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drg/whm help!!

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  • drg/whm help!!

    Ok heres my story,when ffxi comes out for ps2 me and my friend will start. He is making a Galka Warrior so he can tank us to 30 and then become a Dark Knight.

    I told him that when we hit 30 I absolutely wanted to be a Dragoon. he was cool with that so he told me to make a White Mage till 30 so that we can lv up fast since he'll tank and il heal.

    I told him if as a dragoon/whm il be gimped, but he laughed and told me it was the best combo because subbing white mage with AF gear lets your wyrvern Heal any party member who is at half hp for over 200hp! And that subbing it lets him cure any status illment I might have basicaly il be 0 maintance for my group since il be able to heal and cure diseases on my own plus be able to jump to safety if i get attacked, This is cool with me. Though I told him if subbing war would give me more damage he just said that at high lvs the wyvern misses alot and deals minimum damage plus his breath attacks are resisted dunno if its true.

    Either way can any1 with experience or knowledge tell me if this is a good choice? any flaws whatever any info will be gladly appreciated.

  • #2
    Your friend is wrong. You are right. Drg/whm is gimped. Any drg who insisted on /whm for a sub would make it into 80% of the server's "do not invite" list.


    • #3
      Bump any other reasons I would like some actual facts to back up the gimped to, like will i deal horrible damage? or stuff like that nobody cares abouta wyrven that can heal you? any more commments be greatly appreciated


      • #4
        1. Your mp pool will be very lacking.

        2. War sub gives you provoke. You aren't just a bit of extra damage, you're a part of the team. If the tank is almost dead or the mob is beating the mages, its a lot better to take a few hits then to heal them with a gimped Cure II that uses almost all your mp.

        3. War sub gives you Berserk. Berserk is a great atk boost that you shouldn't miss out on.

        4. Melee/mage combos are looked down upon, especially in later levels.

        5. With a mage sub, your wyvern won't use breath attacks. A breath attack is a great addition to your WS, especially if it hits the mob with a weak element.

        6. War sub gives you double attack, I'm sure you see the upside to that :spin: .

        7. You can take whm to 30 and use it as a soloing sub though, and level war as you level drg. This also gives you a sub with sneak/invis for your AF ^^.


        • #5
          Oh ok thanks for the good info was odd thinkig a melee would be good with a mage, anyway just wanted to get some other peoples experience.

          Obviously my friend just told me that so i can be a healer lol. Only reason I belived what he said was because he told me so many people at the higher lvs 60-75 complain about dragoons doing crappy damage so just thought hell if im gonna to do crappy damage might as well heal or something. thankx again il probably go dragoon/war.


          • #6
            2. War sub gives you provoke. You aren't just a bit of extra damage, you're a part of the team. If the tank is almost dead or the mob is beating the mages, its a lot better to take a few hits then to heal them with a gimped Cure II that uses almost all your mp.
            at later levels, the tank will get so much hate a simple provoke won't save his butt, but it's useful when the tank's voke is down and it's going after a mage

            5. With a mage sub, your wyvern won't use breath attacks. A breath attack is a great addition to your WS, especially if it hits the mob with a weak element.
            breath attacks are extremely weak later on, even if it's an element that's effective against the mob.. but any extra dmg is better than nothing.. just don't stress your wyvern too much.


            • #7
              The main benefit of having provoke is setting up fuidama IMHO.


              • #8
                Ah getting mixed reactions now!, I just want a combo that will be appreciated. My friend told me again that at higher lvs 65+ dragoons deal horrible damage even with war subbd, he says his dark knight wil deal like twice the dmg il ever dream of! argh is this true to? Well regardless I still want to be a dragoon because ever since ff4 Ive loved dragoons Kain,Freya, heck I even made ramza from fft a lancer! maybe if were lucky our final WS will be cherry blossom attack!!!

                ok thanks for any more info Im just confused.


                • #9
                  WAR will definately be the most appreciated. Provoke is in fact very handy to set up fuidama, as Carbon stated (no idea how I forgot to put that in :sweat: ). And let's specify that, helpful as initial voke, don't be a trick buddy, especially after berserking. I have under 100 def after berserking (without protect and using RSE at level 34). And the main reason that drgs arent as powerful near the end is that most people fight undead. Polearms is crap against bone. Today I was being outdamaged by my wyvern and hitting as much as the pld when we fought an evac in Garlaige. Just pick your mobs. Go for things that are fleshy and slim to no AoEs.


                  • #10
                    1. Warrior is the best sub for Drg for almost 90% of the time. the 10% will be situational.

                    2. Warrior is the base of all melee, you can go wrong exping a warrior if you like to melee

                    3. Drg make poor dmg in the end of game only on undead mob because spear have a huge penalty. If you don't go exp undead, dmg is regular, but those camp won't e as fast for exp than the undead one.

                    4. Dragoon is alot of fun, but if you don't have a static group, the 50+ will be long as you just another damage dealer that can be replaced by Drk, Sam, Monk........ who make better dmg again undead than you....

                    If i was you, i will bring whm to 30, than do Bard quest and exp bard. You will never wait for invite as a bard, but again it is your choice.
                    54 Drg, 30 Mnk, 25 War, 24 Whm, 11 Rdm, 10 Sam, 10 Rng , 10 Thf, Bard 10, 6 Bst , 5 Blm

                    - AF1 done! (Drg)
                    - AF2 done! (Drg)
                    - Rank 5
                    - Genkie 1, 2 done!


                    • #11
                      My experience with a nonmage/mage job combo is this:

                      My friend is now a lvl 14 bard/7 whm (2nd character, his first is 55 war).

                      He has 42 MP. that's...5 cures. My new character (elvaan DRK) has 2 more MP

                      Point is, melee/mage has no BASE mp, so all your MP pool is from the sub, which is pathetic.

                      If you really want to help your friend, level up either another WAR and go PLD or level a mage, mages have the influence to get their melee friends into parties (whm: i'm not joining without my lvl 13 THF friend)
                      Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.


                      • #12
                        slight note, bards aren't melees, they as close to being mages as u can get w/o mp's from your main job, as a tarutaru at 50/25 i have liek 139 mp's not even enough for raise ; ;
                        March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                        Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                        • #13
                          I have a 46 Dragoon with Thf, War, and Whm subs.

                          While subbing whm isn't all that awesome, it isn't as horrible as some of the posts here make it to be. For 6mp you can heal for 146hp, provided one of your PT members is below 1/3hp, 1/2 if you have your AF helm. At lvl 46 I have 88mp, which is good for 13 of those 146hp cures... not awesome but, I've wondered if PTing with a rdm for refresh would enable a drg/whm to be a decent healer... the only catch is that you'd have to worry about those powerful abilities that can wipe out more than half the MT's hp...

                          I suppose that makes a Drg/Whm a decent emergency healer... But I haven't calculated exactly how much damage I lose by not having Sneak Attack or Berserk... the stat bonuses seem minimal, at this lvl at least.

