Originally posted by SamuiFuyu
The Lancer in Tactics rocked. They had some very hard-hitting Jump attacks. And they had some rang too. Like half the map. We're they over powered? Yes, somewhat. I had a party of just Lancers, each with different subs, and they owned everything. Lancers were just another name for Dragoon's in this game. And Freya was a Dragon Knight. Although she had some nice abilities.
This game has the weakest version of Dragoon of any other FF. But will I stop playing it? Nope... And anyone who loves the job as much as I do wont either.
The Lancer in Tactics rocked. They had some very hard-hitting Jump attacks. And they had some rang too. Like half the map. We're they over powered? Yes, somewhat. I had a party of just Lancers, each with different subs, and they owned everything. Lancers were just another name for Dragoon's in this game. And Freya was a Dragon Knight. Although she had some nice abilities.
This game has the weakest version of Dragoon of any other FF. But will I stop playing it? Nope... And anyone who loves the job as much as I do wont either.
You get the Lance, Level 1 weapon, 1 damage, 999 delay, LAN only, weapon when you do the quest. You also get a full set of level 1 gear, each piece with 0 defense, and minus 999 to every stat. The gear looks like DRG AF, except its silver, so it looks cool. You cannot unequip it, or throw it away. If you somehow manage to get to level 75, you can upgrade your weapons and armor. You have to upgrade the armor first. When you upgrade it, you get the Special Effect: Sucky added to each piece. Then when you upgrade your weapon, you get the Special Effect: Thank god I'm not a DRG! and the Special Ability: Make me a DRG! When you use it, you get turned into a level 1 DRG, knowing that your favorite class could suck horribly. Heh.
Zenny-boy, you as well as everyone else knows no class could have the power they did in offline FFs. On an offline FF, it doesn't matter how much one class owns another, because you're not going against another human, who is paying money to play the game. SE needs to keep some kind of balence, but everyone knows that.