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dex vs. accuracy

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  • dex vs. accuracy

    Im an elvaan dragoon, just wondering if its better to get equipment with +acc or +dex.
    Nation: Bastok
    Rank: 4
    Jobs: 40DRG/6DRK/30WAR/36SAM/19PLD

    Leaping Lizzy - 0/3
    V. Emperor - 1/3
    Torrent - 1/1

  • #2
    2 dex = 1 acc

    At your level, get Battle Gloves, Spike Necklass and Balance rings if you can get the money.
    Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
    BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

    Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

    Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


    • #3
      already got battle gloves and spike necklace, cant afford 2x balance rings though so i got 2x amethyst rings instead...oh well.
      Nation: Bastok
      Rank: 4
      Jobs: 40DRG/6DRK/30WAR/36SAM/19PLD

      Leaping Lizzy - 0/3
      V. Emperor - 1/3
      Torrent - 1/1


      • #4
        Would a spike necklace be of more use to a Mithran Dragoon than a tiger stole?


        • #5
          Race doesn't matter since the job's weakness is more substantial. Even as a mithran, get all the acc+ equips and if you can't, then use all the dex+ items you can. If none of either are available, then attack+, then str+.

          Dex seems to be more for increasing critical frequency and critical damge rather than affecting acc.


          • #6
            Accuracy > DEX

            But Accuracy is also much rarer/expensive e.g Peacock Charm +10 Accuracy.. we are looking at 3 million +.

            At level 48 get a Life Belt +10 acc. for around 50k.

            At the moment just stick with what you have until level 36 and switch to Ametrine Rings.


            • #7
              Accuracy blows dex out of the water (namely because you can get much bigger accuracy bonuses than dex bonuses). But pre-level 40, there isn't much in out there in the way of accuracy. So pump dex.

              Once you hit 40 though, pinch every penny you get. Sniper Rings are A MUST HAVE for any melee class - namely Dragoons. Unfortunately they cost 350k a piece (on my server). Don't get me wrong - you won't get passed up for parties without them, but you'll be a much happier DRG with them.

              Life Belt also becomes avaiable shortly after that...I haven't checked the price recently, but 50k rings a bell. You'll prolly want one of them too.

              That reminds me...I have 4 levels to make 500,000 gil....any suggestions?

              (Note: I have +10 dex and I have pretty much all of the dex boosting equipment...that's +5 accuracy. One Sniper Ring gives that much. It is MUCH easier to pump accuracy than it is to pump dex )
              Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


              • #8
                not to mention is's 1000x more expensive


                • #9
                  The thing to realize is that all the supposed knowledge one can aquire about stat mechanics is essentially an educated guess.

                  I've heard conflicting reports about this dex vs acc thing. The relation between atk and def seems to be linear, I can only assume that the relation between accuracy and evasion is the same. Bonuses that stats give you seem to be calculated on another level then just 2 dex = 1 acc.

                  This is what I've been told. However, I do notice that after I got +7 dex I was hitting a tad more often then the supposed 3.5 acc explains. But I dunno. Do you? Certainly would explain the ungodly price for leaping boots.


                  • #10
                    I think the reason why leaping boots cost so much is the bonus they get as compared to their level. Like archer rings are alot compared to sniper rings for what they give, but thats because you can equip them so much earlier. Also the rarity. The +dex rings get crafted, while leaping boots and sniper rings, you need to kill and get monster drops from, so there will usually be less of them in circulation, thus makeing it's price higher. And I don't think dex is any way as important then acc, since I don't see mithras outhit me at all, even though there dex blows mine away, but I have more raw +acc


                    • #11
                      I've noticed next to no difference in DEX honestly, having more or less. I used dex items before there was a decent selection of accuracy equipment. The only time I opted for a DEX item over an ACC item was AF gloves vs battle bracers +1. It seemed to make the 2 for 1 conversion especially true. I tried out Battle Bracers +1 for a little while, noticed next to no difference over AF gloves and sold them back. I assume due to the conversion since my DEX was uneven, AF gloves makes an even (results in 2 accuracy effectively...yea just go with it), +1 accuracy didn't seem to matter much, 60000 gil mattered more. As to whether DEX affects crit rates..I've never really noticed a difference. There are fights I've crit a lot more than a Mithra THF with easily 30-40 higher DEX after item modifiers, usually crit 1-2 times a fight. If DEX really does affect crit hit rate significantly, I'm just not seeing it.

                      As to the importance of accuracy items...tonight I partied and forgot I had my Phalanx Rings still equipped from soloing for quite a while and wondered why my miss rate was so bad (besides the fact I couldn't hit the tigers or cockatrices so well due to level anyway) and noticed I didn't have Sniper Ring's equipped. With Phalanx Rings I was missing upwards of 5 hits in a row, noticeably less so with the Sniper rings...I'm just glad no one in my party inspected me. ; ;

                      P.S. Sniper rings are worth every red cent in my opinion. Had 2 since 54 and never regretted buying them, especially since they cost 100k more now than what I paid for them.


                      • #12
                        P.S. Sniper rings are worth every red cent in my opinion. Had 2 since 54 and never regretted buying them, especially since they cost 100k more now than what I paid for them.
                        Cool, thank. I was going to sell my hairpin for a valk helm. But now I think I'll go for a sniper's. Would be nice to have one at 40
                        Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                        BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                        Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                        Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums

