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Starting to lose motivation...

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  • Starting to lose motivation...

    Okay as I am still a relatively low level (37) I haven't experienced the apparently horrible post 50 waiting for parties etc.
    However, after having read many complaints of DRGs in these forums I am almost crushed and feel like giving up on DRG completely.

    It would be a shame to just give up at this level so I guess the best thing to do is to wait until I have full AF before making my final choice on giving up or not?

    I just wish I had stuck to Paladin at the beginning of my FFXI carrear.

    Any advice?

  • #2
    i feel the opposite way

    i have a 25drg and im gonna commit to it, maybe not make it to lvl 65+ but i dont plan on quitting with it
    Nation: Bastok
    Rank: 4
    Jobs: 40DRG/6DRK/30WAR/36SAM/19PLD

    Leaping Lizzy - 0/3
    V. Emperor - 1/3
    Torrent - 1/1


    • #3
      I'll let you know my feelings once I push my newly obtained drg through Qufim and Yoahtor then next couple weeks.
      Stabba, Stab, Stabby!
      OldEmpires LS


      • #4
        dont be a clone

        I am going to stick to my Drg, i mean every job combo that you want some git always says it sucks

        When i get to high levels i will static with my ls
        Novox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
        Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
        Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30

        ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!


        • #5
          Don't lose hope ^^
          Right now I'm lv 54 and I felt the same way.. I was like "OMG I wasted all this time leveling this worthless job to 54 T.T"
          Then I asked my mentor and he said 53-54 are the worst levels for DRG (if you level off Robber Crabs in Kuftal Tunnel, your Pentas will do crap and it will be embarrassing). But anyways he said DRGs aren't nearly as bad as everyone says and just yesterday I saw a Lv 71 DRG hunting Serket and he was in a HNM LS, so we can't be that useless

          Now I'm saving up for my 2nd Sniper's ring so I can get my Pentas to freakin' land
          stop the hate


          • #6
            I'm at 40 right now and loving it. I usually out damage all the other meele (besides RNG). My SA+DT's make DRK's jealous. Right now i need to get my AF weapon. I'm really looking forward to 50. At 50 i can do some nice gil farming, and can solo quests for money.
            Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
            BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

            Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

            Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


            • #7
              I don't know if it is just my equipment, but I SERIOUSLY get embarassed by DRK. Like BIG TIME.

              Ryl. Sqr. Halberd
              2x Bone Earrings
              Battle Gloves
              Ctr. Body
              Beetle legs, feet, and head (I know, I want Bastokan Subligar soon)
              Fang Necklace
              Friar's Rope
              Dhamel Mantle

              I know, it is bad, but is that an excuse for me to be doing fractions of DRK's damage at level 36?


              • #8
                Skellington: your problem lies far deeper than your spear.

                DRG/RDM? surely you jest.

                Go level warrior, that's the only decent sub for DRG til 60, and even then....

                i just don't like DRG
                Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.


                • #9
                  Well, a lance does make a huge difference over a spear.
                  Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                  BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                  Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                  Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


                  • #10
                    If you are looking for confirmation that DRG is broken, even after reading all these complaint posts by people who have experienced DRG at high levels (including myself), then yes, DRG is broken.

                    main points:

                    - gimp-ish without our wyvern, which is usually dead from area attacks

                    - sucks that the 2hr is built around the wyvern. it helps out with damage (when it's alive) but if there's an emergency, DRGs can do nothing extra to contain the threat.

                    - pentathrust sucks if you can't hit 4 or 5 times, and usually you're fighting IT+ stuff which makes you miss alot (unless you have a BRD)

                    - two jumps that only build tp and do some damage, don't even stun or interrupt special abilities. damage is kind of pitiful as well, for a jumping attack. oh yes, missing your jump attacks seem to be around 60% chance. DRG is probably the only job with job abilities that can miss.

                    - rather worthless abilities on the whole (see above, also refer to dragon slayer, and ancient circle)

                    - sucks for bcnm 40

                    - equipment choices are extremely limited. DRKs, being a DRG's main competitor for pt spots, can wear all sorts of armor that gives +acc. DRG is left in the dust.

                    - no magic (in my opinion, any job that has no inherent magic or magic-like abilities is kinda gimpish. PLDs get magic to keep hate, DRKs get magic to be useful in a party (stun, absorb-agil, etc), NIN gets ninja magic to tank, and of course, the mages are built around magic).
                    I still do not have Barblind.


                    • #11
                      Heh, I am a lot more encouraged now, thanks.
                      And I take all your points into account Elusivellama, I mean the Wyvern is a damn joke vs. AoE
                      My dream was to be a Level 75 Dragoon and I relly want to achieve that.
                      I guess I have a long road up ahead.

                      PS: Here is my equipment:

                      Weapon: Spark Lance
                      Head: Mercenary Captain's Headgear
                      Body: Mercenary Captain's Doublet
                      Legs: Bastokan Subligar
                      Feet: Centurion Graters
                      Neck: Spike Necklace
                      Earrings: Twin Beetle Earrings +1
                      Rings: Twin Ametrine Rings
                      Waist: Warrior's Belt
                      Back: Night Cape


                      • #12
                        Skellington, get a lance! Lances are better damage than standard spears and slightly higher tp per swing despite the longer delay...delay difference doesn't REALLY matter a ton. Mostly your equipment isn't too hot, and a RDM sub isn't really helping your damage much. A THF or WAR sub is better at that level (Sneak Attack + Double Thrust isn't a bad alternative to warrior at that level).

                        I want to clarify something for reference. DRG isn't especially bad pre 60. With proper equipment you can deal good damage. Often I did better damage than DRK, but it had to do with equipment quality which as I leveled I always emphasized spending time making gil to get better equipment. Priority should always be keeping an up to date weapon at least. Get a couple decent stat items, don't even have to buy the hundreds of thousands of gil items to be decent around the 30's-40's.


                        • #13
                          - sucks for bcnm 40
                          My LS wants to do BCNM40's fairly soon. I was wondering why everyone says DRG sucks for them. No one gives a reason. On a side note, I'll have THF and WAR at 40 to choose from too. Just don't know which to pick.
                          Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                          BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                          Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                          Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


                          • #14
                            MNK and RNG is the prefered BCNM 40 melees. DRK sucks too at 40 cuz they don't have any real damaging WS, and their 2h isn't really helpful there. there. Might add some dmg, but not a lot. A lot of melee aren't so hot for it honestly because they don't have good WS at that level. BST is useful to Tame. I might prefer WAR for a BCNM honestly if you had to pick one as they have double attack already, Sturmwind is decent damage, War Cry is helpful for agro/damage if you have to tank (most BC 40 parties just use paladins). All DRG offers to BC 40 is a wyvern who is gonna be asleep 100% of the time and Double Thrust. Samurai is probably better for them too thinking on it.


                            • #15
                              this is why being a dmg dealer sucks at lvl 40+

                              You have RNGs, DRKs, and DRGs in this class....and somewhat THF's. So're competing against them for spots. That's why you pretty much start your own parties at this level. The same goes to DRK's. It also depends on a little luck as well. Maybe you have a static party, which not all of us have that kind of luck, or people you pt with before like you and will look for you.

                              That's just the bottom line. If you like playing DRG, then stick to it. It's not an easy job, and it will be frustrating, but that's the price you pay to play your ideal job.
                              6x DRG/WAR or 6x DRG/SAM
                              Rank 5

