Before I start this I'll just mention right now I'm only a 52DRG/26WAR, so I have yet to see this high end game where bones are constanly fought for exp. Right now I party pretty regularly in Crawler's Nest fighting Helm Beetles.
The only things I would do in order to "fix" the Dragoon job would be three things:
1. Make Jumps slightly more powerful, with a high chance to cirtical, and far more accurate than a normal atttack. Consistently missing Jump and High jump in parties is beyond embarrassing.
2. Give Polearms better damage vs undead and beetles. It's pathetic right now, really.
3. Give Dragoon some sort of Convert type ability to heal our Wyvern. 15-20 min. timer that would take a percentage amout of HP from us and feed it to our Wyvern over the course of 30 seconds or so.
Those three things would more than "fix" the class without making it overpowered, IMO.
I, personally, don't even think the Wyvern should be a part of the Dragoon job. I was surprised at how much the cutscenes over the course of unlocking the job focused on the Wyvern. I don't even recall them mentioning the word "Jump", but it's been awhile since I unlocked it.
Dragoon should be all about Jumps, but what can you do. They can't just take the Wyvern away now that they put it in there without pissing a lot of people off.
The only things I would do in order to "fix" the Dragoon job would be three things:
1. Make Jumps slightly more powerful, with a high chance to cirtical, and far more accurate than a normal atttack. Consistently missing Jump and High jump in parties is beyond embarrassing.
2. Give Polearms better damage vs undead and beetles. It's pathetic right now, really.
3. Give Dragoon some sort of Convert type ability to heal our Wyvern. 15-20 min. timer that would take a percentage amout of HP from us and feed it to our Wyvern over the course of 30 seconds or so.
Those three things would more than "fix" the class without making it overpowered, IMO.
I, personally, don't even think the Wyvern should be a part of the Dragoon job. I was surprised at how much the cutscenes over the course of unlocking the job focused on the Wyvern. I don't even recall them mentioning the word "Jump", but it's been awhile since I unlocked it.
Dragoon should be all about Jumps, but what can you do. They can't just take the Wyvern away now that they put it in there without pissing a lot of people off.