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Originally posted by FrozenChrono Man everyone's freaking out over this patch. I have seen nothing on the official site or anywhere but this forum that says they know exactly how TP will be regained on multihit WS's after the update. It also says several other changes will be announced at the update. For all we know they are planing on improving a few post 60 WS's for spears, or reducing the damage reduction bones get against spears.
Basically what I'm trying to say is you haven't even seen how the patch will effect game dynamics yet, and there isn't enough information to really tell, so calm down and see what happens. If the patch does completely destroy the game then feel free to complain, whine, and switch jobs. (I know that's what I'll be doing if that's the case) Once there are only like 2 active level 50+ Dragoons on each server I'm sure we'll get some attention.
Oh and if you wouldn't mind showing us where you're getting this info for the new multihit WS TP gain formula I'd be much more inclined to believe you.
Frozen, yes everyone who has played in the past week has known about this new update. Everytime you log on to play FFXI it gives you a little message saying "SE will be updating FFXI so and so date." It then list what they will be updating. So a comment to your post is, Yes SE is nerfing Dragoons TP return, and basically bending us over and shoving our spears up our ass!
I'm not saying they aren't changing multihit WS TP return. To the best of my knowledge though they haven't said how they are changing it yet. From what I've gathered from other forums there are combos of WS and certain weapons (relic I think) that when combined can cause instant Tp 100% and allow you to spam none stop WS. Namely the Monks Asuran Fists. I'm guessing that they are gonna put a cap on how much TP you can gain from a WS, or make the formula diminishing, like
Firsthit 12%
2nd 10%
3rd 8%
4th 6%
5th 4%
This would still be a significant downtweak either way, but I don't think SE will completly stomp out on of the cooler features of the game. Anyway here's a link to the forum I found out about this at. If you don't believe me about the monk TP gain thing ask them.
I would like to remind anyone about to disagree with me about the formula that it's just a guess, no official formula for it has been posted to the best of my knowledge so it's still open to speculation, and those seemed like the most logical fixes to me.
At www.highschoolstarship.com they'll be "all up ons" ... yay for Obscure Homestar references.
Hm... if the change is made according to the info that has been brought about us so far, not only will all melee be limited to one WS per battle, but fights are going to take alot longer to complete.
I absolutely hate the exp system in this game, and mathematically it is flawed if the game ever wants to venture beyond the current level caps that are in place.
And I can be damn sure that I'm not gonna take an already weakened class and just push that exp grind even further.
The Wyvern change is crap. No offence to those who think that it will be of some benefit, but in any battles that your Wyvern takes damage over time, he will die unless you are wearing your AF breastplate and again, thats only if the regen (Which is something low, like 1-2HP/sec) keeps up with the damage being dealt.
And who cares if your 2 hour is still charged while your Wyvern has been dismissed while fighting AOE mobs? Point made, that Wyvern isn't gonna be in the battle anyways, so it might as well just be dead.
I've been saying it from the beginning, and that is SE thinks that the Wyvern is the make/break point of DRGs. Guess what? Its not. Damage per second done by the Wyvern is somewhat noticable, but in no way can attribute to the massive amounts of damage/amount of HP saved/etc, that other 2 hours generate (besides Blood Weapon of course).
To be honest, I find that choco'ing to locations isn't really a problem since my 2 hour is already fully charged upon arrival to a location. I guess it helps out at the lower levels, but at the higher levels, with all the teleports and what not, Wyvern's being cancelled out by Chocos hasn't really been a problem for me.
Like WeezingPipes said, if Penta Thrust gives back 12% TP or in that neighbourhood, it can no longer be used in the middle of battles for added damage. Because guess what? No matter what your level 30 friends tell you, Penta doesn't do 1000+ damage in the middle of a battle. Sometimes I wonder if its even using inbetween Skillchains anymore, since the 200 damage does not pay off the fact that you may miss on quite a few hits, rendering your Skillchain partner to now wait for you.
If this change is made and DRG sucks, will I still continue to play it? Meh, might as well, came all this way would kind of suck to turn my back on it. And since I'm in the Wheeling Thrust glory days, I can already tell that my job is to take the hate from the DRK using Spinning Slash or the THF using Shark Bite. Oh, and to initially provoke the mob for the PTs that like to use a trick + sneak attack pull on to the PLD for added Hate.
And people ask, why do high level people bitch and complain about these things? Why its quite simple.... I've been playing a DRG since almost the beginning of retail, and when they are gonna seriously nerf your class and it is nowhere near being in a situation in which it has to be nerfed, you have to act out and say something, not just stand there like a wussy and trust all SE has to say. They already screwed up enough on this class as it is.
ever since the days of Counter-strike and the Warcraft III, almost any "correction" or modification on something already good has led to something... BAD.
