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Help about Drg/Drk plz

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  • Help about Drg/Drk plz

    At the moment I am lvling up a rdm (my quick ticket to lvl 30) and then i plan on becoming a dragoon. I am a NA player and all my info is coming from what i have read in the strategy guide and from posts i have read.
    When I first saw the dragoon in the book I researched a bit and decided at 60 I would be a drg/sam (penta thrust). After looking a bit more i saw dark knight and examined their jobtaits/abilities and figured why couldn't i have that as my sj? 3attk ups, acc. up, last resort, souleater (err darkness?), multi-purpose wyvern, weapon bash, arcana killer... etc. I figure also that because i wont be tanking i won't need the def/vit of a warr. I could last resort/souleater into a penta and then jump all the hate away. And the offense of Drk i thought even as sj would make my drg far superior in dmg than any drg/war. Also the low Mp i thought i could compromise with magna gloves, chausses, and ledelsens +hp +mp +int and +dex (im elvaan so... dex is nice).
    Although i read a few posts about drg/drk and now i don't know if it's any good... Someone said wpn bash at 70 does 20dmg, last resort isnt worth it compared to beserk, the attk ups aren't that great, as well as the multi-purpose wyvern because it dies of AoEs all the time...
    Can anyone give me some info anout the drk as sub. Is the stuff about 20dmg wpn bash and wyvern death true? Would appreciate any help thanks =)

  • #2
    Ive leveled DRG to 19, not too far, but enought o know if you keeop the wyvern at the right angle it doesnt die. Ive had my wyvern out for days without it dying. The weapon bash thing is correct. Even with DRK as a main ive seen people do the most of 19 DMG at lvl 34... as a sub it would most like be about the same..
    Weapon Bash does help to interrupt Enemy moves like Bomb Toss though.

    Warrior TP Warrior WS


    • #3
      Your Wyvern will die at later levels more often than naught, and it's basically just there for looks. It does pitiful damage unless on a WS, and the only thing thats good about it is its high accuracy.

      DRG/DRK using Souleater/Last Resort/Penta Thrust = a dead DRG. You can Super Jump once every 5 minutes. Don't believe all the posts you read. You simply do not jump away hate at higher levels. You jump away hate once every 5 minutes, so you're going to have to watch on your Penta Thrusts/spamming damage.

      It'll only get worse as your attack gets higher and your defence gets lower and lower as you raise levels.

      Even as I approach level 50, fighting exorays can be dangerous for a DRG. Last thing you need is for it to double attack you for like 150 damage, then use its Silence Breath or something similar and knock off 500+ HP. All the while a PLD spams provoke, but can't get it off of you.

      If you are a melee damaging class, you will have to control your damage, not go buck wild on mobs. If I wanted to, I could use berserk, have a meat mithkabob, and have a Bard use that song that enhances your attacks (forget the name atm) and blast a mob. But pretty quickly, I'll find myself cancelling certain spell effects before I die. :/

      Just something you should know.


      • #4
        thanks for the replies. Dark knigt is kinda outa the picture for now but maybe someday for fun ill try it. Probably not grouping tho. One last thing. Before i chose to go Drg/drk i wanted to go drg/sam. Malefas, you said that a dragoon who does a lot of damage will take a lot of aggro. So is it still ok to be using penta at 60+ with sam sub everytime you hit 100%tp like some people are saying or is that something i should control all the same like darkness/last resort + ... I know obviously i have to control for the most part like any other class but the reason i ask is that ppl are saying you should be "spamming" penta with sam sub. Wouldn't that get quite a bit of aggro too??? Thanks again =)


        • #5
          Malefas: I'm a drg/war, and I always use meat mithkabobs, and use berserk somewhat regularly, even when a bard is in the party. Of course, I also party pretty regularly with a thief. But... remember, High Jump reduces a lot of hate. Super jump isn't your only option. As long as you don't spam penta, it generally won't turn unless you have a lazy tank.


          • #6
            If you play Drg/Drk, and are 20/10, will you have two Atk up traits or just the one from Drg.

            I have heard that they are both attack up 1 so they do not stack. If that is the case then how about lvl 30 Drk Atk up and the lvl 30 War Atk up. Is the war lvl 30 atk up considered lvl 1 and the Drk lvl 30 Atk up considered lvl 2?


            • #7
              The first attack bonuses do not stack. I know this first hand by swapping and going Warrior/Dragoon to see.


              • #8
                So would this mean that I am not losing out on an attack bonus by going drg/war because drg/drk share a lvl 10 attk bonus?


                • #9
                  The most you could benefit from a DRK sub is the secondary ATK bonus (can't get high enough for the 3rd), which in my opinion at least is a pretty big tradeoff over a warrior sub. Compare berserk for 3 minutes vs Last Resort for 30 seconds. Warrior also gets more balanced statistics I find, and a lot of good abilities. Everyone is right though you can't just go all out damage, and sometimes Super Jump isn't enough depending how long the fight goes. High Jump is also kind of nice too. Worst case scenario, you can Defender as a way to crap your damage and lessen your hate, and click it off when you lose hate - again not the most ideal option as a damage dealer but it would help none the less. I find DRG hate is usually pretty high if you are doing good damage so it isn't always about poor tanking ^^

