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  • #16
    Even i know who kain is and i don't play ff...

    He's my heroooooooo *.*;.

    Everyone in squares office has a dark knight helmet on, the office walls have portraits of dragoons suffering, killing themselves over the great depression! Yes, this explains everything, its all a cruel joke, ITS ALL A CRUEL JOKE.

    Yeah.. but hold hope! for square will return to us, a throne, it will be a rebellion in the offices!


    Oh i made a funny.
    Member of the Tearsreborn linkshell on siren.


    • #17
      Taking that Cecil/Kain/Edge thing from another perspective, I rushed through the game as fast as I could and beat the last boss around level 40. It was kinda insane ... Rydia died instantly and edge wasn't far behind (since he was front row and had about as much life as rosa give or take) Kain was great in the fight, he just kept jumping and didn't really get hit, Rosa would heal (duh) and Cecil helped Kain pound the %$#@# out of the Z man. It took a while but yea my point is Kain>Edge vs. bosses. Edge is great for killing low level guys with fake black magic, and he had throw which was nice ... and the escape thing saves lots of time. But against anyone difficult Kain is better.

      He may not have been as useful as oh say Cecil, but he was an excelent tank, and could dodge huge boss attacks when you fight them at too low of a level.
      At they'll be "all up ons" ... yay for Obscure Homestar references.


      • #18
        Gungnir is the 4th form of the Relic Lance....Aside from having to win the lot in Dynamis, you need a sh*tload of Dynamis currency to upgrade it 4 times. I'm going to start saving now, but I really don't see myself getting hard
        FFXI Journal


        • #19
          You'd be drueling on it for a week if you happened to get it though.
          Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
          BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

          Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

          Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


          • #20
            first yang, the karate man in ff2 owned all, (ya know hte monk guy)
            secondly ins't gungir the name of odins lance? for some reason its ringing in my mind that it had some kinda importance
            March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
            Use search, or deal with assholes like me


            • #21
              Originally posted by Bamce Sylph
              ins't gungir the name of odins lance? for some reason its ringing in my mind that it had some kinda importance
              Yes. Odin is the Zeus equivalent in norse mythology. He carried a spear named Gungnir.

              But according to mythology Odin's Gungnir never missed, so obviosly the FFXI Gungnir is a different one. =P

              Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
              Tiamat O
              Jormungand O
              Vrtra O
              DLord O
              JoL O
              AV X


              • #22
                Originally posted by Zafron

                Yes. Odin is the Zeus equivalent in norse mythology. He carried a spear named Gungnir.

                But according to mythology Odin's Gungnir never missed, so obviosly the FFXI Gungnir is a different one. =P
                It does have a nice acc boost though, =P


                • #23
                  Maybe there is also a hidden effect...ACC+Toodamnmuchtoknow. Ofcourse, then the Apocalypse would have to have a hidden added effect: Destroytheworldwhenyouhit, and other weapons would have to have similar effects, you know, so its fair. lol

                  Second, Kain was ownage. I was going to be a DRG in FFXI, except I someone knew they'd be crap, and I liked the DRK AF more. I was all set for DRG until I saw the DRK AF. From then on, my mind was set.

                  Plus, I didn't want to look like Barney.


                  • #24
                    Barny roxors my boxors!!!1!

                    /return to regularly scheduled thread
                    At they'll be "all up ons" ... yay for Obscure Homestar references.


                    • #25
                      Barney? No. Purple Batman.... YES. And purple batman rules. But back on topic... I was thinking to myself "Wow, maybe this will be the damage dealing WS that will make Dragoon useful", then I remembered.. the lance is 75, and is probably one of the hardest items to get in the game, along with the other fully upgraded Dynamis items. What's the point?

                      "Wow, I have a weapon/WS that vaguely ties in to old FF games! It only took months of accumulating items, spending gil to get into Dynamis, and accumulating its currency, but it was worth it! Especially since there's nothing else in the game to master and the WS really won't be useful unless I decide to eternally hunt HNMs." (Assuming it's actually a good WS).

                      Seriously... I can understand the 250 WSes because 71-75 takes a load of PTing, but.. a WS that you can only get after being level 75 for months? Why? The only thing it provides is the "satisfaction" of being uber. But uber against what? Dragoons are already the last pick for HNM battles, like a Gungnir is going to change that... and even if it does, if you're dedicated enough to get the damn thing, you're probably sick of killing HNMs anyway. Now that you've got a Gungnir, what to do? You're slightly better against HNMs you've fought millions of times! Yay!

                      In my opinion, This is just a sorry attempt by Square to squeeze more months out of the highest level players who are getting bored. They figure, hey, throw in some nostalgia about the old games and every level 75 fanboy is going to orgasm himself to death then spend 3 months getting one of these weapons.

