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DRG's feeling screwed? do something about it!

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  • DRG's feeling screwed? do something about it!

    look guys,i LOVE the idea of being a DRG i LOVE spears,but it makes me kind of angry that they are so gimped.....why?there is no reason to screw the DRG!(or the SUM)Square really messed up big time with the DRG,and its rediculous,wyvern dies fast,cant use rangeed attack from jump,suck at high levels,i mean cmon,its supposed ti be an advanced job,si why screw us over?

    sry for the rant guy sits just i really wanted to be a DRG and now im having doubts

  • #2
    Maybe it's just me, but ranting about dragoons supposedly sucking when you haven't even played the job for 5 seconds tends to make your points a little less persuasive.


    • #3
      I actually think it's a great class up until 60-65...with good equipment you can pretty much match anyone except for a ranger or blm as far as damage output. Up until lvl60 a drk still has to manage his hate, so I think for the most part it's pretty even until then.

      While valkrum might not be the friendly place for a wyvern, I don't think mine died more than twice from lvl20-50. Fighting goblins or flies your wyv is gonna die, no way around it. If you feel you always need your wyvern, don't fight those mobs.

      The only downside from lvl 1-60+ with drg is all the other melee you have to compete with for groups...but that goes for any melee. You don't see too many posts ripping dragoons except from people you have a long way to go =)


      • #4
        Static Parties are your friend. Mine is like this.

        Pld, Drk, Drg, Whm, Rdm, Brd

        My biggest asset right now is hate shed abilities. Since drk doesnt have GS leveled high enough he uses Cross Reaper. So what normally happens is Swift Blade ---> Sneak + Trick + Cross Reaper onto me and I can high jump or super jump it away. So it's really not as bad as you think past 65. And I still have some space to throw in a Wheeling Thrust / Penta / Skewer once in a while.
        72 DRG / 37 SAM / 30 THF / 37 WAR / 25 MNK


        • #5
          You don't exactly NEED your wyvern. At 32, I never use mithkabobs because I hit too hard alone. With berserk and double thrust (with 250% or more TP, only really applicable if im not in renkei) I've pulled hate away from a Fuidama. With mithkabobs I can do 250+ damage with a double thrust, and thats good damage at that level, no matter how you look at it. The wyvern is just extra damage. Drg is a good damage dealer without it, but we're better with it.

          And the wyvern isn't as paper thin as you think it is. In Yhoator the wyvern can take more than 3 bombs (depending on the gob...the 200+ damage bombs can really take a toll). That's plenty of room if you're taking care of it.

          And yeah, we may not be that great at the high end of the game, but you can still manage.


          • #6
            Static Parties are your friend. Mine is like this.
            You would be singing a different tune if you weren't in a static party, I can assure you that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Malefas

              You would be singing a different tune if you weren't in a static party, I can assure you that.
              That's why they're his friends.


              • #8
                I agree. When I first got the game, the ONLY job I wanted was DRG. I went straight for it. I started as a lvl 1 DRG on new years morning, a rebirth of sorts. The job is fine up until 40+. lvls 1-30 are usually newbs so you get in just because you are an advance job :p . But I've become VERY frustrated with DRG lately. I'm considering dropping the job altogether. I'm lvl 47 right now and it is hell. You're wyvern is indeed even less then paper thin. You have to wait for like 10+ hours for a PT. I get 1 lvl a week now if I'm lucky. I've tried to start my own PTs but my luck sucks and everytime I try there will be no one seeking ; ;

                So I sit there, bored and angry. After hour 2 I go to farm in Qufim. Hour 3: consider quiting game. Hour 4: consider changing job. Hour 5: bitch in LS. Hour 6: get booted from LS for bitching for an hour. Hour 7: get a gun...

                Yea, it goes pretty much like that. And from what I've heard at the higher lvl end we still aren't wanted. Nobody wants us for BCNMs. Nobody wants us for Avatar battles even if we are lvl 65. The only way I'll get invited for a Prime Battle is if I were 75. We are kinda pointless. We have a Job Trait that works on like a total of 6 monsters in the total game. Sorry for the rant, just very, very, very, very , VERY, frustrated with DRG lately.

                I'll try to make it to 50. Everyone says it's different once you get 50+. But most of the people that say this are lvl 30 BLMs or something, not higher lvl DRGs. I'll just have to see how it goes.
                Again, sorry for the rant.
                Valen: 33SMN/16WHM | 50DRG/29WAR (Mule-ified)
                Wobwob: (REACTIVATED) Rank 6
                BST AF: 6/6
                RDM AF: 6/6
                "There will be bigotry and there will be open minds..."


                • #9
                  I have already stopped playing my DRG, level 50+. No magic, limited attacks (3 jumps, and only 2 of which do damage IF they hit - after that, you're just a gimp warrior with a spear), a constantly dead wyvern & a really crappy 2hr to boot, limited armor choices, worthless job abilities and traits (accuracy bonus is garbage, means nothing), competition from MNKs, DRKs, RNGs, etc.

                  DRKs really ARE superior in nearly every way, mainly because they have the option of magic, in particular Drain, Aspir, Absorb-xx, and Stun. Who cares about Jump? It may build tp and do extra damage, but is it as useful as casting Stun to stop a goblin bomb? Is it as useful as casting Absorb-Agil to make a monster easier to hit for the rest of the pt? This is coming from a level 50+ DRG who has partied with DRKs at 50+, mind you, and I have always felt like a 5th wheel in any exp party.

