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Jobs election-DRG

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  • Jobs election-DRG

    Argh! Im torn between jobs!!:mad: I previously had not been able to log on, CPU and Broadband problems, but now that I have been able to get on and level my WAR 2 levels to 20WAR/MNK I am now finding myself changing my ADV. job selection choice. Previously i thought I wanted to be a Paladin and that it would be cool to be a 'Holy Knight'. Now I have tried using Sowrd andSHield and tanking and though I will continue to tank to lvl30 WAR I have seen it is not my 'cup of tea.' Basically I have seen that I want to deal damage. I thought DRK, hey they are SAID to be the best melee so hey! I tried my friends Taru BLM to get an idea of what it is liek to have effective magic. While it is fun I have seen that it is more tedious and ridig in structure than a WAR. With my WAR i needn't worry about magic, I am just healed and charge head-long into battle and play it as it goes. So the DRK having magic is a good thing but a little too much for me, and cost $! This left me with DRG a class which is as strong if not stongER than a DRK. You get a wyvern (tho I heard it becomes pretty irrelevant after 50, does AF auto-regen help?), jumps and cool polearms, which after some training with my WAR I really love!! However these melee jobs suffer from lack of invites but I am willing to accept that to do what I love. A DRG just seems to have more style and 'je ne sais quoi' than DRK . Although i ehard our Skele damage is gimped against skeles, is it that big a problem?? High levels help me out here...So anyone found themselves in this BIG 3 Melee Class dilema? If so pelase post ur experience and advice. And thanks for taking the time to read this post. :spin:
    Server: Siren
    San D'oria Rank 5
    Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
    Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
    Warrior AF COMPLETE
    Paladin AF 4/6

  • #2
    You know me Aries,I have to talk Lol.But this time Im going to say something a bit different.

    Seriously I have given up caring who does the most damage between DRK and DRG.....because what I NOW care about is party invites,HATE,Melee And Magic.I love DRK too much to give him up if one day I here DRG DRG got this new WS that Dwarfs anything DRK can handle..And then I say...TIME TO GO LVL DRG FOR WS THAT IS AT LVL 71 EVEN THOUGH MY DRK IS 69.

    Or vice a versa.

    So to me its not worth it anymore.

    You were saying that you don't want the magic or it was too much,well you don't have to get all the magic if you don't want just get what you need the MOST.

    And as you already know I used to be in a major dillemma lol.
    I Have Returned One Last Time To Destroy The Beastmen With My Scythe, My Great Sword, And My Magic!


    • #3
      Tahanks for replying Lyneun, got to say you're the last person i expected to see here in the DRG boards...anywhom...thansk for your input. I too have stopped caring about dmage and am thinking about job satisfaction and fun. Seeing a DRK and DRG in AF makes you go "Wow, looka th that scythe/lance it's so cool!" That is what i want, when I see a DRG and a Lance on his abck i say "Awesome Lance" Lances just look too cool. That is what i am looking for. Whereas with PAl your sowrd really isnt as gratifying. I hear people say DRG's Wyvern is gimped, I am just a lowly 20 but I have partied with many DRG's and the wyvern, despite all the Bomb tosses seemed pretty good if not cool and impressive. Is it just me or is it that some of the people on these baords just seem to post and not play and decide on the fun they see in-game. Though I do know this could misplace choices and interests but still...Whats your view on DRG's Lyneun? I know ur DRK view but not ur DRG's...As you know I tend to change my mind A LOT and thank you for being so understanding--->thats how friendships are made :p So anY DRG views welcome. Are they reallya s bad a s all these, I quote "/cry <enter whiny comment here> " people say they are? Maybe you just have to PLAY the GAME to realise?... (If I offended anyone--no offense intended-think of it as a coincidence or misinterpretation or your part )
      Server: Siren
      San D'oria Rank 5
      Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
      Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
      Warrior AF COMPLETE
      Paladin AF 4/6


      • #4
        Well actually I was like looking at the drk boards and as I was leaving I caught sight of the name ariesknight at the drg boards...MY HEART STARTED TO POUND AND POUND...HE DID NOT GO BACK WITH THE DRGs....OR DID HE!!!!! LOL.

        My view on Dragoons:

        They are preety cool,I always IMAGINE if I was DRK/THF in a party with a DRG/WAR,and I did that popular combo that ended with spiral hell and put all the HATE on the DRG and then he did Penta Thrust or Impulse Drive and then super jump and got rid of the hate...REALLY I don't hate DRGs at all just the ones that pissed me off at warcry.The ONLY thing that COMPLETELY throws me off aboout DRG is the Lance/spear/polearm or whatever DRGs like to call it.Just HATE the weapon...It's just a pointy piece metal on a on a long stick,some ppl think the same of scythe...and that would be true if all scythes look like the ones with a long dull piece of metal on it...but they don't...they are huge sexy looking pieces now and have some shape.If DRGs used something more exciting I might like them more...but anyone thats a drg would say im stupid and that lance is a awesome weapon and that drgs should stay with lance forever.

