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Galka DRG/RDM?

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  • Galka DRG/RDM?

    I was planning on becoming a DRG/WAR as a Galka...but one day i played my brother's RDM and it was so fun. I still want to be a Dragoon as my main job but will the RedMage for my sub be effective since i am a Galka?

    Thankyou for any help

  • #2
    Adapt your play style to your character. Don't let anyone tell you how to play your class, or xxx job combo won't work. If you put in the time to figure out how to utilize everything, you'll be golden.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Baradak
      Adapt your play style to your character. Don't let anyone tell you how to play your class, or xxx job combo won't work. If you put in the time to figure out how to utilize everything, you'll be golden.
      Why do you even bother posting if you aren't addressing the main question? Spewing misinformation like this doesn't help anyone and only shows that you don't have much experience in the game. I'm sorry, but no matter how you cut it, certain job combos WILL NOT work, no matter what you believe. You will become an ineffective XP sponge that contributes almost nothing, your parties will either kick you out or hate you, and no manner of 'skill' will make you 'golden.' Example: PLD/BRD. How exactly is this going to work?

      Anyway, to the original poster. First I recommend you read Tazirai's stickied post about DRG/RDM... as a 'shock trooper' per se. The problem with Galka is that even at level 40, you will have less than 40 MP more or less. You can offset this by equipping some Galka RSE and other +MP equipment (I can't remember if DRG can equip these, but my Galka PLD uses black earrings, holy phial, friar's rope, and pretty soon electrum rings. Hairpin might also be nice for you since you're not a tank). This totaled will add almost 150 MP or so I think... possibly even more! However, you will have horrible defense (more so than other DRG), and not have the useful stat bonuses other classes might get from other equipment (spike necklace, beetle earring+1's, sniper rings, etc). You can, of course, mix and match for both some +MP and some +ACC/ATk, to optimize your performance.

      As opposed to other races, as a Galka DRG/RDM you will have to drink even more juices than tazirai states in his thread. You also won't have access to the more important RDM spells til high level or maybe never (Dispel, Refresh, Phalanx).

      In all honesty, I think DRG is one of those classes that can be decently effective regardless of sub (sort of like BRD or BLM or whatnot). This means that even tho other combos will be better, a DRG with even NO subjob could still do decent and hold their own, since he will still have penta, wyvern, and jumps to shed hate. It's just that other subjobs like WAR and SAM will have more immediate bonuses. But it's up to you to try it out =)

      An example of some classes who can be USELESS with some subjobs: PLD, NIN, etc...
      I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


      • #4
        thankyou so much for your help


        • #5
          never sub redmage


          • #6
            If you want to sub red mage, Galka is prob the worst race you could pick. They have the lowest mp, and your mp is already gonna be low as a sub job.


            • #7
              Well, whatever Race/Job/Support job system you want to play, is entirely up to you. I think with the whole MMORPG genre, people tend to be obessesed with Perfection, Uberness, l33tness. If you don't mind the hard road ahead, by all means, play a Galka Drg/Rdm. But bear in mind the majority of MMORPG players are set into this mentality. They only want the best people/combinations for their group. I've been in groups where people actually criticized the Whm simply because he was Hume. Imo, Hume's aren't too bad, so I would imagine the criticism for a Galka Melee/Caster would fall along those lines.

              To answer your question from a technical standpoint, I don't think that combination would be effective at all. Now, this isn't because you're a Galka, but I don't think it would be too effective for any race. However, I do agree with imac2much in the sense that Dragoons are quite versatile. If you sub in a caster support, it doesn't make you useless like some other Jobs would. The Wyvern Heal Breath is useful to a certain extent (and in applied and limited situations) so it's not entirely useless. With AF BP, the Wyvern will do heal breath at 1/2 Hp instead of 1/3. I'm merely pointing this fact out because your wyvern will be in Defensive mode instead of Offensive mode, which should play some factor in the path you choose. Defensive mode is pretty useless 85% of the time ("Most" good Whm's won't let you fall to a 1/3 hp).

