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Sneak + Pentathrust

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  • Sneak + Pentathrust

    I was under the impression that Sneak Attack + Pentathrust gave a 100% 5 hit every time just like Sneak Attack + Double Thrust.

    But tonight, when I just got pentathrust and used it with sneak attack, it only hit 3x or 4x. I'm kinda dissapointed -_-

    Am I missing something? ^_^
    BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
    DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
    WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)


  • #2
    Sneak only guarantees the first hit will connect, not all.


    • #3
      But it guarantees both hits on Double Thrust. I find it very dissapointing it doesn't do the same for Pentathrust.

      Ah well, it's time to level up my Samurai
      BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
      DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
      WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)



      • #4
        How does the damage compare tho?

        Penta by itself to Penta+Sneak.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sanguine
          But it guarantees both hits on Double Thrust. I find it very dissapointing it doesn't do the same for Pentathrust.

          Ah well, it's time to level up my Samurai
          Wrong, it doesn't guarantee a double hit on double thrust, I've hit once with sneak+double a lot of times...
          Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            Ruuk, the damage between Sneak + Penta vs. Penta by itself is insignificant. The reason being: Thf support + Sneak Attack is only a Critical Hit with high accuracy. You do not recieve the damage multiplier like a Thf main would. So out of a possible 5 attacks, only your first hit is guranteed a Critical Hit. So in the end, the damage between the two is rather small. I recall reading a recent post that SA + Jump actually did less damage than Jump itself. I have not been able to verify this myself since I play a War sub.


            • #7
              "I recall reading a recent post that SA + Jump actually did less damage than Jump itself"

              Well that cant be because sneak attack is a normal crit.

              Can i get some real info from someone with a thief sub perhaps?


              • #8
                I recalled a dragoon/warrior using berserk will do more overall damage than a dragoon/thief using sneak


                • #9
                  Dragoon / Sam would do most damage overall because of repeated pentra thrusts with the build up of extra TP -- Theif is a great sub also (i'm currently usin thf for my sub) and sneak attack damage is nice, and the other thf extras (steal, treasure hunter etc) are great too, but I will still sub sam at lvl 60. Warrior is also great too, double attack and bezerk


                  • #10
                    Wrong, it doesn't guarantee a double hit on double thrust, I've hit once with sneak+double a lot of times...
                    You must have had the monster spin on you or something and end up NOT hitting it from the back. Because out of the 50 million times I've done Sneak + Double Attack from the back, they have ALWAYS both hit.
                    BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
                    DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
                    WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)



                    • #11
                      It doesn't guarantee both hits. Sneak Attack assures the first hit will connect for critical, no more, no less.

