ok well i was wondering maybe im a noob at the job.. but is there way to dismiss the wyvern and to call him back with out having to use your 2 hr ability. becasue the one time i called him back i had to wait for my 2 hr to fill. on top of that if i decide to choco somewhere i loose the damn dragon!!! and i hear inthe new update they implemented a way that u can give a porton of your HP to the WYvern .. a great idea when fighting goblins... do i maybe have to wait for a JA to use it?!!! as far as all the people knocking dragoon. hell i may only be lvl 17 but i havnt died yet, and i do a massave ammount of damage even when in a party with a drk. im usually the hardest hitter or one of them. not to mention i have the ability to tank if absolute need be. i love the job so far and im hoping with new updates it only gets better
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ok well thanks for clearing that up for me.. i cant wait for spirit link maybe ill be a bigger factor when fighting the gob in the jungles of yohatar. damn i hate the bomb toss. tis true i am not at a high lvl. but i cant see how a character with one of hte best moves in the game isn't a powerful one. i dont know, i coulld have went drk like everyone else. i just wanted to be unique plus the black magic would kind of be wasted on galka. as is the reason i didnt go paly. well like i said im going to keep it going. i was technically a dragoon b4 i even purchased the game im not going to stop untill i have the AF . lets just hope the guys in my ls are cool..another thing. what do you think of a DRR/SAM combo. as far as damage dealing is concerned. this sounds unstopable, but yet again. im still a noob =)
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You do know that even with their "low" magic points, Galkas are often considered the best DRK? Their would've been no problem going Galkan DRK.
By DRR/SAM I'm guessing you mean DRG/SAM? I believe /WAR is a better sub, hands down, until 60. I'm not really sure if the TP change helped /SAM or hurt it.DRK75/WAR75/BLU75/RNG75/NIN72
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/SAM before 60 isnt really worth it, you will be doing less damage per swing, and getting about 2-4 additional TP per hit. However after 60 /SAM is very good option, specially if you have SAM/WAR+DRG/SAM set up. 2 renkeis per battle is good thing ^_-.
Its very important for DRG that they have a lot of SJ options (WAR, SAM, THF) lvld, that way it can add more to the versatility of the PT in formation. DRG isnt an easy road to follow, so you have to cover your grounds and make sure people like you, thats the only way to get in PTs later on.______________________________
PLD 75 | WAR 37 | MNK 44 | NIN 55 | BST 11 | WHM 20 | RNG 13 | BLM 18
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most people are talking about stuff that you will notice after lvl 50.. before lvl 30.. every melee job is very very similar.. it's possible to tank with all jobs as most of the high def armour for those lvl's can be worn by anyone.
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Beoulve, If a DRG doesn't know that by now then they shouldn't be a DRG...
I use /SAM because if the hits aint coming for the renkei then meditate will hook it up.
Problem is DRG HAS TO HAVE all sub jobs I think to be useful. If the pt wants you to thf, you thf. They want War then you War. Hell WHM is dope as well,
Just have all the subs out of the way...
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Originally posted by jitx
I personally hate they way they fixed Dismiss wvyern. At least if you dismiss it at full health, before you log, it shouldnt restart your two hour when you relog on and summon.
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