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U can't find a party? i will tell u why: It's not the Job that sux it's......

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  • U can't find a party? i will tell u why: It's not the Job that sux it's......

    Ur ALL NOOBS lol, get a a life.

    nuf said

  • #2
    Re: U can't find a party? i will tell u why: It's not the Job that sux it's......

    Originally posted by jasminze I'm a Dragoon my self and 38
    orz ... at the risk of sounding like an elitist fuck, you're still at such a noob level; it's highly doubtful you know the pain that higher level dragoons experience.


    • #3
      From your vast experience as a 38 DRG. You are obviously the master.


      Damn, Kristin beat me to it.

      Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
      Tiamat O
      Jormungand O
      Vrtra O
      DLord O
      JoL O
      AV X


      • #4
        Hmm, Drk are useless are they?? Well, my main char is a mithran Drk. I never had any problem hitting any of the mobs and If I remember correctly at lvl 30 I had about 48 Str and 47 dex and I had an attack of around 150, 160. Plus, I could MB to my own skillchains. Drk's are not a bad class and neither are dragoons. I think you were on the right track originally about it being the character but, you really don't have room to talk at the level you are at. Just wait till 60 and then make an opinion.


        • #5

          This guy is the biggest 1337 noob I have ever seen.
          I mean he can barely type English!

          Go away you loser, nobody wants you here.

          PS: Enough of the damn DRG vs. DRK threads.


          • #6
            Re: U can't find a party? i will tell u why: It's not the Job that sux it's......

            Originally posted by jasminze
            U want do DMG as a DRK? sure let the DRK use his Souleater+berserk+last resort= he want survive for 30 sec......
            First off, we do more damage than you without using those, get over it. Second, I can Souleater+Last Resort (or Berserk, depends on my sub) and own you in damage even more. Usually Last Resort, with a THF sub. Good PLD, which most are, I have no trouble with it.

            Just face it, DRG are gimped and need to be fixed. The only way they compete in damage is with the wyvern, which is usually never there, because it left on the choco. Now that you're giving you the ability to heal and release, maybe you'll have a chance.


            • #7

              With that, I think this thread has reached its conclusion.

              Have a nice day!


              • #8
                Lol, you guys are harsh on the noobs. :p


                • #9
                  Re: U can't find a party? i will tell u why: It's not the Job that sux it's......

                  Originally posted by jasminze
                  people from my LS always want me in party simply cuz i'm good!

                  Yah you -might- be good ( I use might as I doubt it myself ) as a dragoon, but if only there were a way to become better at real life things that you could apply to the real world. Such as oh... I don't know... maybe SCHOOL.


                  • #10
                    Wow talk about asking for flame.... HEY MODS...what about.....closing this one?
                    PLD 75 | WAR 37 | MNK 44 | NIN 55 | BST 11 | WHM 20 | RNG 13 | BLM 18


                    • #11
                      I'll be as nice as I can be....but you're at lvl 38.

                      You should try to get party invites when you're at lvl 55+. That's where the real challenge comes in.
                      6x DRG/WAR or 6x DRG/SAM
                      Rank 5


                      • #12
                        I think I'm a decent player. I only get group invites because I'm one of the few melees in my level range. When the choice is me or a ranger or warrior, smart players will opt for the others. Lacking, there is me. With how level 3 renkei are set up, party composition matters more. If a party has a DRK with only Scythe leveled, I won't be invited, understandably too. Rather not be stuck making some gimp ass skillchain. You can't just invite *any* melee at higher levels. Obviously with the quest WS this will change a bit, but not a whole lot. Party composition does matter if you wanna optimize exp gain.

                        Its like that for all the higher level DRG I know. Either they make their own groups or get invited simply lacking an alternative.


                        • #13
                          You are the most pitiful piece of human filth ive ever seen.

                          I hope you die... soon.
                          Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


                          • #14
                            Re: U can't find a party? i will tell u why: It's not the Job that sux it's......

                            Originally posted by jasminze
                            Ur ALL NOOBS lol, get a a life.

                            nuf said
                            lol oH mANZ HES GOT THA FLAMENG SkILZZ!11!1

                            Come back and try an insult when you hit puberty.


                            • #15
                              Re: U can't find a party? i will tell u why: It's not the Job that sux it's......

                              Originally posted by jasminze
                              Ur ALL NOOBS lol, get a a life.

                              nuf said
                              I don't think you quite understand the repercussions of your action...


                              Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool

