Skippy? Was that addressed to me? If you're saying I don't play, actually I do. Have been since October 29. I've gotten all the adv. jobs and have 1 in the 50's. Just because I don't care to update my information here means nothing.
My explination of the jobs is what I see as their intents not how they are actually being played right now. How they are being played right now I see a lot things in it that'll most likely be fixed. Those fixes will most likely annoy people but it'll make the job work in it's design intentions.
The TP fix seemed very logical and well done. SAM's after all were loosing out in what their specialty is suppose to be, even though the change did make it were they don't get back as much TP as well it also put them back as the ones able to get the most TP that fastest.
Out of a recent growing lesson I learned that no matter what I it is just not logically possible to please everyone. With that new enlightment the best course of action to take is what you find will solve the bigger problems. S-E is obviously working on two problems there. Their first is what should be a SAM's specialty not being exclusive to them, the second is DRG's striving to make themselves strong not focusing their tactics around their dragon.
I know that as a fact watching 2 of my DRG friends play both in the 60's and more often they had choosen not to use their dragon then they have to use. I've yet to see a DRG thread were the damage is factored by a Damage Per Second including their dragon or any other sort compaired to how much they dish out in 1 hit themselves.
The DRGs seem like they have a hurt ego because they alone can't do the damage, but when considering a DRG you shouldn't be considering them alone. Them and their Dragon should be factored as 1 entity, not 2. The problem isn't the game it's the manner people are playing and expecting from it, and totally ignoring what is an obvious issue in the game.
My explination of the jobs is what I see as their intents not how they are actually being played right now. How they are being played right now I see a lot things in it that'll most likely be fixed. Those fixes will most likely annoy people but it'll make the job work in it's design intentions.
The TP fix seemed very logical and well done. SAM's after all were loosing out in what their specialty is suppose to be, even though the change did make it were they don't get back as much TP as well it also put them back as the ones able to get the most TP that fastest.
Out of a recent growing lesson I learned that no matter what I it is just not logically possible to please everyone. With that new enlightment the best course of action to take is what you find will solve the bigger problems. S-E is obviously working on two problems there. Their first is what should be a SAM's specialty not being exclusive to them, the second is DRG's striving to make themselves strong not focusing their tactics around their dragon.
I know that as a fact watching 2 of my DRG friends play both in the 60's and more often they had choosen not to use their dragon then they have to use. I've yet to see a DRG thread were the damage is factored by a Damage Per Second including their dragon or any other sort compaired to how much they dish out in 1 hit themselves.
The DRGs seem like they have a hurt ego because they alone can't do the damage, but when considering a DRG you shouldn't be considering them alone. Them and their Dragon should be factored as 1 entity, not 2. The problem isn't the game it's the manner people are playing and expecting from it, and totally ignoring what is an obvious issue in the game.