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  • Names?

    I know this has been done, but the main topic is about who you talk to to give your wyvern a custom name, the sub topic is just about what you picked from the list...

    Like I said, who do I talk to? I'm guessing Chaval, or whatever his name is but I'm not sure what I'd name her if anything. I chose Cerulean off the list, veyr fitting I'd say. A friend actually chose Duke. >_> Maybe I'll pay him to change it.

  • #2
    Hah. I got Cerulean also. I've been wondering where to change the name myself, I'd like to see the complete list of names that it can be changed to. I wonder if I have to pay in advance to see the list, like those damn bards and the titles I can take..

    I don't see the point of the list, myself. I mean, why not let people type in their own names. Admittedly, at first I thought it made sense in order to prevent stupid names, then I, uh, saw the list, with names like Duke, Rover, George.... It definitely isn't to prevent stupid names.
    Koyasha, Paladin, Red Mage, White Mage...
    Future Grandmaster Everything,
    Twilight Star of Isil`Elenuial


    • #3
      Those names are fine, I'm glad you couldn't name them yourself. I'm sure the japanese have no problems with names, but the english players sure do.

      I wouldn't wanna see Safersephiroth walking around with a wyvern named Safersephirothswyvern or something else stupid. I wish there was some way to make name rescrictions tougher.


      • #4
        You have a broad definition of 'fine'. But yeah, it could be a lot worse.

        Still, we're talking about naming a dragon here. You'd think they could avoid dumbass names like 'Rover' or 'George'. "Hi, I'm George, the Dragon." :confused:
        Koyasha, Paladin, Red Mage, White Mage...
        Future Grandmaster Everything,
        Twilight Star of Isil`Elenuial


        • #5
          Cost 10K to change the name from what i read from the site, kind of costy.
          54 Drg, 30 Mnk, 25 War, 24 Whm, 11 Rdm, 10 Sam, 10 Rng , 10 Thf, Bard 10, 6 Bst , 5 Blm

          - AF1 done! (Drg)
          - AF2 done! (Drg)
          - Rank 5
          - Genkie 1, 2 done!


          • #6
            That we know, but where?

            I'm kind of attached to the name Cerulean now... I debated whether or not to name it Jaws from James Bond so I could say, "His names is Jaws... he kills people."

            And nobody is forcing you to choose Rover or George (Hey my real name is George, you wanna fight about it?).

            A friend (Diacus) chose Duke... and Linxer chose one I can't remember... I'm not too good at coming up with names, and I've decided my Wyvern is a female. I bet Doomer chose Raiden... what a dork...

            I'll find out where to change the name, since it seems nobody else knows.


            • #7
              The person to change the wyvern name is in Norg. She's an old elvaan woman hiding behind a pillar near the auction house area, to the left.

              It costed me 9800 gil. There's about 4 pages of names, the first page is the original list you got to choose from when getting the wyvern, and the other three are entirely new names. Most notable were Baron, Spike, and Muffin. lol

              I chose Gizmo.

              edit: You have to have Dragoon as your main job to be able to talk to her.


              • #8
                So its still not entirely customizable? I guess thats a good thing...

                I didn't really plan on changing it though.


                • #9
                  I personally like the name "Nanaja"


                  • #10
                    I named mine Lumiere and I'm content with that for now @@


                    • #11
                      Can anyone post the two lists of names? One for the original list and another for the one you have to pay for.


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Last night i went to Norg, paid the 9800 for name change, then played lucky roll and won 10k right away and a fire cluster i sold for 2.5 k, not a bad trip. Made me feel better after blowing money on a name change.


                          • #14
                            I chose Azure.. I'm quite content with it, yet I'd have liked to have had custom names (and I mean entirely custom). ^_^ You're right though, that would start a spree of very bad dragon names. :sweat:
                            Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
                            Zilart, CoP completed
                            Vrtra downed.

                            San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
                            FFXI journal


                            • #15
                              I choose Buster. Why you may ask? Simple. IM a laid back guy who would rather see a stupid but less seen name (not overly stupid) like Buster than be the 237658.... person to choose Raiden. In my 43 (30 warrior 13 Dragoon) net levels ive only heard of 1 other buster on my server.
                              3 Star General of the GHLA
                              Ground Hog Liberation Army

                              Free Ipods, just cancel your offer as soon as it accepted!!!

