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Class/subclass question

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  • Class/subclass question

    I should start by saying I'm currently a 12 warrior planning on a Dragoon/Warrior build.

    I was just confused as to how I would go about doing this. When I get to level 30 and do the dragoon quest, can i make that dragoon my main class and the warrior my second? I don't want to lose 30 levels from my warrior.

    Also, when I make the dragoon, do I keep all of my skill points? Like sword, axe, shield skills and the like.

    And when you have dragoon as primary, do you get weapon skills and warrior strength from the secondary?

    Any clarification would be helpful. XD

  • #2
    First off you wont lose the WAR lvls, but they wont appear until you have the right Main DRG lvl. Second, yes the combat skill points remain but you have to level up to be able to use them all. So if you have 100 Polearm you might get 10-15 at lvl 1, not all at once.

    Warrior TP Warrior WS


    • #3
      What do you mean the WAR levels won't appear until the right level?


      • #4
        Your SubJob will always be half of the level of your main job (if you level the sub job up enough)


        you have a 60 dragoon and a 45 warrior, you will be a 60drg/30war

        At level 10 of your dragoon, your warrior will be level 5 (10drg/5war)

        At level 20 of drag, you will be (20drg/10war)


        • #5
          Ok cool thanks...and just for some further clarification, your warrior subjob adds to your dragoon stats or something?


          • #6
            Yes subbing war will give better melee stats.

            Also as a Drg you will gain the war job abilities, a Drg/war at lv 10/5+ can taunt, a 30/15+ can beserk, etc.

            However you can't use the subjobs 2hr ability.
            Galka Cor 75/Rng 37 Bst 75/Nin 37 Blm 75/Whm 38
            Taru Rdm 61 / Blm 41 *retired*
            Mithra - Rdm 53, Pld 45, Blm 38, War 23, whm 36 *retired*


            • #7
              Ah I see. Ok thanks

