #12
                        Its the BST relationship, if you ever play as a Beastman, you'll have to memorize the chart to make exping very effective.

                        Dragons and Demons and Arcane monsters are on their own "triangle", I can't remember the exact position, but there's a chart an NPC holds in each starting city which will show you the relationship.