                  I used to like DRG in the early levels, but I've seen the gimpiness of DRG exposed to me, and I don't think I'll play it again unless Square does some serious buffing on it. I hate having wasted my time on it, when I could have gotten to 65 or 70 in some other job that would have been more useful.

                  (I have since gone straight to RDM and have not looked back. So much more exciting, magic opens up a ton of possibilities, I'm wanted by parties everywhere, and I finally feel useful again from performing my duties of refreshing, curing, enfeebling, magic bursting.)
                  I still do not have Barblind.


                  • #10
                    yeah, i need to ask a question before i go down the wrong path. is this job really worth it? i mean judging by what you guys are saying its not. and if i went into it i would be a drg/rdm, which in itself is kinda iffy. im just asking if you think i should forget about becoming a dragoon or just go for perhaps a whm/blm subjob
                    "when there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth."


                    • #11
                      Simple answer, this job is not worth it. You're in your heyday from 1-20 because everyone wants to see your pet dragon. 20-40, the excitement has worn off and you're LFG pretty much with the other melees. At level 37 is when your ego takes a big hit - DRKs get stun, and get a huge jump in usefulness. 40-50 same deal LFG, except you chafe at the restrictiveness of the job, and its craptacular flexibility (very little at all).

                      All you're doing at this point is the same old garbage - hit, hit, jump, hit, hit, jump, skillchain, maybe superjump, hit hit hit. This does not vary even if the situation becomes dire, like a goblin charging up a bomb when everyone is below half health. At this point, DRKs cast Stun, or other melee uses their 2hr. Guess what, your 2hr is either dead on the ground, or doesn't do enough damage in as short a timeframe. Jumps don't interrupt special abilities or stun, and only rarely interrupt spells. The jump timers are so long, you're likely not even going to have access to them anyway - so you're stuck with just pure hits, nothing else.

                      I'm level 50+ myself, and kudos to those who stuck it out to 60, 70, whatever. That is really an accomplishment. But I don't have the stamina to grind away at a job which I just don't like anymore. The RDM/WHM or RDM/BLM life suits me far better.

                      edit: forgot to mention, you get pentathrust at level 49. Even then, it doesnt seem to skillchain very well. Does good damage, but against ITs, seems to miss too much.
                      I still do not have Barblind.


                      • #12
                        Ok, now I'm really depressed, seeing that DRG looks like even worse than a BST/WAR in later PT's (at least, that job's pet is not 2hr based and is reusable,and even if you're stuck with brooth, I'm sure the pet is more powerful than our little mascot).
                        I won't give up anyway, I will keep on with DRG as long as FFXI will stay on my PC.
                        I just want to know, is there any chances for S-E to boost up a little the expension classes(except Ninja, utsusemi ichi and ni are powerfull enough to have stole the PLD job), so they are actually usefull in the later game? Just a little something that could make someone hesitate when he can choose between a DRK or a DRG past lv 55-60.
                        As long as Guu is having fun, everything is ok.
                        AF2:3/5 Bonecraft 96.3+2/100.0+3
                        Windy rank : 8-2 CoP : Promyvion-Mea(0/10)
                        TOAU mission 10


                        • #13
                          Oh oh... this last few days of reading in the DRG forums I have been becoming more and more depressed.
                          I am currently a level 37 Dragoon partying in Crawlers' Nest and was fortunate in finding an awesome party at level 34 and stayed with it all the way to 37 to I have no clue how hard it will be to get a group in CN now.

                          I am so dumb and angry at myself, at first I immediately wanted to be a Paladin and went with WAR straight away.
                          When I got to level 15 or so I suddenly realised I might enjoy melee a bit more and also did a /sea and found that there were 3-4 times more PLDs than DRG so I thought I will be wanted as I was a rare class so decided on DRG and started using a Polearm all the way to 31 before switching to DRG.
                          Now I am level 37 and have started reading all the negative things about Lvl 50+ and wish I had just stuck to Paladin.

                          Okay I will keep Dragoon until I at least have the full AF but if it is really that horrible I will go for Paladin.



                          • #14
                            ",i mean cmon,its supposed ti be an advanced job,si why screw us over?"

                            You seem to be mistaking "advanced" jobs as "better" jobs, which they simply aren't.

                            They should be called Specialized Jobs or something.

                            But yeah, DRG got screwed....but hey, so did ninja and summoner. Be a PLD.
                            Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.


                            • #15
                              You're right about the fact that advance don't mean better, but it doesn't mean it should go with non-viable in later levels either. My point of view of those advanced jobs that need some boosts is DRG(need more DMG diversity), SMN(need a greater spell array for summons), SAM(don't really know, I don't know this job enough as a main, fill what they should need but I know they need something if they receive the same treatment as us at later lvs)

                              Each jobs are balanced, but not at higher levels.
                              I think NIN is just ok as it is, hell we found a great way to use them, utsusemi ichi and ni made them a PLD competitor, so the 3 jobs stated above should ahve some eye catch for higher lv players.

                              Just adding in out wyvern survivability can help, add heal pet with item/spells and something if already a bit better, but I know it wont be enough to make us a better choice.
                              As long as Guu is having fun, everything is ok.
                              AF2:3/5 Bonecraft 96.3+2/100.0+3
                              Windy rank : 8-2 CoP : Promyvion-Mea(0/10)
                              TOAU mission 10