              Now let's see some stats:

              Galka Drg/Rdm at lvl 70: 1460 HP/66MP, 73Str/61Dex
              Elvaan Drg/Rdm at lvl 70: 1319 HP/94 MP, 77str/57Dex

              Now, you're missing out on 28 MP in comparison to an above average race in MP. This is insignificant, and this mana disparity can be mitigated with MP gear as imac2much pointed out.

              Now let's compare the above combinations with a more pratical support. Let's use the common War:

              Galka Drg/War at lvl 70: 1496HP, 77Str/62Dex
              Elvaan Drg/War at lvl 70: 1355HP, 81str/58dex

              Choosing a Rdm as support, instead of the most common and ideal (subjective) support, you're missing out on roughly 36 HP, 4 str, and 1 dex as a Galka. Although I don't have an abundant knowledge regarding the high end, I would assume it would be like Everquest where Items will make up for racial disparities.

              In the end, I would have to say, choose the combination you want to play. Don't pick something that's the Best, Uber, L33t. Pick something that you'll enjoy playing. Don't be a follower, be a leader. But bear in mind, as I have mentioned earlier in my post, many people play with this mentality. You may not recieve as many PT's as say a Drg/War. Try to form your own PT's if this is the case. Also, the way this game is designed, it's extremely versatile. Even if you don't like Rdm down the road, than just lvl a war to 35. Takes like 1-2 weeks really. Hope that helps.


              • #8
                I agree with Potsnu, and he brings up a point I totally forgot about : with DRG/RDM, your wyvern will turn into healing mode instead of offensive or all-purpose mode. This brings some more key differences on the offensive end for your DRG:
                1) the 4 str difference is negligible. That only equates to 2 attack and just a small boost in max damage.
                2) The loss of berserk, however, will be quite apparent.
                3) Now when you use WS's, instead of some breath damage from your wyvern (which usually does a nice amount), your wyvern will just do a status recovery breath usually. Mostly useless... You have to be at 1/3 HP (or 1/2 with AF) to get the heal breath.

                If you don't mind the losses of these offensive capabilities, then there should be no problem. However, one thing Potsnu stated is half right and half wrong: this game isn't EQ, there ARE racial differences that can't be made up with race.

                The major racial differences are in HP, MP and DEX for THF. A galka mage with FULL +MP gear will still not have as much MP as a taru mage with normal gear. However, I don't think this is too much of a problem for a mage sub, because the MP you get will be rather negligible anyway: you aren't supposed to be a main mage. Therefore, the +MP gear you can get will help all the more. For instance, my Galka PLD uses RSE gloves (and sometimes boots), which is around +50 MP right there. If you use all the other +MP gear I mentioned in my above post, that should make up for your relatively low MP pool, especially since you are not planning to be a main mage. And like Potsnu said, the MP difference between most races with /RDM (other than taru) can be made up with items and food (such as pies).

                Do it if you really want a challenge. Just don't be surprised if you have to wait for a PT invite longer than other DRGs.
                I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                • #9
                  Heh, Rdm as a sub for DRG can be useful for soloing purposes, but offers very little in a Partying situation. First of all, a RDM sub will give you useful curing abilities(but with your Galka's pitiful MP pool, i doubt you'd want to have to rely on magic) and you will be able to cast magics like Protect and Dia, to help out your physical power.

                  In a PT, however, you will of course rely on your WHM to heal and buff the PT and your RDM (if you're cool enough to PT with a RDM, that is

                  :spin: ) your magic will be useless and you would do much better subbing in WAR or SAM for better physical abilities.

                  I do, however completely agree with the "Do what you want" idea, but just remember that people WILL not invite a Galka DRG/RDM as much as they will invite a galka DRG/SAM or DRG/WAR. Basically, the best way to ensure you'll PT easily is if you join a nice LS or get some good friends to PT with a lot.

