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To my fellow Dragoons

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SamuiFuyu
    The Lancer in Tactics rocked. They had some very hard-hitting Jump attacks. And they had some rang too. Like half the map. We're they over powered? Yes, somewhat. I had a party of just Lancers, each with different subs, and they owned everything. Lancers were just another name for Dragoon's in this game. And Freya was a Dragon Knight. Although she had some nice abilities.

    This game has the weakest version of Dragoon of any other FF. But will I stop playing it? Nope... And anyone who loves the job as much as I do wont either.
    I know, which is why I had the part that says "take away your Wyvern, Jump Abilities". I picked Lancer as a name because its the only thing that could work, other than Deadweight. I didn't mean any reference to any other games. While we're at it though...

    You get the Lance, Level 1 weapon, 1 damage, 999 delay, LAN only, weapon when you do the quest. You also get a full set of level 1 gear, each piece with 0 defense, and minus 999 to every stat. The gear looks like DRG AF, except its silver, so it looks cool. You cannot unequip it, or throw it away. If you somehow manage to get to level 75, you can upgrade your weapons and armor. You have to upgrade the armor first. When you upgrade it, you get the Special Effect: Sucky added to each piece. Then when you upgrade your weapon, you get the Special Effect: Thank god I'm not a DRG! and the Special Ability: Make me a DRG! When you use it, you get turned into a level 1 DRG, knowing that your favorite class could suck horribly. Heh.

    Zenny-boy, you as well as everyone else knows no class could have the power they did in offline FFs. On an offline FF, it doesn't matter how much one class owns another, because you're not going against another human, who is paying money to play the game. SE needs to keep some kind of balence, but everyone knows that.


    • #17
      But will I stop playing it? Nope... And anyone who loves the job as much as I do wont either.



      • #18
        I dont care what they did to penta thrust, nor do I care what jackholes say about my class, I'm not going to stop being a Dragoon.
        "Ever try? Ever fail? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."


        • #19
          My Dragoon is fun, unique, and sexay!! And I'll stick with it as long as there are parties worth joining. I think Dashh from said it best:

          I have put to much time into this job already and this is the job I wanted to do when I bought the game (GO KAIN!) so I will keep going till I reach the lv. cap. And when they fix this I will hold my head high knowing that I kept with it during the hard times. And another way to look at it ....if the Japs can do it so can I. "

          34 WAR, 11 RNG, 18 MNK, 13 WHM, 31 SAM, 10 NIN, 63 DRG, 15 PLD, 11 THF, 25 RDM

          Rank 6
          Genkai 1 hated and completed ^_^
          Genkai 2 feared and completed ^_^
          Genkai 3 annoyed but completed ^_^
          Genkai 4 still on to-do list

          AF1 series completed! Shouts go out to Kuno, MysticAery, Animasoul and everyone else that's helped! Thank you all! ^^

          Re: DRK vs. DRG:
          "all peeps play diffrent. and equip diffent. and thers no way of solving it other than srtipping naked."


          • #20
            i started my character hopin to become a dragoon but then started reading all these negatory comments on all the forums about them. well. this thread is convincing me to stay with my goal. =)


            • #21
              Originally posted by Simethos
              I dont care what they did to penta thrust, nor do I care what jackholes say about my class, I'm not going to stop being a Dragoon.
              Heh, thats what i said when i was a low lvl drg, penta thrust is all we had going for us drg's but once you hit 51+ its all downhill from there, trust me i know from experince, and at post 50
              you will spend sooo much time lfg its insane, insane that i farmed 2 sniper rings which run for 400k on my server,
              (i got both my sniper rings from the money i got from the tiger fangs, ill let you do the math how many fangs i turned in)

              and even if you do get full af and can wear it all, what do the drg have goin for them at 60+? Although i havent been there i hear its just absolute horror for a drg and rng

              flame me all u want but go ahead and live your dream as a drg
              DRG 57 PLD 53 DRK 30 THF 15 SAM 27


              • #22
                Clifford is right about the party situation; post 50 you will be lfg for a long time, there is just no way around it sometimes. However, this isn't limited to drgs, but extends to every melee (and some other classes) in the game. Play well, show your peers what you're made of, and you will get invites on reputation alone. That probably is the only way I get invited, through people I have partied with and earned the respect of. Random invites really are few and between. The life of a drg is tough, but nobody's arguing that. Some advice I might give to you is to also help out those who need it, IE the guys shouting for AF help in Jeuno. Your reputation will build fast, and you'll get your name out there. I'm only a level 55 dragoon, not a master of FFXi or anything, so feel free to disagree. Besides, this game isn't only about leveling.

                Also, KEEP YOUR EQUIPMENT UP TO DATE. It took me a while, but I too have 2 sniper's rings. You always want your character to have the best equipment he can so you can make a good impression, and dsipel the myth that drg is totally useless.


