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Just a Thought

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  • Just a Thought

    So I was sitting around today trying to think of ways to improve my favorite job class (um...dragoon) since they are continually screwing us and I thought hey, why not add Lancet?

    This was a really fun ability from FFX and I think it would fit into FFXI. Dragoons don't have any cool magic like Pld or Drk, so why not give them this?

    Here are some ideas I had:

    First, you have to decide what the ability is going to drain from the monster.
    1) It could drain Hp, Mp, and Tp or any combination there-of.
    2) It could drain all of the above and also learn the mob's special ability.

    If they decided that you could learn the mob's abilities (like Kimahri from FFX, for example) they have to figure on a couple things.

    1) The first option is to give dragoons some mp like paladins and drks. When they gain the special ability, they can use it for a limited time (like 10 mins or so) until their mp runs out. Special abilities could then be drained from all mob types.

    2) Another option is to make the abilities that you lancet permanent. Since this would make dragoon much more powerful, the abilities would only be found on NMs and HNMs. This would give dragoons a reason to fight NM's (besides just drops) and would also give them a purpose in HNM battles. It would also balance the abilities out because putting them on NM and HNM only would make them much more rare.

    Thinking about the ability to drain tp from mobs also gave me a few more ideas. By draining some of the mob's tp, you could delay their special ability (Bomb Toss for example). If option one was implemented (gaining abilities for a limited time) think of the implications in pvp! For example, imagine a samurai attacks you and is about to use Tachi: Enpi. Instead, you use Lancet, drain their tp, and use Tachi: Enpi on them. Obviously a skill like this would have to be on a fairly long delay (5-10 mins) to be balanced.

    Well guys, those are just my thoughts on how SE could repay us for screwing us over with the latest tp nerf. Give me some feedback, I'd love to see some more ideas. I really think that a form of Lancet is very doable in this game and it'd be awesome to see it implemented.

    Edit: I was late for work, so I went back and added all the stuff I wanted to say.

  • #2
    I'm honestly suprised lancet isn't in the game already. It's nearly as much a part of dragoons as jump. And I'd certainly think they'd have put it in before they even considered the wyvren.

    It would be nice to have so that when using Spirit Link the WM doesn't have to cure you. It would also further incourage mage sub jobs (free mana), although the amount would be rather small I'm sure. As far as gaining some enemy traits goes I think that's be pretty spiffy. But I don't think that was a part of lancet in any games, it would likely be difficult to impliment, and it'd be no treat to balance either I'm sure. I'd definantly like to see a form of lancet implimented though.
    At they'll be "all up ons" ... yay for Obscure Homestar references.


    • #3
      Problem with a skill like Lancet, or Blue Mages in general, is the complexity of balancing them.

      How would you? It wouldn't be easy. The minds of thousands of players surpasses that of a bunch of game developers. This was proven with the TP Nerf (resourceful Monks exploited 999 delay gloves).

      Think about it, there's too much potential for exploits and broken stuff.

      Main Job(s): 75 MNK
      Secondary Job(s): 38 WAR / 38 WHM / 37 THF
      San d'Oria Rank: 10
      Zilart Mission: 14
      Promathia Mission: 1
      Dynamis Interloper: JEU / WIN / BAS / SAN
      Current Status: Returning to my old favorite; the Monk. Also awaiting my new PC so I can try out World of Warcraft.

      Got Drama? Read Shinryuken's LiveJournal!


      • #4
        Just a little FF education for the kiddies.

        Lancet was never a part of dragoons until FFX. In fact, Kimahri was sort of a character that "killed two birds with one stone", as they say, implementing the bluemage/enemy skill concept and spear weilding guy that jumps alot into one character. So I disagree on the point there that it was always a part of the dragoon concept. FFX was hardly the "beginning" of any FF trend (besides crappy storylines and a useless sprinkling of side characters)...

        Speaking of which, ever since Square was able to use technology allowing for motion capture animations and 2 billion polygons on their character models the emphasis has been on a very Japanese pop-style-esque art design. Many people would say that FFX was the beginning of the dark ages of the series, and...

        I beleive I've gone off topic. I was getting to where FFX-2 was the ultimate evil and largest crime to ever be committed against intelligent life, but I've said as much before I think. But yeah, lancet for dragoons... Meh, I don't like it. Goes off topic, don't ya think? I mean, a dragon oriented warrior with a wyvern who jumps to emulate a dragon's style of combat, using a spear to enhance that style... and on the side he copies monster's abilities and uses them against his enemies. I dunno. Not lame... just... dammit I'm failing to come up with an analogy. But there's one out there. I know it.

