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argh i retire

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  • argh i retire

    im currently level 59 contrary to what my profile says (i dont know how to change it ><) anyways..........once i hit 60 and get my af3 helm imma quit drg....even though i love the job, everyones saying that 65+ is all skelles and even though im fine killing mobs now (my pentas always doing 200-350 :D) finding parties are becoming a pain (i had a static pt it broke up ><) argh unless SE does something to fix us 65+ i think im done as a drg.

    (regrets no choosing sam)
    "If you light a man a fire he's warm for a day, if you light a man on fire, hes warm for the rest of his life"

  • #2
    drg still pretty useful for farming purposes. atleast you can kill forever with a drg/caster.


    • #3
      Samurai has it worse than DRG sadly. But anyway it isn't just bones 65+, whoever said that is wrong. In fact 60-70 has been a rather diverse range of monsters to fight...go figure wasn't crabs/beetles/crawlers every single level.


      • #4
        Yeah, I give, too. Drg/War, retired at 36. I'm goin back to Rdm.


        • #5
          There are alternative to bones,you just have to search for what you can hunt.

          However,post 65 you better have a static party or else just quit the job or make and start your own party,period!


          • #6
            I'm about to join you at the retirement home -.- Lv 50 DRG here. Took me forever to get lvl 50 and while trying to do that goddamn, annoying as hell Genkei 1 I died 3 times and delvled. -.-
            It took FOREVER for me to get a party to get 50. I was stuck at 48 for months. And now I'm 500 exp away from 50 again. God knows how long It'll take me to get a PT now. Simply put, I think I'm done with melee all together. I'm only going to try and get DRG up high enough to get all the avatars, pending fenrir, and go SMN/WHM
            Valen: 33SMN/16WHM | 50DRG/29WAR (Mule-ified)
            Wobwob: (REACTIVATED) Rank 6
            BST AF: 6/6
            RDM AF: 6/6
            "There will be bigotry and there will be open minds..."


            • #7
              You can just go to Tu'lia/moongate its not impossible to lv up..there are many alternitives to popular lv areas, like at 60 you can go lv in delk or even davoi(highly dont recomend davoi) There is also a lv area in that dragons areay(sp?) place to the high 70s i belive. Just because people say you can only lv in ranps-gustuv(whatever) doesnt not mean its true.


              • #8
                ill prob be switching to my mage classes after 35k more xp and 60 for my helm. i might as well be a blm and do more damage than any other class cept ranger and still get invites faster than a dragoon.


                • #9
                  More and More Dragoons are biting the dust everyday. Tragic, isnt it?
                  Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


                  • #10
                    you dont have to fight bones at all, in fact you can get to level 75 without fighting a single bone.

                    level 60-62 (cape teriggan - crabs, pugils, raptors)
                    level 62-64 (onzozo - torama)
                    level 64-70 (boyahda tree - crawlers, crabs and flies)


                    • #11
                      ya ive heard a lot about people quitting drg just because of the bones. i want to have a job that will get me to 75 and still be fun. i have drg to 20 and loving it. the only thing im concerned about is those bones :/

