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Healers: What race do YOU prefer as DRG?

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  • Healers: What race do YOU prefer as DRG?

    I'm talking cures here, which give you the least hassle, who do you see drawing the most hate, who gets hit the hardest?

    I'm leaning towards DRG, but can't for the life of me pick a race.

  • #2
    What a odd question. I find race doesn't matter near as much as job combo, for melee's that is.

    As a healer I totaly ignore any battle damage spam, In fact I turned it off long time ago. I watch hit point bars. how much more damage that Galka drg is doing compared to a Taru drg is lost on me, just like how much more a Mithra lands hits compared to a Elvann. DRG's I have grouped with don't take damage anyways, a WAR or PLD takes the hits. DRGs are a damage dealing class, they make poor tanks.

    If the "best" race is what your looking for it's Mithra. Mithra on average land more hits than any other race, and seeing as drg is a damage dealer landing more hits = good. If taking hits is what your worried about the best would be Galka of course, as they have the most hit points.

    As a group leader I would not care about race for DRG at all. Nor have I ever heard anyone in game bashing a DRG for his choice in race.


    • #3
      Put it this way. When deciding what race to pick as a Dragoon, your main concern is not how much damage you'll be able to take, but rather how much damage you can put out. With that said, your top 2 choices will be: Mithra and Elvaan. Now this is where the choice will become subjective. Mithra will have a lot more Dex than Elvaan, roughly 10+ I believe? The Stat calc. site seems to be broken right now, for awhile now at least. Elvaan will give you roughly 10+ str. Any high lvl Drg will tell you. In the high end, its all about Accuracy and how often you hit. What good is all that Str if you can't hit the far side of the barn? Most of the time, Race is not an issue when choosing party members. The only exception being Galka Mages, and Taru melees. To avoid confusion, I have no objections to the above combinations. I speak from the mentality of a typical player who regards those combinations as useless and inferior.


      • #4
        It's cheaper to raise a tarutaru than to heal them.
        BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
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