                  Hope this helps, Jason


                  • #10
                    Well, whatever Race/Job/Support job system you want to play, is entirely up to you. I think with the whole MMORPG genre, people tend to be obessesed with Perfection, Uberness, l33tness. If you don't mind the hard road ahead, by all means, play a Galka Drg/Rdm. But bear in mind the majority of MMORPG players are set into this mentality. They only want the best people/combinations for their group. I've been in groups where people actually criticized the Whm simply because he was Hume. Imo, Hume's aren't too bad, so I would imagine the criticism for a Galka Melee/Caster would fall along those lines.
                    bear in mind this, this is a massively MULTIPLAYER online role-playing game.

                    sooner or later you will have to PT with ppl who may or may not be ub3r and contrary to what Potsnu and his Anti-1337 mentality might have you believe that is not the point.
                    the point is really if you choose to be selfish and play any ding-dong combination your heart wants you will be wasting not only your own but the time of others as well. now the ub3rs will like Potsnu implies spot you a mile away and generally avoid you like the plague, the more casual players might give you a chance but sooner or later they will realize that they could have filled the slot alot better. in anycase wasting ppls time is downright rude.

                    if you want to be selfish , expect to be by yourself alot.

                    Heh, Rdm as a sub for DRG can be useful for soloing purposes, but offers very little in a Partying situation. First of all, a RDM sub will give you useful curing abilities(but with your Galka's pitiful MP pool, i doubt you'd want to have to rely on magic) and you will be able to cast magics like Protect and Dia, to help out your physical power.
                    you do realize that redmages also have a MP penalty tacked on to them on top of whatever racial penalties that may already exist ? Also do you realise that by subbing whm instead you not only get all of those abilities you also get divine seal (which rox) and more mana to boot? Do you also know that by subbing whm you(eventually) get passive regen which works even tho you are standing ?

                    In the end, I would have to say, choose the combination you want to play. Don't pick something that's the Best, Uber, L33t. Pick something that you'll enjoy playing. Don't be a follower, be a leader. But bear in mind, as I have mentioned earlier in my post, many people play with this mentality. You may not recieve as many PT's as say a Drg/War. Try to form your own PT's if this is the case. Also, the way this game is designed, it's extremely versatile. Even if you don't like Rdm down the road, than just lvl a war to 35. Takes like 1-2 weeks really. Hope that helps.
                    why bother to answer his posts anyway if thats all you have to say?

                    why not send him to a stat calculator site where he can get a better picture of what he is getting himself into as well as better understand the alternatives? why not send him to a site which lists the skills available to him if he chose this path as well as the level at which he gets them so that he can have a better understanding of not only what he can do but also when can he expect to do them?

                    you post what his stats will be like at lvl 70 neglecting to mention that by the time he reaches that stage the stats will be so heavily modified by items that the actual numbers you posted will be effectively irrelevant? You also neglect to mention how much of a disparity he will be suffering in comparison to his min-maxed brethren until such items become available ?

                    also you ask him to be a leader and yet you try to get him to conform to your ideal of 'play what you want'?

                    the hypocrisy is strong in this one.

                    the 2 million dollar question is not whether or not Galka drg/rdm is effective.

                    the 2 million dollar IS :- why in the fuck did you choose to make a galka character if you wanted to cast spells?

                    PS:- I will give you credit that you have told him how useless the healing breath is , but he would have figured it out anyway within his lowbie dragon levels when he wonders why his wyvern is doing jack shit most of the time while the other dragoon's dragons are opening big cans of whoopass on mobs.


                    • #11
                      sonova why do you always try to put people's inputs down? can't you just give him what you said in your post?

                      "why not send him to a stat calculator site where he can get a better picture of what he is getting himself into as well as better understand the alternatives? why not send him to a site which lists the skills available to him if he chose this path as well as the level at which he gets them so that he can have a better understanding of not only what he can do but also when can he expect to do them?

                      you post what his stats will be like at lvl 70 neglecting to mention that by the time he reaches that stage the stats will be so heavily modified by items that the actual numbers you posted will be effectively irrelevant? You also neglect to mention how much of a disparity he will be suffering in comparison to his min-maxed brethren until such items become available ?"