                • #23
                  Personally im goign to stick Dragoon however i am going to be trying some other combo's like...

                  Melee/Magic subs
                  DRG/PLD(SL + Cure, Def up)
                  DRG/DRK(Last Resort,Weapon Bash, Souleater,etc),

                  Magic Sub
                  DRG/WHM(SL plus cure myself,maybe)

                  Melee Sub
                  DRG/MNK (Boost, Dodge, Focus and Counter).

                  Im not getting up, im going on a quest to find what a Dragoon is trully ment to be.
                  3 Star General of the GHLA
                  Ground Hog Liberation Army

                  Free Ipods, just cancel your offer as soon as it accepted!!!


                  • #24
                    the only problem i see with DRG65-71 is their 225ws. wheeling thrust is probably the worst 225ws there is. while DRKs get both spinning slash which can end light renkei, and the other one they get with scythes that can end dark renkei. One thing is for sure though, i hit the mobs alot more often than drks, thfs, sams, wars, etc. The only melee that had better ACC than me was RNG. The way i calculated ACC was to see how much TP i had when they reach 100. i get around 150-250 when they get 100. so the only edge that we DRGs have is probably our ACC and if you add up the damage the wyverns do, we basically do same damage hit for hit with DRKs. I just hope Impulse Drive can compete with the other LV71 ws.
                    RNG 75 / DRG 75 / NIN 75 / WAR 73 / THF 46 / SAM 39 / BLM 31 / WHM 31 / DRK 17 / BST 15 / MNK 12 / BRD 9 / SMN 8 / PLD 5 / RDM 5


                    • #25
                      I wouldn't be surprised if a typical DRG outdamages a typical DRK if you only factor in regular hits, and only regular hits.

                      Factor in weapon skills/effects and self buffs though, and DRK takes a significant lead.


                      • #26
                        I'm with you M.

                        The only reason I am even playing this game is for the Dragoons and Red Mages. As was said elsewhere, no other class has the style of a Dragoon.

                        Exarius of Sand'Oria
                        First Astronomer of Titan


                        • #27
                          Indeed, no matter how many nerfs come our way or what direction the game goes, dragoon will always be teh sexay 1337ness with style flowing out of their wyvern's @ss

                          Some things you just can't take away


                          • #28
                            I just found this website, and I must say, I enjoy it greatly. I've been playing for a little while, and when I started my original goal was going to be Dark Knight / Ranger. It was just something I decided at the very beginning.

                            So I spend two or so months on Warrior to get to thirty, and only managed to get my sub to ten. I was lazy, I'm sorry.

                            I took some time off to do all of the ADV job quests (I had made a few high level friends in that time that helped me in a few of 'em.)

                            So I look at my choices, and in all honesty, accidently, chose to level Dragoon. I didn't feel like taking the whole second to rechoose my job, so I left it as it was. I got my old equipment from my moogle, bought a spear, and left Windurst.

                            ... and I've never looked back. I can't believe how much fun I had on my trip as a dragoon. What took me two months as a Warrior took me two weekends as a dragoon.

                            The reason I'm posting here is that last weekend I came to the point all dragoons get to in their careers. Level 35 lack of party. On Friday I set myself in Jeuno with party flag on, with a note for Garlaige or Crawler's Nest. And waited. I left to do other things, leaving my character there.

                            I came back almost ten hours later without so much as a tell inviting me. I really was about to quit, but now I'm reading this forum, and you know, it really isn't that bad. I'm starting to talk to other people about forming static party for the weekends, and if I have to wait, I have to wait. I had much too much fun as a dragoon to give it up.

                            I just hope the following updates give us a little more love. Since we're "power and mobility," why not a couple more accuracy bonuses to compensate for all the defense bonuses of a paladin and attack bonuses of a dark knight? At the very least they can turn our wyverns into real pets like Summoners and Beastmasters, so we can actually tell them what to do. A Stay command would have helped so much in Valkurm.

                            Anyway, that's my two cents. Thanks for reigniting my love for Dragoons.


                            • #29
                              i alwasy got parties at 35......

                              Make your own parties its 50 where we will stop getting parties.
                              3 Star General of the GHLA
                              Ground Hog Liberation Army

                              Free Ipods, just cancel your offer as soon as it accepted!!!


                              • #30
                                Yeah, at lvl 35 getting into a party through random invites isn't a problem for the most part. It is around the 50's when thing become a little scarce....(understatment)

                                My advice to you is to join or form a static party with some friends. Not only will you enjoy the game more because you are playing with cool people, but you will also be less frustrated from all teh LFGing. At this point, it might be teh only way for you to advance with the job you love

                                I've been partying with the same group for the last few nights, a PLD, BRD, WHM, BLM, DRK, DRG setup in Boyadha. It's been working out pretty well; We have fun, get great EXP, and you gotta love blm and his magic burst...

                                Also, they're cool and let me try oddball subjob combos to satisfy my curiousity rofl

