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  • Dragoon.

    Well I just got done reading Dragoon Vs. Dark Knight thread. Well it was very discourageing...kinda makes me not want Dragoon anymore, it seems like Dragoons suck. Could some of you more experienced players tell me all their beneifts?? (besides wyvern)

    im new to the game, so im ignorant about most stuff.
    MNK:45 WAR:25 BST:24 WHM:19 THF:15 NIN:12 BLM:11 BRD:03
    Alchemy: 58
    Blacksmith: 40
    Fishing: 40
    Cooking: 33
    Goldsmith: 20

  • #2
    Dragoons sucks in comparison to?

    A Dragoon is in no way weaker than a Dark Knight.

    Personally I think your deliberatly trying to make the shit hit the fan.

    As for reasons why they are good, here are a few to mention.


    Cool Weapons.

    Penta Thrust.

    The Wyvren.

    AF Armor.

    Insane Damage.

    Instant Hate Removal.

    Unique Abilities.

    Excellent Solo'ing.

    Could quite possibly be King in PvP.


    The "cool" factor.

    I could go on and on...
    Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


    • #3
      The heretic is right, Dragoon is one of the best classes in my eyes, if not the best. It just depends on your way of looking at it and what your preference is. As a dragoon you can basicly keep fighting without resting as long as you have a white mage healing you. The only time you have to rest is when you rest for your wyvern.


      • #4
        As a dragoon you can basicly keep fighting without resting as long as you have a white mage healing you.
        how would that be different for any other melee damage dealing class? monk can do the same...darks also, though they have mp they don't HAVE to use it, or simply have refresh slapped on. what about sam? w/ a whm healing, why would they rest?

        imo, the melee classes are all fairly equal...each class has its advantages over the other. lets leave it at that


        • #5
          If you're fighting skeletons, DRK > DRG hands down.

          A DRK hits a skeleton for almost twice my damage. Against other mobs, it's about equal unless the DRK uses souleater.

          I think crabs might be the same case too, thought not as bad.

          I cry when I see my damage output vs skeletons.


          • #6
            Given Carbon's comments, the leveling hot spots for 68 to 75 is in Gustav/Kuftal Tunnel (or in the Vollbow region in general) fighting skeleton.

            Just another factor to consider.
            observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


            • #7
              Heretic is right. We are in no way stronger than Dragoons. Dragoons make incredible damage dealers and their jump abilites are impressive. Being able to turn a melee attack into a long range attack has proved very useful in several parties i've been in. So far, I have yet to meet a dragoon that can out damage me. However, most can match my damage everytime. This 'matching' damage business will most likely change when I start partying with dragoons that have penta thrust. They'll outclass me in everyway.

              Heretic also made a crucial point. Hate control. Dark Knights have no way of removing hate from themselves. This puts us at a severe dissadvantage with our dragoon comrades. This simple fact forces us to hold back. Dragoons can instantly remove hate from themselves with an ability.
              Hume Male
              Bastok Rank 9 | Zilart Mission 5
              70 DRK | 37 THF | 35 WAR | 22 NIN | 5 SAM
              check out my journal


              • #8
                Actually, super jump is sort of like souleater in disguise. Both let you do as much damage as you can for a short while. The difference is that drk can not use soul all the time, while drg can use sjump at whatever time durring the battle he wants. Soul will do much more damage, especialy with the high level WS, but can only really be used when the monster can be finished off quickly, or you have some damn good hate control in your PT.

                Sjump does less damage, but the only reason you will use it is when you have the most hate in the PT and have such low HP that you cannot take another hit. After you use sjump, drg has to hold back until it recharges and gets healed just like drk. :p Drg can of course just start spamming penta when the monster is near death to bring back his dmg/sec rate up to drk and avoid the use of sjump, but has to be more careful as just the use of penta will not kill as quick as soul, letting the monster beat down on you for more time.

                Regular hits, with the wyvern are about the same as drk. On higher evade monsters drg is better (so is monk). On undead, polearms do 1/2 damage which is truly suckass, and mnk gets bonus on them too. But jumps do extra damage, and gain extra TP, which is sort of like being a pre lvl 30 samurai.

                Only thing that gimps a drg is if your wyvern isn't with you and of a decent level. One other thing is that drg has no decent ranged attack whatsoever, which makes pulling at long distance almost impossible.

                Aside from the reliance of your wyvern I see no reason why drk is better than drg.


                • #9
                  well i dont have the major lvls to back it up, but i have teamed with drks before as a drg. so this is what i can add. basically the attack, an number of landed hits, as almost been the same. the damage hasnt really been that much different, with it being within 6 either way. but even that souly depends on what equip an items you buy your pc.

                  the only thing you have to remember, is not only do us drg's hit as hard, or almost as hard, or harder then darks. but we have the added effect of our wyvern. not only hitting as hard as we stack ourselves, but its elemental breath after our ws is also a +. it seems like drg has a slight adv over drk. an as for skeletons, hell jus compare a drk to mnk there.. mnk hands down!!



                  • #10
                    1) Super jump does no damage ... its not flagged as an attack at the moment.

                    2) the only way you will even come close to matching a DRK in sheer DPS is if you have your wyvern up , berserk on and penta thrust ready

                    3) the difference between you and all other DPS class (except thf) is that they have no way to control their aggro. you do

                    4) if you dont want to be a dragoon then dont be a dragoon. All classes in this game are flawed. Dragoon is the second weakest DPS class but what you lack in range you gain in consistency. Drks have massive DPS potential but if they ever use it the mob will rip them a new asshole so they use it sparingly. Monks have the least consistency, sometimes they do fantastic damage sometimes not but they are more flexible than DRK and partially self sustaining. RNGs have the same problem as DRKs lots of damage very little survivability and their DPS costs money to use. NIN have the lowest DPS of all the DPS classes , but what they lose in sheer damage they gain in utility.


                    • #11
                      drg's don't really need to depend on their wyvern later on.. breath attacks will start hitting lower than 100 and their attacks never break 50..

                      Might be better off with an all purpose wyvern .

                      and i've partied with a drk for the past 10 lvl's.. when both of us don't have zerk or LR on we hit the same (GK lance, Vasago Scythe w/o wyvern).


                      • #12
                        With the helmet, the wyvern will hit its breath for 150 dmg or more everytime. So if you sub sam i like i do and spray penta, you can get about 4 pentas(followed by a super) in so 4x150 = 600 dmg, wyvern still dishes.
                        RIP Lazane RIP