                      This isn't some hate post against you but it just seems to me that you have a lot of negative thigns to say.
                      Kenshin of Valefor

                      Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
                      Thats Kendo!
                      It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
                      Level Does Not = Skill!
                      Level = Knowledge


                      • #12
                        i deal the shit straight up

                        original poster asked a simple question
                        i gave a simple answer

                        potsnu's post is just anti-uber propaganda hidden under just the thinnest veneer of empirical knowledge.

                        if you want to do the jedi master schtick you might as well do it properly instead of just using it as your campaign platform?

                        if ppl come to you for advice and you have none to give then keep quiet.

                        "do what you want that is all that matters" while it might make alot of sense to you in a Zen Buddhist sort of way, does not answer the initial question at all.


                        • #13
                          Sonova, I won't waste nearly as much time I did with you in the previous post. You criticize my response, yet I don't see you contributing anything remotely informative.

                          never sub redmage
                          I've said it once, and I'll say it again. These forums are meant to be informative, a source of information. Opinions are like a$sholes, everyone has one. Don't bother posting if you're not helping the situation, or the poster.

                          if you want to be selfish , expect to be by yourself alot.
                          So, picking a race/job combination that you enjoy playing is considered selfish? If this was the case, every tank would go Galka, every dps would go Mithra, and ALL casters would be Tarus. We would all be in a melting pot society.

                          if ppl come to you for advice and you have none to give then keep quiet.
                          How about you take the same advice and crawl back to your hole? I don't see you offering any advice or anything helpful. Oh yea, don't sub rdm, that really helps. In the time you spent to write a rebuttal for every one of my points, you could have spent it doing something more productive, like actually answering his questions? Guess not.


                          • #14
                            i can tell him point for point WHY subbing red mage doesnt work
                            he didnt ask for it , so i didnt give it to him

                            So, picking a race/job combination that you enjoy playing is considered selfish? If this was the case, every tank would go Galka, every dps would go Mithra, and ALL casters would be Tarus. We would all be in a melting pot society.
                            you obviously enjoy grasping at straws dont you. hi , you can play anything you want up to the point where it does not cause any inconvenience to the other players. once you are gimped to the point where you are at best an inconvenience and at worse a danger to other players thats when you have crossed the line and will be disciplined (in game : not getting invites to PTs). that is the foundation upon which modern society is built on. how about defending against the other points which i brought up instead of misinterpreting basic human rights?

                            How about you take the same advice and crawl back to your hole? I don't see you offering any advice or anything helpful. Oh yea, don't sub rdm, that really helps. In the time you spent to write a rebuttal for every one of my points, you could have spent it doing something more productive, like actually answering his questions? Guess not.
                            again not subbing red mage ever is the best advice. heres a question for you , have you subbed redmage before? do you know what advantages it confers as a subjob for a melee compared to the other two caster jobs?

                            If you do , and can say that its anything but the worst idea since styrofoam wind chimes then you are an idiot. again some reading comprehension will help


                            I was planning on becoming a DRG/WAR as a Galka...but one day i played my brother's RDM and it was so fun. I still want to be a Dragoon as my main job but will the RedMage for my sub be effective since i am a Galka?

                            Thankyou for any help
                            simple question = Will Redmage for my sub be effective since i am a galka?

                            simple answer = no, never sub redmage

                            so instead of padding your replies with nonsense and propaganda in some desperate attempt to look clever and experienced why dont you take the time to develope some reading and comprehension skills?

                            PS: I think you do know that redmage as a sub sucks, yet instead of having the courtesy of giving a short succinct answer you chose a meandering tirade of semi useless dogma. pompous windbag


                            • #15
                              Everybody thankyou so much for all of your help!

                              ....I didnt mean to start a big argument though....

