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Elvaan Dragoon/War

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  • Elvaan Dragoon/War

    Im planning on starting with a War then when possible going to dragoon. Is DRG/WAR a good combination?
    PC SPEC:
    P4 2.6GHZ @ 800MHZ FSB
    512MB DRR 400 DUAL CHANNEL (800MHZ)
    ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB

  • #2
    There alot of similar thread in the forum if you search. Basicely all the race are good but some are better. If you plan of going lev 70+ most high level will tell you that the Cat peoples will be slightly better because of there high dex (racial bonus). Eventully equipement will fill the gap between Elvaan and Mithra, but there will be detractor to say Mithra are better.

    Elvaan are a good race, do good melee because of extra HP you have. Not the best race for a mage as it have less MP, still can do a decent job with more down time. Mithra are prolly the best melee for dmg dealer class. It have more MP (than Elvaan) when you doing a mage class to.

    I have seen alot of Drg/War Tarutaru, they might not be the best race for melee, but they are enjoying there character, isn't it the point of this game -> have fun.

    p.s.: if i was to start again, i prolly do a Mithra but i don't regret my Elvaan at all.
    54 Drg, 30 Mnk, 25 War, 24 Whm, 11 Rdm, 10 Sam, 10 Rng , 10 Thf, Bard 10, 6 Bst , 5 Blm

    - AF1 done! (Drg)
    - AF2 done! (Drg)
    - Rank 5
    - Genkie 1, 2 done!


    • #3
      I find the difference in STR compensates the lack of dex vs mithra for DRG. This is basically due to the accuracy bonus trait gives a bit more leeway than other jobs. People act like STR is crap and does nothing, but you can only be so accurate. I wouldn't be any other race DRG than Elvaan if I had to do it again. Maybe Galka because the dex is higher than Elvaan without giving up much in the way of STR.


      • #4
        It all depends on your whole perspective of the game. Are you playing for fun? Are you playing to be the best? etc.

        Do you like to be a warrior? You have to be the tank in parties and take all the damage. You don't get any magic, unless you have a mage subjob. If you would like the ability to be a Dragoon and still be able to use provoke and do some tanking, then go ahead the the Drg/War combo.

        I myself want to becom a Drg/war too. I want to be a Dragoon, but I still want to have the ability to take and use provoke, wich I dearly love to do.

        All in all, don't worry too much about what is statistically the best combo. Have fun with the game. It is awsome to see a tarutaru paladin tanking for a whole pary. Do whatever makes you happy.
        Peace is a dream flying on gossamer wings. You can surely attain peace. But, the only way is through the grave.


        • #5
          If you wanna be a DRG and have a warrior sub, it isn't for provoke. Very quickly other jobs outclass DRG in def, which means DRG tanking is really not that viable or efficient. The reason you sub warrior as a DRG is for the damage dealing abilities like Berserk and Double Attack, not for provoke.


          • #6

            Your misunderstood what I said. I said I dearly love provoke, that is me personally, I don't have double attack or beserk yet. I know that isn't the only reason for the Drg/war combo. I can't wait to get double attack a beserk. Yes you can do some tanking. Of course you won't be as good as a Pld, but you still can tank. If you get the right equipment and know how to play, you can tank. I have watched Drg/war be good tankers.

            Plus, the main reason why I like provoke so much. When someone is being chased by 2 goblins, all I have to do is use provoke, instead of chasing them down hoping the person wit stop. I love helping people out. I also plan on becoming a Pld.
            Peace is a dream flying on gossamer wings. You can surely attain peace. But, the only way is through the grave.


            • #7
              don't tank with a dragoon. second lowest melee defence in the game, blah blah blah, etc etc I'm tired of explaining to people dragoon can't tank. maybe in early levels, but you're better off as a the glass cannon that you are.
              my level rises every day


              • #8
                The thing is, you're asking a question that has a very biased answer.

                A Mithra DRG/WAR is obviously going to tell you how great Mithra are, and quote their higher DEX and AGI.

                A Hume DRG/WAR is going to tell you how a Hume can do well in any job, so if you later want to be a Mage of any kinda, a Hume will do very well.

                A Galka DRG/WAR is going to tell you they have higher HP then anybody, STR that compares up there with any Elvaan, and good VIT.

                An Elvaan DRG/WAR is going to tell you how much STR and MND they have, and that their other lower stats aren't that important for various reasons.

                A Tarutaru DRG/WAR will tell you how much fun they're having and how cute they look. :angel: lol

                Mithra's additional DEX isn't going to make such a huge difference once you factor in equipment.

                Go with whatever race you like. Any of the above will work. I would say that Elvaan, Galka, and Hume will have an easier time leveling up, but all of them will work.

                Personally I went Elvaan since I plan to become a high level RDM. But Elvaan work well for other job classes as well.

                After you have a pretty clear idea of what job classes you plan to level, decide if Elvaan can do all of those for you.
                PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                • #9
                  I have seen Drg/war tank and have done a good job at it. Yes, they aren't the best tanks, I know. But, if you like the Dragoon and still want to tank "some" you can be a Drg/war. You can be the fallback tank in a party, when the Pld loses to much HP you can step in and take the damage until the better tanker gets his/her hp back up.

                  Anyway, do whatever you want with your character and have fun.
                  Peace is a dream flying on gossamer wings. You can surely attain peace. But, the only way is through the grave.


                  • #10

                    Thanks for the help guys/girls. :D
                    PC SPEC:
                    P4 2.6GHZ @ 800MHZ FSB
                    512MB DRR 400 DUAL CHANNEL (800MHZ)
                    ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB
                    80GIG HARDRIVE 7200RPM


                    • #11
                      what lvl did you see a drg/war tank? ya you can tank up until the high 20's. But after that you are gonna get hammered if you try to tank.


                      • #12

                        Ummm.....can't remember. its been a month since I last saw that person.

                        I was told by several people that Drg/war could do well as a secondary tanker.

                        I suppose you of all people would know what you are talking about. Well, thanks for correcting my mistake ^_^
                        Peace is a dream flying on gossamer wings. You can surely attain peace. But, the only way is through the grave.


                        • #13
                          ok... Secondary tanker is an entirely different thing than tanking =) yes we can do that, its mainly used to setup trick attack and when shit hits the fan. So yes, dragoon can be secondary tanker, but you do not want to be taking most of the hits, only the hits you HAVE to take to setup the trick attack / save mage.


                          • #14
                            I must have not explained what I meant well enough lol. Well, I can't wait to be a Dragoon ^_^
                            Peace is a dream flying on gossamer wings. You can surely attain peace. But, the only way is through the grave.

