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Dragoons got squarewed

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  • #46
    Before I start this I'll just mention right now I'm only a 52DRG/26WAR, so I have yet to see this high end game where bones are constanly fought for exp. Right now I party pretty regularly in Crawler's Nest fighting Helm Beetles.

    The only things I would do in order to "fix" the Dragoon job would be three things:

    1. Make Jumps slightly more powerful, with a high chance to cirtical, and far more accurate than a normal atttack. Consistently missing Jump and High jump in parties is beyond embarrassing.

    2. Give Polearms better damage vs undead and beetles. It's pathetic right now, really.

    3. Give Dragoon some sort of Convert type ability to heal our Wyvern. 15-20 min. timer that would take a percentage amout of HP from us and feed it to our Wyvern over the course of 30 seconds or so.

    Those three things would more than "fix" the class without making it overpowered, IMO.

    I, personally, don't even think the Wyvern should be a part of the Dragoon job. I was surprised at how much the cutscenes over the course of unlocking the job focused on the Wyvern. I don't even recall them mentioning the word "Jump", but it's been awhile since I unlocked it.

    Dragoon should be all about Jumps, but what can you do. They can't just take the Wyvern away now that they put it in there without pissing a lot of people off.


    • #47

      well.. if u take away the wyvern... then drgs become wars basically... with a timed double attack and super jump ... but no berserk and others... and weak armor

      i personlaly would like to see more interaction with the wyvern though. like a combo attack or something not jus the wyvern breathing when u do a ws.


      • #48
        first of al the clal wyvern is a two hour the wyvern is mainly a MASSIVE DAMAGE BOOST was donig 80 ws damage with it at like lvl 5... now later on when wyvern GETS REGEN it be allmighty and do what i do whenever you log off summoner your wyvern than you come back next day u got your two hour and a wyvern..

        ONLY one complaint dman chocobos eat wyverns or sumthing because if you ride one ur wyvern will DIE :dead:


        • #49
          Dragoon: "ok firewing, let's hop this chocobo to bastok, you can fly along."

          Firewing: "roar"

          Chocobo: "wark? KIWEEH!!!!"

          Firewing: "roar?"

          Chocobo: "WARK WARK!!!" *much* *grind* *snap*

          Dragoon: "Noooooooooooo not firewing!!!!!! WHY GOD WHY!!! TAKE ME YOU BLASTED CHOCOBO!!! TAKE ME INSTEAD!!!! "

          *two hours later*

          *summon: Firewing*

          Dragoon: "you are soooo grounded..."

          firewing: "roar....."
          "You're like the air I take you into me. You're like the rain you remain within me deep..."


          • #50
            spirit link

            to all you dragoons, stop complaining about the lack of hp yur dragon gets, and also i dont think most of yu actaully ARE dragoons cus if u are, yud know about theyre new ability called spirit link that tranfers yur hp yo thr wyvern


            • #51
              Re: spirit link

              Originally posted by poppipo
              to all you dragoons, stop complaining about the lack of hp yur dragon gets, and also i dont think most of yu actaully ARE dragoons cus if u are, yud know about theyre new ability called spirit link that tranfers yur hp yo thr wyvern
              Good to know that level 12 WHMs are the be-all and end-all of the DRG class.


              • #52
                Re: spirit link

                Originally posted by poppipo
                to all you dragoons, stop complaining about the lack of hp yur dragon gets, and also i dont think most of yu actaully ARE dragoons cus if u are, yud know about theyre new ability called spirit link that tranfers yur hp yo thr wyvern
                Yeah, you'll also notice that the posts before yours were made FOUR MONTHS AGO, aka -before the update that gave DRGs Spirit Link.- Thanks for bringing up an old topic with poor, misguided information.


                • #53
                  Re: Re: spirit link

                  Originally posted by DM337
                  Yeah, you'll also notice that the posts before yours were made FOUR MONTHS AGO, aka -before the update that gave DRGs Spirit Link.- Thanks for bringing up an old topic with poor, misguided information.
                  And with even poorer grammar. Blech. :dead:


                  • #54
                    err DRKs die easily from hate?
                    Must be why DRGs are supposed to be picked over the other melee jobs.. Oh wait we match well with THFs because of Sneak Attack and TRICK Attack.

                    Too bad our Accuracy bonus suck.. I do love our purple armor. Very rad..

