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  • Gungnir

    Its been posted that DRGs will get another lance:

    Gungnir - 75 - 100 - 492 - DRG - Accuracy+20 - "Geirskogul" - Additional effect: Weakens defense

    Thats kind of nice, even though it won't help with the level grind to get to 75.

    This info is curtosy of Tidane, he posted it in DRK forums.

    Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
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  • #2
    w00t, that's Kain's lance
    Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
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    Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

    Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


    • #3
      Who the hell is this Kain guy that everybody keeps talking about?
      I am the forum God.


      • #4
        ARE U KIDDING.. Kain is the Original Dragoon of FFXi u Fool.. u musnt kno much about Final fantasy

        Leaping boots:X Emp hairpin:X 2xSniper's Rings:X Utsusemi Ichi:X (again) .. I can now LVL NIN!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by FFXI-FREAK96
          ARE U KIDDING.. Kain is the Original Dragoon of FFXi u Fool.. u musnt kno much about Final fantasy
          :confused: Kain is the Original Dragoon of FFXI? WTF are you talking about?
          I am the forum God.


          • #6
            He means the first Dragoon in the series was Kain. He's a character from FFIV(II in NA). I never played FFI-III(JP), so I can't say for sure if he was the very first.

            Also... What is "Geirskogul"? Is it a new Weapon Skill for the 75 weapons?

            And if you want to look at the source of this info. It's at:



            • #7

              Hope its not fake..has pics of new WSs


              • #8
                Description in Mysterytour says its a def down thats probably what it does ;p

                The weapon itself though is pretty damn good. Slightly lower than Scythe DMG, slightly higher than Great Axe - where it should be. Of course, it doesn't solve current itemization issues with weapons...namely that even the best one available before this still wasn't even close to being as good as a Great Axe you can buy in the AH...

                Its a start. They need to work backwards though to bring weapons into balance where they should be. The other Lance released with the patch though is utter shit, and shouldn't be used even in the +1 form ever. If anything it should be a level 64 or so weapon, Cermet Lance should be better (what moron made up this weapon), along with the rare/ex lances that are out currently.

                But ya, Gungnir is spiffy. Its just so far away for 99% of players, and even the 1% in HNM ls (which is basically 1 person per ls) likely won't see it given how low priority a DRG has to any raid function.


                • #9
                  Well,I saw that dragon now get a lance at level 20

                  It was about time,as normally you get your first lance at level 34

                  The stat are:

                  Platoon lance



                  This is a good new for all those starting up dragoon or if you want to enter BCNM fight level 20 or do level 25 or less level cap event

                  Gungnir is an incredible weapon but how the hell does a dragoon make it all the way to level 75? I might have to farm money to get invite into group,or else even with a static party I can't see how I am going to make it past 50 :dead:


                  • #10
                    I believe the WS adds shock spikes.



                    • #11
                      Kain is the Dragoon from FFIV that made the dragoon class/job popular. He's one of the coolest characters from any FF game. Though, he is not the first. The dragoon class/job first appeared in FFIII. Also, Gungnir is Kain's third best lance in FFIV (Holy Lance and Dragon/Dragoon Spear being better).

                      Be like a Paladin.
                      Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


                      • #12
                        So it add shock spike and it weaken defense?

                        Mouhahahaha,well the shock spiking mean we become the ultimate farmer in the game.

                        Forget the weak tp regain,with a wyvern+weakening defense+wyvern+shock spike we become the best farmer+a great soloer.Although at 75 there is like no need to gain exp so you just are the super farmer :spin:

                        In group however,how can shock spike be of any use? Bah,I just hope the weapon skill is really good


                        • #13
                          Kain was a great character and he definitively put the dragoon class on the map but honestly,what did he bring to the party :p

                          In my view,Kain was absolutely useless as a party member.Cecil was great for tanking and well he was able to deal big damage also.Rosa was the whitemage nuff said.Rydia was both the black mage and summoner so she was awesome.Edge was really good,with all these elementa spell,the throw skill and dual wielding.

                          Kain could.....


                          I admit jump was really powerful but honestly,replace Kain with another damage dealer and the party dynamic doesn't change.The only cool thing with his jump is that he was invincible while in the air so he could dodge high damage attack.Still,Kain was nearly always the worst member in the group in term of utility.

                          He was really cool looking however...

                          wait,FF XI captured the essence of the dragoon really well cool looking and useless :p


                          • #14
                            I don't know your playing style in FFIV, but for me, Kain was a much better asset than Edge. Edge was only good for damage when throwing stuff. Cecil can deal up to 3x's the amount Edge can(~3500 from Cecil, ~1100 from Edge at level 99). Kain on the other hand sucked with regular attacks, which I never used, but his jump could deal 3x's the amount Cecil could do(~9000 at lvl 99 using the right spear against the monster), and all for the cost of about 2 rounds of time, sometimes faster. Edge's spells, well, they are only handy in rare situations, otherwise, they were pretty useless. Only think Edge had going for him was throwing, which was always 9999 damage at lvl 99. Of course, you had to have the cash to pay for throwing stars, and are a complete waste against some monsters(Waste of cash). Against the right monster, Rosa can deal more damage than Edge. No need to talk about Rydia, she's just plain GOD. She has godly summons(Bahamut ROCKS!), and she has all the great Black Magic spells (Flare, III series, and even Meteo)

                            Kain was definitely not useless. Rydia and Kain are the primary damage dealers, though you can toss Edge in there too with throwing.

                            BTW, yes, I bothered to get everyone up to lvl 99 on more than one occation.

                            Be like a Paladin.
                            Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


                            • #15
                              You know come to think of it, I never really liked Kain. He came and he went constantly, so for big portions of the game you didn't even have him. His melee damage was ok but Cecil had better damage with Crystal Sword consistantly, and yea the only redeeming factor was Jump and storyline factor. Jump could also be used strategically, more than once I had used Jump to have Kain hide before something that was gonna own my party and he would come back to phoenix down some people or whatever...of course the same utility doesn't apply here.

                              I should've thought of that and been something else =(