        Points to copy down boys and girls: FFX was a decent game. it's sequel, who's name we will not utter again without taking blood oaths to resist it's evil and swear to never allow it's like to enter the world of the living again, was so far below decent it fails to register on any scale I can come up with. Lancet: not right for some reason I vaguely described. That basically covers it... oh yeah, FFX-2 was terrible. If I could reiterate that 100000 times, it wouldn't be enough. That covers it.


        • #5
          Ok SelfdestButton, you really did not add much to the topic of this thread. This thread is about whether Lancet would work if implemented into FFXI and ways that it could work. I'm trying to discuss ways to fix dragoon, not your opinions on past FFX games.

          Although Lancet may not have been in the early FF games, it WAS in X and Kimahri WAS a dragoon whether you liked the game or not. (I mean c'mon he used a polearm and jumped on stuff. Sounds like a dragoon to me). I think that Lancet in this game would also kill two birds with one stone:

          1) It would dramatically improve Dragoon.
          2) It would take care of everyone who wants a Blue Mage job.

          BAM! Put it in the next update


          • #6
            If they wanted to make a BLue Mage they would make a Blue Mage. If they want to give the DRG Lancet, they give them Lancet, but i dont think it would work correctly... I mean cmon taking a "dragon knight" that is supposed to be someone who uses a dragon as a pet, in FF standards, jumps onto the enemy, and pokes them to death.... job ability stealing....

            Thatd make the DRG class completely unbalanced because then people would go into even the hardest areas to steal skills then use them on the crap monsters, plus the BLue Mage skills used MP in most FFs if i remember correctly and thats something that doesnt fit into the DRGs play style.

            Warrior TP Warrior WS


            • #7
              What greatly confuses me is that the first dragoons in real history apeared in the 1600s. They rode into combat, then dismounted and fought on foot with sabres and muskets. None of that medival stuff--so there is no inspiration for a dragoon in the FF world to draw upon from real history.

              I haven't played earlier than FF7, but in FFT Reis could use lancet since she was a dragon, lancet just being a name for the breath attacks. The lancers were completly seperate, but had dragon themed armor and could jump attack (at ridiculous ranges). Sort of combine the two and tada, you get a bagnaa dragoon in FFT: Advance. But then, bagnaa are actually lizards so it makes sense that they can use breath attacks. It would look wierd to have a fire breathing taru in FFXI. Besides, the wyvern already does that job.


              • #8
                hmm. lancet not a half bad idea.. as faras copying enemy skills . i dont think they should give that to a dragoon. i feel in a future expansion perhaps they can add blue mages as a job class. that would be sweeeeet. to be honest the drain ability alone would make me happy. the ability to drain hp could make us slightly better tanks and being were already good damage dealers the ability to drain TP ( my favorite idea) would make us even more lethal


                • #9
                  No thanks.

                  What we really need is another trait or two, and either increased damage on one of our weaponskills or a new one we rely on to at least put us slightly behind dark knight or rival.
                  Member of the Tearsreborn linkshell on siren.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by fuz
                    What greatly confuses me is that the first dragoons in real history apeared in the 1600s. They rode into combat, then dismounted and fought on foot with sabres and muskets. None of that medival stuff--so there is no inspiration for a dragoon in the FF world to draw upon from real history.

                    I haven't played earlier than FF7, but in FFT Reis could use lancet since she was a dragon, lancet just being a name for the breath attacks. The lancers were completly seperate, but had dragon themed armor and could jump attack (at ridiculous ranges). Sort of combine the two and tada, you get a bagnaa dragoon in FFT: Advance. But then, bagnaa are actually lizards so it makes sense that they can use breath attacks. It would look wierd to have a fire breathing taru in FFXI. Besides, the wyvern already does that job.
                    Lancers in FFT WERE Dragoons. The name Lancer was a translation error. As a matter of fact, FFT is full of them =\.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, lancet could be a good idea, but don't put the ennemyskill drain in, It's the blue mage job.(Even if they are not in the game)
                      Drain TP could be nice, but SAM would complain.(TP master)
                      Drain HP would be also nice, but we dont really need it, and DRK would also complain.(Drain)
                      Drain MP would be useless as Xp Party don't want us sub mage and BLM would complain.(Aspir)

                      What we need is something never done as lancet that would complement and wont make other classes complain. Or, as many are saying : more abilities, more flexible/powerfull WS, buff the wyvern, greater choice of armors, boost the rank of staff and their power.

                      BTW, I realized something weird reading the post. DRG in FFXI, right now, are like kimahri in FFX : totally useless and used in last resort. Come on, admit it, Kimahri is the most useless playable character in the FFX plot. DRG shouldn't be that low.
                      As long as Guu is having fun, everything is ok.
                      AF2:3/5 Bonecraft 96.3+2/100.0+3
                      Windy rank : 8-2 CoP : Promyvion-Mea(0/10)
                      TOAU mission 10


                      • #12
                        I liked Kimahri... after you Lancet a good collection of skills he's pretty useful.

