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Would You Sacrifice Stats For Looks?

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  • Would You Sacrifice Stats For Looks?

    As I approach Lvl 30, choices must be made. I been hoarding my cash for this lvl as their are 2 viable armour sets. The first being Centurion's Armour, while the latter being RSE. Now RSE looks like newbie armour except its in a different colour. Centurion's armour looks like a chain scalemail.

    Now I'm contemplating which route to get. Centurion's armour looks cooler, has more defense (guess its not really useful for us). On the other hand, RSE adds quite a bit of HP, lots of Dex (depending on piece). To what extent would you sacrifice Stats for looks? I could mismatch for the best combination, but I would look horrific. Any insights?

  • #2
    Function over fashion. If it's a big difference.

    Sometimes I sacrifice 2 dex so I can wear my full suit of RSE w/ my purple lance. Of course, as a mithra I have 63 dex anyways.
    63 dragoon , 31 white mage, 30 warrior, 13 monk, 10 samurai, 5 thief.

    Proud to be Timeless / Lunarian / Ancient!
    Shadowlords Behind sufficently Kicked!
    Wyvern: Jessie the Cute


    • #3
      I'm gonna have to go with function over fashion, too.
      San d'Oria Rank 9
      Zilart Mission 13 complete
      Maat: 0/7


      • #4
        I will never wear an ugly helmet. Refuse to wear ugly armor, too. Stats don't matter when the clothes look ugly, to me. A little mismatched I can live with for good stats, but if the stuff looks *bad,* no way. Looks are always above stats, for me.

        Hell, I chose my class based primarily on looks. A lot of the classes had abilities I liked, so I checked out the Artifact Armor pictures, and decided Dragoon looked coolest, so I went Dragoon.
        Koyasha, Paladin, Red Mage, White Mage...
        Future Grandmaster Everything,
        Twilight Star of Isil`Elenuial


        • #5
          Function over form works for me, but my rse offers not much in the way of items I like. I'll get the +3 dex/str gloves, but I doubt much else.

          Oh, and who would go for function over form...WHEN IT COMES TO SUBLIGAR!!
          Cry more n00b!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            I'd say function as well. This is realated car racing I saw a video of a super charged mini van beat a civic :dead: the mini van looked like crap of course but it still won the race. My point is the looks dont really matter when you are out performing a supposedly "better looking" (therefore some ppl interpret as better overall) character, but function will always win over looks


            • #7
              Hey, i have the perfect example of this. I'm doing taru drg as a second main (blm is my first, bst 3rd). There is a subligar (bastokan sub. i think) that gives +5 attack at lvl 24. WOW this is great for a taru, or any other race for that matter. Thing is, tarus look really wierd in them. I'll still wear it with pride though, +5 attack is great. It's 40k though, blah.


              • #8
                Function over form, except when it comes to AF armor. When I get my full AF set, I'll be wearing them practically all the time, relying on the other slots for ACC/DEX boosts.
                I still do not have Barblind.


                • #9
                  How about both at the same time, you can always find a good armor sett for your lvl, i used to wear chain with leaping boots, and it looked fine, even my RSE with leapin boots looked fine. But i sure as hell wont walk around in some ugly ass crap becuase it gikves me +2 dex or +5 attack, i can get those stats back other places if need be, oh and Chicken armor is FUGLY, WEAR lvl 24 chain, it has like 4 less DEF than chicken crap.


                  • #10
                    As long as it's not horribly ugly, go ahead and go with it. I tend to mix and match with my stats vs. looks. However, I like the idea of looking unique vs. being decked out in a full mail of something. If the boost given by the armor piece is just that good, I take function.

                    For example, the other day I had to choose between Centurion Scale Mail (body; 23 Def. and +1 Vit) vs. Centurion's visor (23 Def). I already had Brass Scale Mail (21 Def), yet I'd thrown away my head piece (Bonehead something or others). Even tho I'd look fine with just the body, I chose to go with function and get the visor. It didn't look terribly great, but with 1/5 of my previous defense value added (100+ the 23 for the visor), I decided that the def. was much better.
                    34 WAR, 11 RNG, 18 MNK, 13 WHM, 31 SAM, 10 NIN, 63 DRG, 15 PLD, 11 THF, 25 RDM

                    Rank 6
                    Genkai 1 hated and completed ^_^
                    Genkai 2 feared and completed ^_^
                    Genkai 3 annoyed but completed ^_^
                    Genkai 4 still on to-do list

                    AF1 series completed! Shouts go out to Kuno, MysticAery, Animasoul and everyone else that's helped! Thank you all! ^^

                    Re: DRK vs. DRG:
                    "all peeps play diffrent. and equip diffent. and thers no way of solving it other than srtipping naked."


                    • #11
                      What I notice a lot of high level (post-AF) dragoons doing is parading around in AF in Jeuno, but switching to something else when in actual combat.

                      Personally, I think dragoons get the short end of the stick when it comes to cool looking armor. We get the worst looking armor out of all the melee classes until AF IMHO. PLDs and DRKs get up to plate. SAMs and NINs get up to chain (why in the world do NIN get chain, when DRG don't?!?!?!), plus all those gi type armors. DRGs are stuck with leather and scale


                      • #12
                        I would mostly go with stats unless the armour was seriously horrible.
                        I was buying some armour a while back and realised that a subligar had EXACTLY the same defense as the official legs of the set of armour but was almost half price.
                        I remember laughing about the stupidity of the people who would ever choose the more expensive legs and bought them.
                        I tried them on... to realise it made me go half naked and I ran back to the AH to get the proper legs for twice the price.

                        Damn you UGLY subligar!


                        • #13
                          Once I hit 30, my DRG will be using Mercenary Captains gear that my THF uses. Since I'm subbing THF, all thoes DEX bonuses will help when I get sneak. Besides, with a good PLD tank all the time(my bro) I hardly ever get hit.
                          Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                          BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                          Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                          Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


                          • #14
                            You do know that dex has no effect on sneak when you sub thf right? All it is, is a guaranteed crit.


                            • #15
                              also, a question to the higher lvls. Feral/Tiger armor, or JSE? I can't help but notice the feral/tiger has 5-6 att a piece, and the JSE doesnt have really any stat that boosts our damage. So curious what you guys use.