        Anyways DRGs are a cool job just not as cool as DRKs IMHO.

        And doing more damage than a drg and his wyvern sounds cool too,but its not the reason im being a sure anyone acting that crazy about doing more damage than another melee can possibly get his party killed.

        And no drgs are not even close to bad,anyone that says that(NO OFFENSE WHAT SO EVER)is stupid cause I see my drg friend play all the time he is a great player and has showed me how cool drgs really are.

        Oh and one more thing have you seen drk and drg in thier brand new AF armor!!!!?????

        Well just incase here it have to go all the way to the bottom and it will say SS and under that is Artifact2 click and be amazed!!!!!!!

        Anyway cya later.
        I Have Returned One Last Time To Destroy The Beastmen With My Scythe, My Great Sword, And My Magic!


        • #5
          Awesome, are those AF2 Real? What are thier stats? Do they fix some of the unbalances with DRK's? LOL.
          Both the DRK (With it's purple streaks) and Dragoon (with it's silver ornaments and awesome helm-->not that the other wasnt cool cos it IS!) look awesome. I didnt have time to look at the others but thats totally cool!
          If these are real i hope the DRG one buffs the Wyvern's survivability!
          Server: Siren
          San D'oria Rank 5
          Jobs: 70 WAR, 56 PLD, 32 NIN, 15 THF, 15 DRG, 15 MNK, 13 DRK, 13 SAM, 4 RNG
          Limits 1,2,3,4 COMPLETE
          Warrior AF COMPLETE
          Paladin AF 4/6


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ariesknight
            Awesome, are those AF2 Real? What are thier stats? Do they fix some of the unbalances with DRK's? LOL.
            Both the DRK (With it's purple streaks) and Dragoon (with it's silver ornaments and awesome helm-->not that the other wasnt cool cos it IS!) look awesome. I didnt have time to look at the others but thats totally cool!
            If these are real i hope the DRG one buffs the Wyvern's survivability!
            yeah, the af2 is relic armor.

            I'm not sure if anyone knows the stats.

            like I said, don't know about the stats, but I'm sure DRK is probably good.
            If the minimum wasn't acceptable it wouldn't be called the minimum. ~ The Tweezen way


            • #7
              LegendaryFire is correct.
              I Have Returned One Last Time To Destroy The Beastmen With My Scythe, My Great Sword, And My Magic!


              • #8
                what level is the AF2 armor? I've had a hard time finding info on this...
                "You're like the air I take you into me. You're like the rain you remain within me deep..."


                • #9
                  Heh, I'm the opposite - I never really liked scythess, maybe because of the "they were never really used in real warfare" issue.

                  I really wish DRK's main weapon was greatsword =P


                  • #10
                    greatsword for drk

                    ummmm the greatsword is also a main weapon for drk, they have a A skill in it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by shaunathan
                      what level is the AF2 armor? I've had a hard time finding info on this...
                      I have both the gloves and the pants of the AF2 set.

                      For DRG, the levels are as followed:

                      Wyrm Brais, level 71
                      Wyrm Greaves, level 72
                      Wyrm Finger Gauntlets, level 73
                      Wyrm Breastplate, level 74
                      Wyrm Armet, level 75


                      • #12
                        But whats the stats of it all?
                        My site or


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Carbon
                          Heh, I'm the opposite - I never really liked scythess, maybe because of the "they were never really used in real warfare" issue.

                          I really wish DRK's main weapon was greatsword =P
                          I really don't. Then I would have to stare at that gay great sword stance even more. Ug.

                          Just from reading your post, you seemed to say you didn't like play DRG. Its not like they get less invites or anything. My friend is a 58 DRG, and has only played a few days more gametime. I'm only higher than him because he's been messing around with other jobs and such. Maybe this will change post 60...I'll tell you when I get there. -_-


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by EricGraham
                            But whats the stats of it all?
                            Wyrm Mail
                            Wyrm Brais
                            Wyrm Armet
                            Wyrm Greaves
                            Wyrm Finger Gauntlets


                            • #15
                              whoa, who brought this ancient thread back to life?

                              My previous statement about DRK and greatsword stands corrected.

                              It was posted back when everyone was going around saying "Scythe is the only real weapon for DRK" (another thing to add to my "Misconceptions debunked" thread on the main board).