Look at CS now? its horrible
War 3? All those balances have probably made the game worse if nything. I could be wrong, since I've quit playing real games for almost a year now.
I came to FFXI and was quite amazed with how SE made the game only get better and better! But reading about this whole TP return business somewhat frightens me. Why? Well if they ARE nerfing all weaponskills for even the non-dynamis peeps, I feel it shows quite a bit of lazyness on their part. I'm no programmer, but can specific weapons like the relic weapons have a different equation for the TP they return?
I'm scared, frankly. I wanted to level DRG for Pentathrust etc.
If that joy is taken away from me, I seriously question the continual pursuit as a DRG. I'm Lv. 40 now, nothing too high or too low, but I feel as if my hardwork MIGHT be taken away from me?
What do I do now? Well I'm lvling up PLD, which as a hume male, has always appealed to me since Hume Male's simply look THE BEST out of everything in the game with PLD AF on.
I'm pretty sad, DRG, ever since I saw this name, was what i strived to be ever since i bought the game in December. My road was tough, plagued with many unfortunate deaths throughout, as i fought my way slowly to 30, amidst the crazyness of college apps and senior year of highschool.
I was a DRG, happy as could be in the game. Mind you all, I'm a huge fan of the Fantasy Novel series Dragonlance. Thus the whole idea of Dragon Knight hugely interested me. I read about all the pros and cons of DRG etc. etc., accepted that it was somewhat flawed, but with this, I'm quite disappointed if it gets hugely shafted, and now I'm simply waiting till May.
Originally posted by archzai I'm no programmer, but can specific weapons like the relic weapons have a different equation for the TP they return?
Yes, they could. They could do it by putting a "flag" on relic weapons. But this would be a lot more work. I don't know what compiler they use, or what their equations are, but the TP gain might go something like this for multi hit (BASIC version, don't feel like going with anything else right now, :sweat: ). Variable Hit is whether the hit landed or not:
TPGain = <whatever equation they use to calculate TP now>
For x = 1 to <strikes in WS>
<Here is where all the checks against stats and the random hit or miss roller decides if the hit connected. If the hit connects, lets assume it as Hit(x) = 1, if it misses Hit(x) = 0>
If Hit(x) = 1 then
TP = TP + TPGain
End If
Next x
That's just the internal calculationg. Don't want to go over the graphical representation of the value.
Now, if Relic is equiped, they would have to go through all the relics and put in a flag <like RelicFlag = 1> and regular weapons and put in another flag <like RelicFlag = 0>. So...:
If RelicFlag = 1 then
TPGain = <new TP gain formula>
For x = 1 to <strikes in WS>
<Here is where all the checks against stats and the random hit or miss roller decides if the hit connected. If the hit connects, lets assume it as Hit(x) = 1, if it misses Hit(x) = 0>
If Hit(x) = 1 then
TP = TP + TPGain
End If
Next x
TPGain = <whatever equation they use to calculate TP now>
For x = 1 to <strikes in WS>
<Here is where all the checks against stats and the random hit or miss roller decides if the hit connected. If the hit connects, lets assume it as Hit(x) = 1, if it misses Hit(x) = 0>
If Hit(x) = 1 then
TP = TP + TPGain
End If
Next x
Its a bit more work, but it wouldn't mess up the entire system.
I'm not too used to programming games, and I reiterate that I don't know what this game is written in, so if anyone has any corrections be sure to correct me.
The relic knuckles, in their initial form, are the problem.
They all have D1 Delay 999, which in most cases makes them totally useless. Once you fix them, they get normal stats (ie: D72 Delay 492)
The problem is, MNKs weapons are handled differently from others, so they aren't weak with it. If they eat a Icarus Wing once inside a zone, they could do Asura infinitely, becuase of the high delay and subsequent TP return, and at high damage.
The obvious fix to me would be have initial form Relic weapons return no TP, but that's just me.....
All joking aside, I think you guys are getting worked up for nothing.
It is obvious that Relic knuckles + Asura is extremely broken and must be fixed. However, I doubt Squenix said, "Hmm, we need to fix this one glaring exploit... let's nerf all other multi-hit WS while we're here!" That makes no sense.
I've heard another rumor; that multi-hit WS are also becoming more accurate...
given that; the TP nerf doesn't seem so bad IMO...
but we'll see how it turns out... I still wanna lvl dragoon, but as a paladin right now, this multi-hit TP nerfing doesn't really have a large effect on me.