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Hq Jse

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  • Hq Jse

    I don't know if anyone else has seen this or not, but in the jeuno AH on Asura I saw a piece of HQ JSE the pants I believe. This means that players are crafting JSE now?
    Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    That's what I heard too;But I haven't seen one yet.
    WAR 18, WHM 14, BLM 4, THF 46, DRG 42, NIN 21


    • #3
      I have seen it, it has an additional 2% breath coverage, and more HP bonus. If I didn't have to push scroll lock to take screenshots I'd post one.
      Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        there has been HQ JSE available on cerberus for ages before the server shift


        • #5
          I would like to see some pics of the armor. Can somebody please post them for us to see?
          WAR 18, WHM 14, BLM 4, THF 46, DRG 42, NIN 21


          • #6
            all jse armor is crafted. dragoon jse armor is done through bone working. white mage is cloth craft, but some head gear is made through goldsmithing


            • #7
              Is it just me or is the JSE shit compared to AF?

              Give up enhanced jump, enhanced breath, more wyvern accuraccy and hp. I think AF has better stat bonus too.

              WTF are you going to do with reduced breath damage?

              Why would they make the highest lvl armor such crap?


              • #8
                yeah, i've been thinking that same exact thing. the increased breath resistance isn't too appealing compared to the enhancements that AF gives >_>;; or is there something that i'm missing and should know about?
                Name : Soumakyou
                Jobs : 70 Dragoon/35 Warrior
                Server : Midgardsormr
                Country/Rank : San d'Oria, Rank 9
                Linkshell : ImmortalKingdom


                • #9
                  This isnt my pic, when I remember where I got it, I will give the credit.

                  big elvaan on the far right, pretty cool looking stuff imo

                  Cerberus Jueno AH has every piece in the listing. Looks like every peice has defense, resists, hp and that breath reduce.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    DRG JSE is for taking on Dragons. Hence the high defense,breath resistance and elemental resistance. Its not for average level up PT(like AF is).
                    RIP Lazane RIP


                    • #11
                      I had once heard that there were only 9 dragons in this game, including the 3 mission dragons and the dragoon quest dragon. This true on the amount of dragons in the game? If so, it kinda makes high level armor for that purpose kinda a waste, exept if you have the money to burn.


                      • #12
                        Its a money burner basically, but it also has higher DEF values than the AF does, so if you're tired of being a glass cannon....

                        Also, Dragoon JSE is being crafted all the time on Midgardsromr, I even saw a Level 70 BLM in JSE crafting it like 3 days ago.

